
MHA: Energy Nexus

Reborn in the world of MHA and awakening the Energy Nexus Quirk, Leo thought he could lead a stable life as a low-key hero rather than aiming to become the strongest. But as he spends more time in this world, he realizes how naive his thoughts were. His peaceful life seems impossible to maintain, even before graduating.

x_Dabi_x · Anime und Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 2

The next morning was a weekend, so after waking up and freshening up, I went outside to start focusing on developing my quirk. I was eager to put into practice the theoretical ideas I had from yesterday. The entire morning was spent experimenting with different types of energy, combining them to create more powerful moves, and testing their effects.

After a productive morning, I had lunch and took a short rest before diving back into quirk development in the afternoon. This routine continued for the next ten months. During this period, I pushed the boundaries of my quirk to new extremes. My control over various forms of energy became more sophisticated and versatile.

I tinkered with energy manipulation, exploring its possibilities with a mix of curiosity and fascination. I discovered the art of combining different energy types to create powerful effects, like crafting a laser attack through the fusion of light, thermal, and kinetic energy. Alongside this, I developed a railgun ability, blending electric, kinetic, and magnetic energy, all while maintaining a relaxed and laid-back approach. Furthermore, I explored the subtleties of true invisibility, manipulating light energy to render myself unseen, all with a touch of casual experimentation. Despite my relaxed demeanor, I made strides in auxiliary applications, devising radars and sonars from select energy sources, adding a touch of professionalism to my endeavors.

These advancements allowed me to perform complex feats and improve my combat abilities. Mornings were dedicated to school, while evenings were reserved for quirk development. On weekends, I would relax in the morning, basking in the sun, and resume my quirk training in the evenings.

After ten months of rigorous quirk development, the day of the U.A. Entrance Exam finally arrived. I woke up early, freshened up, and had a hearty breakfast to fuel myself for the day ahead. Deciding to take public transport for a change, I walked to the subway and embarked on a 40-minute ride to U.A. High School. As the train sped through the city, I felt a mix of excitement and anticipation.

Arriving at my destination, I stood in front of the majestic gates of U.A. High School, the place where I would spend the next three years training to become a hero. The school grounds were teeming with students, all eager to prove themselves. As I walked towards the main building, I couldn't help but notice the whispers and glances directed my way.

"Woah, look, isn't that the guy from the sludge villain incident?" one teenager whispered.

"Yeah, it's him. I heard he held off the villain until All Might arrived and even saved those boys. All Might praised him," another responded.

I smiled warily at the attention. "Well, there goes my plan to stay low-key," I thought. "If I can't avoid the spotlight, I might as well embrace it."

(A/N: As If I will let you be low-key with such a powerful quirk.)

With a confident smile, I continued walking forward, making my way to the auditorium where the briefing for the practical exam would take place. Inside, the room buzzed with excitement and nervous energy as students settled into their seats.

With everyone seated, Pro Hero Present Mic, a teacher at U.A. High School, climbed onto the stage. "Welcome to today's live performance! Everybody say hey!!" he exclaimed energetically. However, the auditorium fell into an awkward silence. Unfazed, Present Mic continued, "Well, that's cool, my examinee listeners. I am here to present the guidelines for your practical exam. Are you ready?"

Another silence followed, but Present Mic shouted, "Yeaaahhh!!" He continued, "This is how the test will go, my listeners. You will be experiencing a ten-minute long mock cityscape maneuver. Bring along whatever you want, and after this, each of you will head to your assigned testing locations. Okay?!?"

The auditorium buzzed with murmurs as students discussed what they had heard. Present Mic resumed, "Each site will be filled with three kinds of fake robotic villains. Your job is to use your quirks to disable these robots, which will earn you points. Of course, you cannot play antihero and attack others."

Suddenly, a voice interrupted him. It was a tall teenager with glasses, standing up confidently. "Excuse me, but there appears to be four types of robots listed in the handout. Such a blatant error, if it is one, is highly unbecoming of U.A."

He then turned back, pointing towards someone. "And you, the one with the curly green hair. You have been muttering this whole time, and it's quite distracting. If this is some sort of game to you, then please leave immediately." Laughter erupted in the auditorium, drawing everyone's attention to the green-haired boy.

Present Mic, unfazed, responded, "Alright, nice catch, examinee 7111. Thanks. But the fourth type gives you zero points. It's more like an obstacle you need to overcome. There is one in each site, a gimmick that will rampage around in close quarters."

Hearing this, the glasses-wearing boy nodded, "Thank you, sir. I apologize for the interruption."

With Present Mic's final words echoing through the auditorium—"That's all from me folks. Ill leave you guys with our school motto - PLUS ULTRA!! Break a leg."—everyone began to leave the auditorium. Boys and girls headed to their respective changing rooms to don their gear. For me, it was a simple training suit. After suiting up, I exited the school building and saw buses lined up, each representing a different training ground. I found my bus number and got in. Inside the bus, I spotted two familiar figures: Bakugo and Midoriya.

