
MHA: Energy Nexus

Reborn in the world of MHA and awakening the Energy Nexus Quirk, Leo thought he could lead a stable life as a low-key hero rather than aiming to become the strongest. But as he spends more time in this world, he realizes how naive his thoughts were. His peaceful life seems impossible to maintain, even before graduating.

x_Dabi_x · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 1

In a small villa somewhere in Tokyo, the early morning tranquility was shattered by the sharp ring of an alarm clock. Inside a minimalist bedroom, a quilt-covered bed began to shake, and a hand emerged from beneath the covers, reaching for the desk.

On the desk lay a pencil. As the hand touched the pencil, it suddenly gained momentum and shot forward like a bullet. Its target: the alarm clock. The pencil struck with precision, completely destroying the clock before continuing its path. It finally struck a metal plate mounted on the wall, which bore many similar markings, indicating this was not the first time this had happened.

After this, the tranquility was restored. A few minutes went by, and the covers shook again. This time, a pair of hands and a head popped up. The owner of these hands and head was a silver-haired young man. With a yawn, the young man slowly got up and sat on the bed.

[First Person POV]

After being in a daze for a few seconds, I looked at the scattered parts on the floor and said, "Man, I did it again. I really can't help it—even after traveling to this world, I still hate getting up in the morning." I got up, made the bed, and then headed to the bathroom.

After freshening up, I looked in the mirror. The reflection showed a silver-haired boy with red eyes, perfectly matching my handsome face. Standing at 2.01 meters tall, I couldn't help but think, No matter how many times I see my current self, I can't help but say, damn, I am handsome.

"Oh, I completely forgot to introduce myself. My name is Leo. As for how I ended up with this name in Tokyo, well, ask my late adoptive parents. I am what you guys can call a reincarnator. As for how it happened, let's just say one moment I was an adult, and the next moment poof I am a baby at the door of an orphanage.

At first, I thought it might be a normal world. It took me a while, maybe 2 years, until I could read and write. It was then I realized that this world is anything but normal. The first terms I came to know were heroes and villains, and man, I almost shat myself thinking that I am in the OPM world where people can erase cities with one punch. But after a while, I realized there are no cosmic-level entities here, and heroes are more like a profession. And the power system of this world was called "quirks."

Hearing this term felt a little familiar, but I couldn't understand where or how. Until I saw a buffed man on TV with a unique golden hairstyle and is always smiling. Yes, it was All Might. And I realized I was in the MHA world. Oh, and here is the funny part: other than a few famous characters like All Might, Deku, a.k.a Izuku Midoriya the spinach head, and the short-fused Katsuki Bakugo, or the grown-up baby Tomura Shigaraki or All-For-One, I have 0 clue about this world and its plot. And let's say I was depressed for a while due to that. But I got over it after a few years.

In that few years, I turned 4 and awakened my quirk, and let's just say it is OP. I awakened a quirk called Energy Nexus or basically energy manipulation. I can absorb, store, redirect, and even convert any forms of energy. Although as a teeny kid who is only 4 years old, I have a limit to the energy I can manipulate. But as I grew older, this quirk also became stronger without me even trying to develop it.

Anyway, after that few years, I was adopted by a couple. And before you ask, yes, they were pro heroes. After adopting me, they named me Leo. And I was quite happy with them until I turned 13. During that year, my adoptive parents encountered a villain and... they died."

I was a little sad for a while, but then I got over it. Anyway, I experienced this kind of loss in my past life, so it was easier in this life. But after their death, I didn't have to live on the streets or anything, considering my adoptive parents transferred their assets to my name. With the pension from the government, I can live a pretty carefree and stable life. Well, that was the dream, but in reality, it's far from it.

You can just go on a walk and encounter a villain robbing a store, or witness a villain and hero fighting. In short, a day with zero villain appearances is like winning the lottery when you have a dark face. And then I thought, hey, since I can't live a carefree and stable life, I might as well become a hero and engage in a few scuffles with villains or have deep discussions with female heroes. With my Quirk at the current level, unless I meet a villain like AFO, I don't have to worry about death. Probably by the time I graduate, I can confidently declare myself invincible in this world, considering I get stronger on a yearly basis without lifting a finger and just lazing around.

Well enough thinking about my life choices. Back to the present. I stared at the mirror for a while, then left the bathroom and headed to the kitchen to have my breakfast. While eating, I thought, "Hah, 15 years went by so fast. Now I am about to graduate from middle school. I guess it's time to choose which high school I should go to."

