
Chapter 24 - Catching the Bad Guys



Sorry for not publishing chapters this month, I've spent the last month Editing and rewriting earlier chapters, even wrote a couple new ones to help the flow of the story)


~Spider-Man POV~

"I'm not in the mood for fun" I say to the tall albino man in front of me.

"Well I am" Tombstone states smirking. "I suppose I'll get my fun from killing you" he shrugs.

"You can try" I reply sending a web at his eyes.

"Ah fucker" Tombstone shouts as the webs meet his eyes.

Approaching tombstone quickly, I lash a kick to his knee which does surprisingly little. I land two punch's to his chest and one to his jaw by the time he rips my webs off his face.

"That was not fun" Tombstone says/whispers. Tombstone then starts to throw a mixture of kicks and punches at me.

I dodge all of them thanks to my reflex's and spider sense. I also land a couple hits of my own mostly on his body as his height makes it mildly annoying to hit his face. I land a solid front kick to his chest which pushes him away and separates the two of us.

Tombstone begins to laugh, "hahaHAHA YOUR BETTER THEN I THOUGHT" Tombstone takes a pair of brass knuckles that have clearly been sharpen out of his jacket and puts them on.

See the brass knuckles I knew this fight was about to get troublesome. "Come on man that's totally cheating" I say waving at the brass knuckles.

"No such thing as cheating" Tombstone reply's before rushing at me.

Tombstone starts to throw various punches at me as soon as he gets within reach, but these are less wild and more contained. I dodge his punch's as I try to get his timing down.

Soon tombstone swings a wild haymaker, seeing this I step closer to him and lay into his chest with a few heavy handed punch's of my own, only to be caught off guard as tombstones other hand lands a quick blow to my side.

I stumble back after receiving the blow to my side, which gives tombstone enough time to get close enough to deliver a right hook to my face. With out enough time to dodge I turn my head with the punch to lesson the damage.

Tombstone the gives me a frontal kick to the chest, which lifts me off my feet and into a couple crates behind me.

"Hurgh, that's gonna leave a mark" I mumble. I slowly stand back up thinking over the last few exchanges.

I got sloppy after besting tombstone slightly earlier in the fight, So I didn't pay attention to my spider sense. 'Come on Peter you got this'

Ignoring the pain in my face and chest, I bolt at tombstone far quicker then before. I hammer a left hook to his face, causing it to snap to the side.

With out slowing down, I strike out with my elbow into his chest causing tombstone to stumble slightly before I grab the back of his face and pull it downwards to meet my knee.

Tombstones face and my knee smash together hard enough that tombstone flops to the ground after I released him. feared I might have killed him for a second.

Until he groans and he back up. "You hit hard Spider" Tombstone says wiping the blood from his nose.

Tombstone lash's out a swiping kick towards my legs, on instinct I jump up to dodge only to spot his other leg flying towards me.

Without time to react I get send flying by the kick, I do manage flip mid air and land safely.

We both stare at each other, without saying anything we rush towards each other and begin to trade blows. I notice the brass knuckles start to be covered in my blood but I pay it no attention to it.

I quickly begin picking up the pace getting frustrated that this dude won't go down. I start to hold back less and less as we continue to land blows on each other, not even bothering to dodge.

My speed and power quickly begins to outclass tombstone. My punches hitting hard enough to smash concrete, I even spot some of my bio-electricity spark on my hands and arms.

Pretty quickly I land a solid hit to tombstones face causing him to stumble. Seeing this I continue my momentum and smash multiple punch's to his chest and face until he's so dazed he can barely stand. Seeing tombstone being barely able to stand I jump up and snap out a fast and powerful kick to his temple rattling his brain and putting him down for the count.

Panting slightly, I take a couple of deep breaths to calm myself down and let go of my frustrations at not being able to take tombstone out faster. Which only makes me notice that I'm and my suit is littered in small cuts and some larger.

"We'll remind me not to get on your badside" I hear a distinctly feminine voice say close by.

"Well behaved yourself and you won't" I reply back.

"Oh but I'm such a naughty girl~ but I've brought you a wonderful gift" Black Cat says.

Turning around I see Black Cat dragging the unconscious body on The Tinkerer on the floor. It doesn't show but underneath my mask I'm actually quite impressed that she got him.

"Well I have to apologise then, as I didn't get you anything" I tell her as it start to web up tombstone in my strongest web solution, which can hold up entire buildings if used right.

"You could always take me out to dinner~" She says skipping over to me while still dragging the Tinkerer.

"Are you asking me out?" I ask confuddled at the moment.

"Am I?" She questions in return.

"Ah whatever, maybe sometime" I tell her gesturing for her to hand over the Tinkerer. To which she does. I web him up and turn back to Black Cat.

"You should probably get out of here" I tell her.

"Your letting me go?" She asks again.

"If you want, think of it as me giving you a head start" I tell her.

"I will~" she says before planting a brief kiss on the cheek of my mask. "Bye-Bye now~" and with that she was gone.

"Sarah call Yuri" I tell my AI, as I inspect my body already seeing most of the cuts and damage healing.

{Calling Detective Yuri}

"Hello Spider-Man?" Yuri answers.

"Hey Yuri, how's it goin?" I ask cheerfully.

"Don't be coy now Spider-Man, what have you got for me?" Yuri questions.

"I've got the Tinkerer and Tombstone, heard of them?" I tell her.

"Of course I've heard of them, I'm not even going to bother to ask how. So where do you need me?" Yuri asks.

"An abandoned warehouse, I'm sending you the location" I tell her.

"Got it" she reply's, "I'll see you in 10" is all I get before he hangs up.

"How rude" I mutter lightly.

~Scene Change~

"Yoo-hoo Yuri! Over here" I shout giving Yuri a wave.

"Urgh" She groans heading my way.

"Hello detective" I greet her.

"Spider-Man, do we really have time for you antics?" She asks.

"Of course, but it's late so I'll let you off tonight" I tell her taking a digital chip from my belt pouch's. "Here this has all the data you need to put away these two goons"

"Thanks Spider-Man" Yuri says taking the chip.

"I've also disabled all the weapons permanently" I tell her.

"Probably for the best" Yuri agrees. "Oh I've got something for you" she takes out a phone and hands it too me.

"That came in the mail yesterday addressed to you" She tells me.

Looking at the phone curiously. "Thanks Yuri" I say. Before studying the phone a little. It's a classic black flip phone, with no contacts or anything.

"See ya around Spidey" Yuri says

"Of course" I reply before going back to the phone, as so as Yuri is out of reach it suddenly begins to ring.


"AHH!" I let out a short high pitched scream in surprise, before calming myself.

Flipping open the phone I see and unknown number is calling, I hesitantly press the green answer button.

"Hello?" I answer/ask.

"Spider-Man, its agent Coulson -

~End of Chapter~