Walking towards them, I greeted, "Yo. Remember me? I couldn't introduce myself that day. I'm Leo."

Midoriya looked at me and replied, "I am Izuku Midoriya."

Bakugo glanced away and muttered, "Katsuki Bakugo."

I nodded and took a seat near them. Soon, the buses were full, and they drove towards their respective training grounds. When our bus stopped, we exited and saw the sheer scale of the training ground—it looked almost like a city, devoid of any life. Someone nearby remarked, "It's like a city, and they have a bunch of these training grounds. U.A. really is something else."

As everyone was looking around, we heard Present Mic's voice booming over the loudspeakers, "And Begin! What are you all waiting for? The test started the moment you set foot here. Run!! Run!!! Being a hero doesn't have a countdown."

Hearing Present Mic's announcement, I was the first to react. Swiftly, I converted the stockpile of Origin Energy into Bio Energy, infusing my body with its empowering properties. In the past ten months of development, I had discovered the potency of bio energy—a comprehensive boost in strength, speed, senses, and reaction time, far surpassing the benefits of kinetic energy alone. I had perfected the art of combining bursts of kinetic energy with bio energy for optimal effectiveness.

As my eyes began to glow slightly, I darted onto the training ground, catching everyone off guard with my sudden burst of speed and agility. Employing a mix of sound energy waves and electromagnetic waves, I quickly fashioned a radar, effortlessly pinpointing the scattered robots dotting the field. Zeroing in with precision and finesse, I set my sights on the initial cluster of one-point robots.

Rushing towards the nearest robot, I unleashed a shockwave, obliterating it in an instant. Then, harnessing electromagnetic energy, I levitated the remnants of the destroyed robot and propelled them towards the remaining targets. Infusing the debris with kinetic and thermal energy, they transformed into flaming projectiles, striking their cores with pinpoint accuracy. In mere moments, the robots were incapacitated, their lights extinguished.

By the time the other contestants entered the field, I had already secured a significant lead, holding a commanding fifteen-point advantage. Undeterred, I swiftly activated the radar mode once more, honing in on my next target with unwavering focus. With my sights set on maintaining my momentum and dominance in the exam, I prepared to execute my next move decisively.

As the time dwindled, I maintained my impressive performance, effortlessly dismantling robots with a blend of stylish maneuvers. Whether it was melting them with laser blasts, pulverizing them with shockwaves, or short-circuiting their circuits with bursts of electric energy, I kept the action lively. Amidst the chaos, I also found time to lend a hand to fellow students who were in perilous situations, ensuring everyone's safety as I moved through the training ground.

As I maneuvered across the training ground, my radar picked up a robot zeroing in on a student. Reacting swiftly, I rushed to intercept, delivering a powerful kick to the robot's head, launching it into a dramatic spin through the air. As the debris settled, I found myself standing beside Midoriya, who appeared slightly shaken but otherwise unhurt. After a brief reassurance, I left him to handle the remainder of the exam solo, confident in his abilities.

As time passed, Present Mic's announcement rang out, indicating that there were only six minutes and two seconds left in the exam. Undeterred, I pressed forward, dismantling a few more robots and providing assistance to fellow contestants whenever possible. When I finally reached the apex of the tallest building, I paused to catch my breath and survey the training ground below. Realizing my significant lead, I made the choice to ease up, leaving some robots for my peers to contend with.

But just when I thought things couldn't get any more exciting, a massive robot emerged from the ground below, signaling the arrival of the fearsome 0-pointer. With a grin, I readied myself for the ultimate challenge, eager to see what this formidable opponent had in store.

With a grin, I leaped off the building, relishing the rush of adrenaline as I free-fell towards the ground. "Woooooh!!" I couldn't help but shout, feeling the exhilaration of the moment. Despite the shocked reactions from everyone, I remained confident in my abilities. Just before hitting the ground, I activated my quirk, manipulating the gravitational energy around me to reverse, causing me to float. With a burst of kinetic energy, I propelled myself forward, soaring through the air towards the looming 0-pointer.

As I neared the robot, I spotted Midoriya among the contestants trying to flee. However, he halted in his tracks when he heard a distress call and noticed a girl trapped in the debris created by the 0-pointer's movements. Without a moment's hesitation, Midoriya leaped into action, charging towards the robot with unwavering determination. I observed as he infused his clenched fist with a surge of Bio Energy, the force tearing through his sleeves. With a resounding cry of "SMAASH!!", he unleashed a mighty blow that sent the 0-pointer crashing to the ground disabling it.