While pondering over my options, I quickly finished my breakfast and sat on a recliner on the balcony, basking in the morning sunlight. The gentle breeze brushed against my skin, and the distant sounds of the city filled the air. It was a serene moment, perfect for contemplating the future.

But instead of thinking, I just stared into space, relaxing in this peaceful moment. Until an explosion in the city woke me from my reverie. Seeing the smoke billowing in the distance, I smiled bitterly and thought, "And I was about to say what a perfect day."

Shaking my head, I mused, 'Hey, might as well go have a look at which heroes are fighting.' With that decision made, I walked back into the house and quickly dressed up. Then, I started jogging towards the city. After a while, I stopped and said, "I guess that's enough charging."

With that thought, my ruby-like eyes started glowing slightly. Concentrating, I converted all the energy generated from the previous run and applied it to my body. As I did, I felt a surge of power coursing through me. With a burst of speed, I started running at a pace invisible to the naked eye. In a few seconds, I was already at the location of the explosion.

At the location, it was a chaotic scene. A hero and a villain were locked in combat, surrounded by a few other heroes trying to maintain order and prevent civilian casualties. The hero, resembling a tree with a wooden mask only showing his eyes and branch-like hands, clashed against a giant whose face was a bizarre combination of a shark and a horse.

Amidst the chaos, a crowd had gathered, discussing the villain's actions and the ongoing fight. On another side, a group of enthusiastic girls cheered for the hero, Kamui Woods, with cries of "Eek! Get him Kamui!!"

Observing the spectacle, I couldn't help but think, "Man, I really want to just waltz in and fight with the villain." But then I quickly dismissed the idea, realizing, "Forget it. There's no reason to interfere. Besides, I'm too lazy."

As I continued watching the fight unfold, I noticed the familiar figure of Izuku Midoriya, who I personally like to call as the Spinach Head. He approached me with a surprised expression and asked, "Who is fighting him?"

In response, I said, "It's Kamui Woods. A newcomer."

Midoriya's eyes lit up with excitement as he exclaimed, "Kamui Woods?! The most popular young star!"

Hearing this, a passerby chimed in, "Woah kid, you know your stuff. Say, are you a fanboy?" Midoriya, feeling a bit embarrassed, chuckled nervously and replied, "Umm, ha... ha... no."

As the fight reached its climax, Kamui Woods yelled, "Pre-emptive binding: Lacquered Chain Prison!" Almost simultaneously, Izuku also muttered the words, albeit in a lower voice. Kamui Woods raised his hands, and his fingers started extending in different directions, attempting to bind the villain. However, before his move could take effect, another shout rang out, this time more feminine, "Canyon Cannon!" A giant girl suddenly appeared and delivered a powerful dropkick to the villain's face.

The cheering crowd, including the passerby and Midoriya, froze in astonishment at the unexpected turn of events. Soon, the scene was flooded with the flashing lights of paparazzi cameras, as they exclaimed, "It's her!"

The giant girl, now revealed as Mt. Lady, addressed the crowd, saying, "Today is my debut! Pleased to meet you all. You can call me Mt. Lady!"

Observing her impressive figure, I couldn't help but think, "Damn, she's hot! I swear I feel like those reporters are trying to take a picture of her curves."

Following that, Mt. Lady shrunk herself back to her normal size, and the police swiftly arrived, binding the villain and completing the arrest. With the fight concluded, I heard the sound of writing, and I noticed Midoriya jotting down notes while muttering to himself, "Gigantification, huh? It's a common and quite powerful Quirk, but could the threat of public property destruction limit its use? Well, it depends on whether she can manipulate her size at will."

Observing Midoriya's dedication, the passerby exclaimed, "Are you taking notes, kid? I guess you want to be a hero too. Well, good luck." With that, he walked away. Midoriya looked up and replied, "Thanks, I'll try."

I turned to Midoriya and asked, "So, which school are you applying for?" He looked at me and responded, "Oh, well, I applied for U.A. High." Smiling, I said, "Oh. It seems that we might be classmates in the future. Well, good luck!" With that, I began walking back in the direction of my home.

Midoriya replied, "Thanks, you too." I waved back and continued on my way.

After walking away from the crowd, I started jogging again to charge up on energy. After a while, I stopped jogging, converted the energy, and applied it to myself. As my eyes glowed, I felt the surging power in my body, and soon I ran back home at a speed invisible to the naked eye. Seeing the door, I said, "It's good to be back."

