
Men-beast bastard

So my idea is simple. Get Sett from LOL and slap him in to one piece. Enjoy

Gaspart · Anime und Comics
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24 Chs


As the lights dimmed and the crowd roared, the promoter leaned back in his chair, a cigar in one hand and a glass of whiskey in the other. He wore a dark suit and tie, slicked-back black hair, and a neatly trimmed beard. His piercing blue eyes scanned the arena, taking in every detail. He was known for his shrewd business acumen and for discovering the best and brightest talents in underground fighting and also runing this arena. His name was Alexander Stone, but to those in the arena, he was known as "The Stone."

He sat in his private box at the arena, his eyes fixed on the upcoming fight. He had heard much about David "The Destroyer" Martinez and was eager to see if the young fighter could live up to the hype.

Stone's eyes were drawn to Martinez as the fighters entered the arena. The young man was imposing, with broad shoulders and rippling muscles. He moved with a confidence and grace that belied his youth, his eyes fixed on his opponent with a fierce intensity.

"Let's hope that this one will be worth my time," he said to himself.

David "The Destroyer" Martinez, the new and coming-up star in the arena, is a tall and muscular man in his late twenties with short, dark hair and piercing blue eyes. He has a prominent jawline and a chiseled physique that is the envy of many other fighters. His tattooed arms are a testament to his time spent training and fighting in various parts of the world. He often wears a menacing scowl that can intimidate his opponents before the fight even begins. Despite his tough exterior, he has a quiet, reflective demeanor and often meditates before his matches.

Promotor was almost convinced to promote this fighter. He has good opinions and is a showman who will attract crowds to watch him. Overall a man worth putting his money on.

"Let's see how he looks in a fight. I hope his opponent will give him room to show his skills" Alexander continued watching the arena when the announcer started his speech.

The lights in the arena dimmed as the sound of a deep growl emanated from the speakers, silencing the excited audience. Suddenly, a spotlight shone on the entrance to the left, and a figure emerged from the darkness. It was Sett, known as "The Beast-Boy Bastard," a young fighter.

The announcer's voice boomed through the arena: "And ladies and gentlemen, the moment you've been waiting for! The first fighter, hailing from the woods of the Grand Line, standing at 1,87m tall, is the half-human half-mink, a true savage in the ring; give it up for the Beast-Boy Bastard, Sett!"

Sett could hear the crowd jeering and taunting him as he walked to the center of the ring. They had come to see David "The Destroyer" Martinez, not some freak like him.

Then, suddenly, the atmosphere changed. The crowd erupted in cheers as a spotlight shone on the entrance to the right. Out walked David "The Destroyer" Martinez, a fighter with a reputation for demolishing his opponents.

The announcer's voice thundered through the arena: "And here he is, ladies and gentlemen, the undefeated David "The Destroyer" Martineeeeez!"

The crowd went wild, cheering and shouting Martinez's name. As he approached the ring, he could see Sett standing there, a determined look in his eyes.

"The man who destroys everything in his path, with an undefeated record of 10 wins and no losses, a favorite of the crowds. David Martinez, The Destroyeeeeer!"

The crowd cheers and roars.

The two fighters stared each other down as the announcer spoke. "Get ready, folks, because tonight we have a fight like no other. Two fighters with something to prove. The half-man, half-mink, Sett "The Beast-Boy Bastard," versus the undefeated David "The Destroyer" Martinez! Who will come out on top?"

As the lights dimmed and the crowd grew louder, Alexander Stone took a long drag from his cigar and a sip from his glass of whiskey. He surveyed the arena, taking in every detail before his gaze fell upon David's opponent, Sett, also known as "The Beast-Boy Bastard." A relative unknown in the arena. But Alexander Stone could see the raw power in Sett's muscles, the determination in his eyes, and the fierce energy that he exuded.

Sett moved with a fluidity and precision that Stone had rarely seen before, circling his prey like a predator, waiting for the right moment to strike.

Stone knew this fighter could take the arena by storm if handled correctly. He made a mental note to keep an eye on Sett. After all, he was always right when finding new talents.

The bell rang, signaling the start of the fight.


Sett arrived at the arena an hour before his fight, determined to give it his all. He knew he was up against a formidable opponent, an up-and-coming star in the fighting circuit.

As he walked into the arena, he felt the excitement and energy of the crowd. He could hear their cheers and jeers as he made his way to the staging area. The arena manager approached him, a sly grin on his face.

"Listen, kid, we need a good show tonight," the manager said, clapping a hand on Sett's shoulder. "This is your big chance to make a name for yourself. I want you to give the crowd a good fight, understand?"

Sett nodded, his jaw clenched. He didn't like how the manager talked to him as if he were just another piece of meat to be thrown into the pit.

"I understand," Sett said, his voice low and menacing.

The manager smirked, clearly pleased with himself. "Good. Your opponent is ready for you. Let's get this show on the road."

Sett took a deep breath and followed the manager to the staging area, where his opponent was already waiting. The man was tall and muscular, with a sneer on his face.

"I hope you're ready to die, kid," the man taunted, cracking his knuckles.

Sett didn't say anything in response. He just stepped into the ring, his eyes fixed on his opponent. The crowd roared as the two fighters circled each other, sizing each other up.

And then the fight began.