Taking advantage of the opening, I dashed toward the girl trapped in the rubble, lifting her to safety as the debris from the fallen robot threatened to rain down. With her securely in my arms, I quickly shifted my focus to Midoriya, who was falling towards the ground. I gently set the girl down and soared upward, intercepting Midoriya mid-air.

"Cool quirk, dude," I remarked, noting the similarities to All Might's abilities. Midoriya tensed at the comparison, but I reassured him with a laugh. "It's all right, I'll keep it a secret. Besides, I might be the only one who knows that your quirk might be related to All Might. But man, you look beat up. Let me help you."

With his puzzled expression, I set him down and took hold of his injured hand. Activating my quirk, I channeled Bio Energy into his body, the vibrant energy visibly healing his broken arm and legs. "There, good as new," I declared with a smile.

As I finished healing Midoriya, another hero arrived—a familiar figure known as the Youthful Heroine, Recovery Girl. She was the backbone of U.A., making it possible for the school to host such intense exams. She smiled warmly at me and said, "You have quite a unique quirk, child. Maybe once you graduate, you'll put me out of business."

I chuckled at her comment. "Thank you for the compliment, Miss."

She then turned to the rest of the students. "Is anyone else hurt?" she asked, quickly attending to those with minor injuries. Her presence was reassuring, and soon the area was filled with relieved sighs as she healed the remaining students.

With that, this year's U.A. Entrance Exam came to an end. The remaining robots were deactivated, and the testing grounds began to clear. I helped Midoriya to his feet, and we slowly walked towards the exit.

As I walked with Midoriya to the bus, I said, "You did pretty well."

Midoriya couldn't help but smile warily, a little tearfully, and said, "But, I scored 0 points. I don't even know if I will pass."

I smiled knowingly and replied, "You still haven't figured it out yet, have you?"

Midoriya looked at me doubtfully. "Figure what out?"

"That's up to you," I said. "But I'll give you a clue. Since you want to be a hero, fighting villains isn't the sole job of a hero. There's another crucial job too. You'll have to figure it out yourself, but I can tell you this: because you did that job, you'll definitely pass fair and square."

Midoriya seemed puzzled, trying to process what I had said. He then asked, "How did you know my quirk is related to All Might? And why are you so sure of it?"

I chuckled and explained, "Well, that's because of my quirk. You know my quirk is called Energy Nexus. It's a type of energy manipulation quirk. Because of it, I can sense all kinds of energy. When you activated your quirk, I felt a very familiar energy signature. It was the same one I felt from All Might when I came into contact with him after the sludge incident. That's why I said your quirk is similar to All Might's. But don't worry, I'll keep it a secret."

Midoriya started muttering again, "Energy manipulation? Does that mean he can control any type of energy? If so, can he absorb it or convert it into another form? It's a pretty versatile quirk. But what is its limitation, considering everything has a form of energy? Doesn't that mean he is invincible?" 

Seeing this, I couldn't help but laugh. I shook him gently and asked, "Hey, Midoriya! You still here?"

Feeling the shake, Midoriya came back to his senses and quickly covered his mouth, apologizing, "Umm... Sorry about that."

I just laughed and said, "It doesn't matter. Besides, it's a pretty good talent. Just by hearing the name of a quirk, you can guess almost all the possible characteristics of it. Not everyone has that ability. I'd say you should feel proud of it."

Midoriya was surprised and said, "You really think so?"

I nodded in response. We continued walking towards the bus when someone called from behind, "Hey, guys! Wait up!"

I stopped and turned back, seeing it was the girl Midoriya and I had saved. I responded, "Oh, Gravity Girl. How are you doing? I hope you weren't injured in the midst of our stunt."

She laughed and said, "I am not Gravity Girl. My name is Ochako Uraraka. And no, I was not injured. I just wanted to say thank you for saving me back there."

I smiled and replied, "It's a small thing. I'm Leo, by the way, and this is Izuku Midoriya. I guess we might be classmates then."

I looked at Midoriya and saw that he was frozen and blushing a little. Seeing this, I face-palmed and said, "Well, let's continue and ignore my friend here. He's quite shy."

Uraraka chuckled as Midoriya snapped back to his senses, protesting, "Hey, I am not shy."

I retorted, "Oh really? Then who was the one to freeze with shyness just now?"

Midoriya wanted to argue back, but he couldn't find the words, causing Uraraka to laugh softly. With this, the three of us walked towards the bus together.

The bus took everyone back to the U.A. main building. After arriving, we headed to the training ground to change back into our casual clothes. Once we were ready, I met up with Midoriya and Uraraka outside the U.A. gate.

We exchanged our contact information, and I said, "It was great meeting you both today. Let's keep in touch."

Midoriya nodded enthusiastically, "Definitely! I look forward to seeing you guys again."

Uraraka smiled warmly, "Yeah, let's help each other out."