I went back to the recliner and sat down to enjoy the sunlight in the cool breeze. While lying there, a thought suddenly struck me, and I quickly opened my eyes. "Damn, I am an idiot. Why do I have to jog to charge up on kinetic energy when I can just absorb light energy and then convert it into kinetic energy? I guess this is why people develop their quirks. I need to do some research too. But before that, I need to go to school."

I headed into the bedroom, opened my wardrobe, and put on my school uniform. After grabbing my bag, I walked onto the street. 'Now, let's try my conjecture. My energy manipulation allows me to convert the form of energy. Let's see if I can absorb light energy and convert it into kinetic energy.'

Then I used my Quirk to absorb the light energy around me. Following my instruction, my eyes glowed, and my body started absorbing the light energy effortlessly. 'So this is how light energy feels like. Now that I think about it, I've never tried to absorb any other forms of energy in the eleven years since I awakened my Quirk.'

As I walked towards school, absorbing the light energy, I stopped after a while, even though I hadn't reached my limit. 'Now comes the hard part: converting the light energy to kinetic energy. Let's see if my guess is right.' Concentrating, I found the conversion was way easier than I thought—it felt almost instinctual. I converted it into kinetic energy effortlessly. The kinetic energy I sensed had no difference from the energy obtained from jogging, except for the quantity, considering light energy is almost endless and can be absorbed without much effort. I once again scolded myself for being an idiot.

As I revised the process of conversion, I noticed something. 'When I converted the light energy, it didn't directly transform into kinetic energy but changed into another form of energy first. What is that energy?'

While continuing to walk, I experimented with converting some of the kinetic energy into that special energy and succeeded. Focusing on it, I realized this energy was completely natureless. I tried converting it into other forms of energy, and it worked, slightly faster than direct conversion. 'How about calling it Origin Energy since I can convert it into any form? From now on, I can store energy in this Origin form so that I can convert it into any other form when necessary.'

Feeling more confident with this new discovery, I continued on my way to school, thinking about how much easier and more efficient my Quirk use would be from now on.

As I continued walking, experimenting with different forms of energy and their possible effects, I suddenly remembered, 'I almost forgot about school. I can experiment after school.' With that thought, I converted the energy into kinetic energy and applied it to myself. I then applied a slight electrical energy to my brain and nervous system to improve my reaction speed before starting to run again. 'Man, why didn't I think about combining this earlier? Now I feel ashamed of the times when I had to stop running because my reaction speed couldn't keep up with my body speed.'

Reaching near the school, I deactivated my Quirk and converted all the energy back into Origin Energy, then began absorbing light energy to stockpile. As I walked towards the school building, I actively converted the light energy into Origin Energy. A thought occurred to me, 'I guess I need to train myself so that I won't have to actively convert the absorbed energy into Origin Energy. I need to make it a subconscious instinct.'

Approaching the school entrance, I felt a sense of anticipation. Not only was I refining my Quirk in new ways, but I also had a whole day ahead to think about how to integrate these discoveries into my everyday life. With a new goal in mind, I entered the school, ready to face whatever the day had in store.

After reaching my class, I sat in my seat, surrounded by the youthful atmosphere of my peers. Glancing around, I realized I was early and soon tuned out the chatter around me. Taking advantage of the free time, I used my Quirk to convert the Origin Energy into electrical energy, speeding up my brain and nerves. As I applied it, everything around me seemed to slow down.

In this accelerated state, I began simulating different possibilities and uses for my Quirk in my mind. 'I guess I never explored my Quirk's potential in this accelerated state because I never thought about it. I usually only use this state to study for exams or during tests. Now that I'm focusing on it, I'm getting a lot of ideas on how to use my Quirk more effectively.'

Time seemed to blur as I delved into the theoretical development of my Quirk. It felt like hours, but I was sure that only a few minutes had passed in real time. As I saw the teacher walking slowly from outside the classroom, I realized it was time to stop. I gradually slowed down the electric flow and finally returned to my normal state, just in time for class to begin. Everything around me returned to normal speed.

The reason I slowed the electric flow before stopping it completely was because quickly exiting this state could be harmful. I had experienced the unpleasant side effects many times in the past, and I definitely did not want to go through that again.

With the first teacher walking in, time went by fairly quickly, and soon it was the last period. Our homeroom teacher came in, stood at the desk, and said, "All right everyone, you all are now third years, and it's time you start thinking seriously about your futures. I would like to hand out these career forms, but I assume you all want to be heroes, right?"

Hearing this, everyone exclaimed and started using their Quirks. Some people grew claws or sharper teeth; fireballs and water balls flew around the room. Some students became muscular from their previously thin forms, while others elongated their hands, necks, or fingers. A variety of Quirks were on display.

The teacher then said, "Yes, yes, you all have many unique and wonderful Quirks. Now put them all away, please. You do know it's against the rules to use Quirks in school." Hearing this, everyone calmed down and put their Quirks away.

Then the teacher remembered something and said, "Speaking of Quirks, Leo, have you finally decided which high school you are going to? After all, you were the topper in the mock exam with full marks." Hearing this, everyone turned their heads towards me. Looking at all their expectant gazes, I took a breath and said, "Sensei, I choose U.A. High School."

Hearing this, everyone gasped and said, "As expected of the best and most popular student in our school." Then someone said, "Isn't the cutoff score about 79 this year? Can he get in?" Hearing this, his neighbor responded, "Say, classmate, were you living in a forest all this while? Didn't you hear what the teacher said? He aced the mock exam with full marks. Even if he didn't choose U.A., they would come looking for him. Not everyone can score full marks on that test. Those who do are elites."

After a while, the chatter quieted down and the teacher said, "Well, okay Leo, I will let the principal know about your choice. After all, you are the first student in this school to get into U.A. Now then, class, even if you all want to be heroes, I will still hand out these forms. If some of you end up failing the hero exams, you all can still choose other careers."

With that, the teacher handed out the forms and explained about other career options and the Quirks suitable for them. I didn't pay much attention to this and just looked out of the window, wondering if my choice was right. Soon the bell rang, marking the end of school for the day, and everyone started talking about their after-school plans. I paid no attention to this and walked out of the class.

While walking to the exit, I remembered, "Wait, I need to shop for groceries. My fridge is almost empty." I started walking towards the grocery shop. After walking for a while, I finally reached the market district. After purchasing the necessary groceries and meat, I paid the bill and walked out.

While walking on the sidewalk, I thought, "I'm quite surprised at the peaceful street. Usually, you can see some villains being chased by police or heroes if I go out for a walk. I could get used to this."

Just as I finished this thought, an explosion sounded nearby. Hearing this, I smiled wryly and thought, "And I was saying the streets were peaceful. I highly doubt if I have a crow's mouth. Anyway, I might as well go watch with the crowd." I headed towards the explosion, my curiosity piqued.

Reaching the location, I squeezed through the crowd and made my way to the front. There, I saw three professional heroes preparing to battle the culprit. The villain was a slimy monster that looked like a large blob, fighting against the three heroes. Inside the slime, I saw a familiar light brown-haired teenager. I thought, "Hmm, he looks so familiar. Wait, isn't that the short-fused bomb? No, precisely Katsuki Bakugo. How did he end up in the hands of that villain? Now I really wish I watched the MHA series when I had the chance."

As I continued watching, I realized that the three heroes were at a disadvantage since they couldn't inflict effective damage on the slime. Seeing this, I thought, "Well, let's help him out. After all, he might be my future classmate." With that, I started moving forward. But I had to stop since Bakugo activated his Quirk, causing a burst of explosions. I thought, "Cool ability. Pretty courageous too. Pity the villain restrains it perfectly."

I walked forward amidst the exclamations and surprises of the onlookers. Then I handed my bag and groceries to a hero and said, "Hold my things, will you?" After patting his shoulder, I walked forward. Seeing this, the hero said, "Hey kid, don't go near there, it's dangerous." I just smiled at him, my eyes glowing slightly. I activated my Quirk and, in the next instant, I was near the villain. Seeing me, the villain waved a tentacle and attacked. As everyone exclaimed and the heroes shouted for me to move away, I just stood there, waiting for the attack to arrive.

As the tentacle attack arrived, I used my Quirk to deflect it back, shattering the tentacle into pieces under the astonished gazes of the crowd. I looked at Bakugo, whose expression was a mix of shock and unwillingness. The slime villain regained its senses and screamed, "YOU BASTARD!!" while launching more whips at me. I just stood there. This time, the tentacles didn't shatter, but I remained uninjured, standing mockingly in front of the slime.