As the sun set, casting a warm glow over everything, I began my walk home, feeling satisfied with my performance and the new friendships I had made. The future at U.A. seemed promising, and I couldn't wait to see what lay ahead.

[Third Person POV]

In the U.A. Control Room, the teachers were intently watching the replay of the entrance exam. The screens prominently displayed one contestant: Leo. His battles, including his fight with the slime villain ten months ago, were being reviewed. Among the observers was All Might, his attention focused on the young contender. Beside him, a small creature that resembled a combination of a mouse, a bear, and a dog with a large scar over his right eye, watched the videos keenly.

"Say, All Might," the small beast, Principal Nezu, began, "did you come here just for this boy? After all, you did come in contact with him a few months back."

On another screen, detailed information about Leo was displayed:

Name: Leo

Age: 15 years

Quirk: Unknown/Unnamed (A variant of energy manipulation)

Nezu continued, "An unknown quirk. Isn't it interesting? Because of which I had to run a background check on him, and it is quite clean. Grew up as an orphan, awakened his quirk at the age of four, got adopted by a hero couple around the age of six. When he turned thirteen, they encountered that man's group with a few other heroes and ended up sacrificing themselves to cover for retreat."

This information made All Might clench his fists, clearly understanding who "that man" referred to. Nezu continued, "Other than the one time he fought against the slime villain, he never fought before, but he has that innate calmness when facing enemies. It was like this during the slime incident, and it was like that today when facing the robots. He never panicked."

Hearing this, All Might said, "Say, Principal Nezu, are you doubting his information?"

Nezu replied, "Not quite. After all, everyone has their own secrets, and I already deeply investigated him the day he fought against that slime villain. So I can say he has no problems."

All Might nodded, "Since you say so, I am relieved." He glanced at the scoreboard, where Leo firmly held the top position with 149 villain points and 251 rescue points.

Nezu glanced at the scoreboard and added, "Looks like we have quite a talented bunch of students this year."

Hearing this, All Might asked, "Are you talking about this year's recommended students?"

Nezu responded, "Yes. The son of the No. 2 Hero, Endeavor, and the daughter of the Yaoyorozu family are among the recommended students. Additionally, the students selected from this exam who show great promise. I can confidently say this year's hero class might be the best batch we've had in years."

All Might nodded. "Yes, I'm looking forward to seeing how these young heroes will develop and grow."

Nezu then started switching to other contestants on the screen. Present Mic chimed in, "Excluding Leo, we have two interesting students. In second place, there's Katsuki Bakugo with 77 villain points and 0 rescue points. The robots were itching to capture him, and during the second half, while other contestants were slowing down, he just kept going at it. Man, he is one tough cookie. And on the other end of the spectrum, we have Izuku Midoriya with 0 villain points and 60 rescue points. I've seen many students face off against the 0-pointer, but it's been a while since I've seen someone actually take it down. This kid just makes me wanna go YEAHH!!!"

Another teacher added, "Yes, it's true, Mic, but as you've seen, he was considerably damaged by his own quirk. Without a recovery-type hero for support, he'd probably be bedridden for a while with that damage."

Another teacher agreed, "Yes, almost like a child catching the first glimpse of their quirk."

Yet another teacher continued, "Well, he is a strange one indeed. He looks like a failure in every other way."

Present Mic retorted, "Who cares about details! I like him. He just makes me wanna go YEAHH!!"

A fatigued-looking teacher, who appeared as if he could fall asleep any second, said, "Jeez, what a racket."

The teachers continued reviewing the footage of all the contestants, making occasional comments and observations. They evaluated each student's performance and discussed their potential for this year's hero course and support course.

As the discussions wrapped up, Nezu looked at the finalized list of students for the hero course and concluded, "I guess I was right. This year's students are truly exceptional. With our guidance and training, they have great potential to become remarkable heroes."

All Might and the other teachers nodded in agreement, feeling a renewed sense of optimism for the future hero graduates from U.A. High School.

[First Person POV]

Back in Leo's side, after finally reaching home, I tossed my bag aside and beelined straight into the bathroom to freshen up. A warm shower washed away the fatigue of the day, leaving me feeling rejuvenated. Once refreshed, I returned to my room and tidied up before heading to the kitchen to whip up a satisfying meal. As the aroma of food filled the air, I couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. After dinner, I retreated to my bedroom, ready to sink into a well-deserved rest.

With a contented sigh, I settled into bed, feeling grateful for the day's adventures and the opportunities that lay ahead. As I drifted off to sleep, I couldn't help but feel excited for the journey that awaited me at U.A. High School, knowing that each day would bring new challenges, friendships, and growth. The future is full of promise and potential, and I was ready to face it with determination and enthusiasm.

And there you go, Second chapter. I hope you guys are ok with my writing style.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Finally Have a great day.

x_Dabi_xcreators' thoughts