"It seems you're pretty weak. You can't even break my shield. Maybe if you were a little stronger, you might pose a very slight challenge to me," I taunted. Enraged, the slime villain shouted, "Don't underestimate me, brat!" and swung even more tentacles at me, the wind from the swings blowing away debris and flames. I sighed, "Okay, now I'm bored." This time, I shot back a shockwave that shattered all the tentacles. "Time to end this."

Just as I was about to deliver the final blow, I heard a shout from behind, "Get back here, you fool!" I turned to see Midoriya rushing towards the villain. This distraction cost me as the ground below me cracked open, and a torrent of slime erupted, sending me into the air. Tentacles emerged again, attacking me, but my reflective barrier remained intact, shattering the tentacles upon impact. I rushed back down to see Midoriya throwing a book at the villain, hitting it in the eye and causing it to pause.

During this gap, Midoriya rushed towards Bakugo, desperately trying to free him. I smiled, appreciating Midoriya's bravery. Seeing a tentacle about to strike Midoriya, I stepped in front of him and reflected the attack, shattering the tentacle. Bakugo, looking at Midoriya in disbelief, shouted, "Deku! What are you doing here?"

Midoriya responded, "I don't know, Kacchan. My legs just started moving on their own. Maybe because you looked like you needed saving." His words brought a smile to my lips. It's not every day someone rushes towards a villain, knowing they are outmatched, just to save a friend.

I was about to finish the villain when I saw a blonde-haired man rushing out. "Young man, since I chose to intervene, let me do the final attack," he said. It was none other than All Might.

Seeing All Might, the slime villain began trembling, loosening its grip on Bakugo. Seizing the opportunity, I swiftly rushed forward and freed Bakugo. All Might then shouted, "DETROIT... SMAAASH!" and unleashed a powerful punch towards the slime. Amidst the villain's screams, a massive tornado formed, sending the villain skyward and shattering it into numerous smaller pieces. As the tornado ascended and dissipated, small water droplets started to fall. Someone in the crowd remarked, "Rain?" Another person shouted, "No way, that air pressure, the rising air current," and a few people unanimously exclaimed, "He changed the weather with a single punch. As expected of All Might."

All Might stood wobbling, but no one noticed except for me. Feeling too lazy to deal with the aftermath, I laid Bakugo on the ground and walked toward the hero to collect my bag and groceries. "Thank you," I said and began to walk back toward the crowd.

Just as I was about to leave, a voice called from behind, "Young man, wait a minute." A huge hand fell on my shoulder. If I hadn't absorbed some energy, I might have fallen face-first onto the pavement. Turning to see the owner of the hand, I found myself looking up at All Might.

"Umm, am I in some kind of trouble? After all, I don't have a professional hero license," I asked.

All Might laughed heartily. "Of course not. With my guarantee, no one will hold you accountable. What I wanted to ask was if you want to be a hero?"

I replied, "Well, I have planned to apply to U.A. High School. Anyway, I have to be on my way." With that, I walked out of the crowd and headed home.

Back at home, I put all the groceries and meat in the fridge, setting aside some ingredients for dinner. After placing my bag down, I headed to the bathroom for a refreshing shower. Feeling clean and rejuvenated, I changed into comfortable clothes and went to the kitchen to start preparing dinner. As I chopped vegetables and seasoned the meat, my thoughts drifted back to the encounter with the villain and All Might.

'Now that I think about it, it's my first time seeing All Might in real life. He was almost exactly as he appears on TV. Despite his immense power, he wasn't arrogant at all. On the contrary, he was pretty easy-going. But there's something about his body that doesn't seem right. He looks strong, yet there's a fragility to him. When he put his hand on my shoulder, it felt like he was testing my abilities. Somehow, I could sense the energy flow within his body, and it felt... disrupted.

'I have a feeling he's injured, and it's not just any injury; it's something very serious. Given my vague knowledge of this world, it could only be someone like AFO who could inflict such damage on the strongest hero. But then again, it's not something I need to concern myself with right now.'

As I continued to cook, I focused on the familiar motions of slicing and stirring, letting the rhythmic actions calm my mind. The aroma of the food filled the kitchen, grounding me in the present moment and pushing aside the day's extraordinary events. Dinner was coming together nicely, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction.

"At least I can control some things," I muttered to myself with a small smile, setting the table for a quiet meal at home.

Hey Guys. Author here. Thanks for reading the chapter. Besides its my first time writing a book. Also I am writing part-time so updates may not be stable. But at most I will have 2-4 chapters per week.

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Finally Have a great day.

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