
Marvel: The Exception

This is the rewritten version of my first marvel fanfic and I hope all of you like it and it will be an Alternate universe from Comics and movies without X- men because I don't want to increase my workload very much but Dc will be also present.

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9 Chs

Chapter 4

Jack entered the Office and saw Winston dealing with some paperwork, so he just walked in front of him and put the bag on the table. Winston glanced at him and said," you are ruining my carpet with your blood."

Jack scoffed and said," I will make sure this didn't happen next time sir but now I am broke as fuck and I will have to go to school tomorrow so please give me my money."

Winston said with a frown," You are really new to this work, Client is yet to pay the bounty because he will first check if work is done or not."

Jack asked," So what should I do till with this head then?"

Winston scoffed and said," threw this head in the dustbin and Give your bank details to Charon and get out of here and never come to me again before it is a life or death situation and never take back heads like this just bring their thumb."

Jack nodded and asked," I have one last favour to ask you."

Winston looked up from his file and said," What do you want?"

Jack asked," Can you keep my identity secret from everyone?"

Winston said," you don't want the high table to know about your presence huh"

Jack nodded and Winston asked," It is the most difficult and risky task to do. If the high table found out about this, they would kill both of us."

Jack said," That's why I come to you and I will owe 2 favours. Maybe I won't give my blood oath to you but I will keep my promise no matter what."

Winston exhaled and said," Come tomorrow this time to collect your money and here I will cut their price from your payment."

Winston gives him 20 coins and Jack takes them without saying anything and leaves the office with the bag and throws the head in the dustbin and goes back to his apartment after booking a room at the hotel with the name of Exception.

Jack arrived at his apartment and till then his leg stopped bleeding and almost healed. He created a bracelet in place of Shusui and threw his gun under his bed.

And directly went to sleep without caring about the uproar he caused in the underworld with the death of Cottonmouth.

All of his subordinates were on move to build their forces to gain control of his empire and wealth. That night was one of the darkest nights in Hell's Kitchen.

Next morning

Jack woke up and got ready for school and went to school on his Harley-Davidson bike. He was enjoying the morning sweet air and reached school where everyone who saw him give a surprising look.

Jack ignored everyone and went to his class where he saw Flash Thompson sitting on his chair making a new girl with silver hair and blue eye bore with his disgusting and pervy smile.

 Jack immediately recognised the girl, she was none other than Felicia Hardy the Black cat.

He also saw that Harry took Peter's seat and MJ is looking at him and Felicia with anger while Felicia had a bored expression on her face.

Jack was not interested in sitting with her but he was not going to get bullied by the likes of Flash and Harry. He walked to his seat and Flash, Flashed an annoying smile and asked," What do you want mosquito, I will sit here from today, choose another seat."

Jack exhaled and picked him up from his collar and throw him on the side with his books and other stuff, everyone in the class looked at them with shock and Flash and his friends were even more shocked.

Flash stands up and comes at Jack with a punch which he dodges and punches him in the gut. Flash kneeled while holding his stomach and Jack said," I don't care about what you two shameless bastards think you are but don't dare to take anything or do anything to what's mine otherwise I don't care even if you are friends with Osborne."

[Felicia's Image here]

Felicia was looking at everything with interest and her eyes were wandering all over Jack's body.

Flash picked up his stuff and went back to his previous seat and Felicia said to Jack," Thanks, he was making my time hell in school."

Jack said," You shouldn't thank me as I was just getting my seat back."

Hearing his blank tone Felicia was surprised to see the first man who is completely immune to her charm and asked," Sorry but I forget my textbook today can you share yours with me?"

Jack didn't say anything and just slid his desk closer to hers and took out the textbook. Soon the teacher arrived and was surprised to see that Jack is also taking today's class but didn't give it that much thought and started teaching.

While she was teaching, Jack asked Felicia," is your homework complete in every subject?"

Felicia nodded and Jack asked," Can you lend me your notebook?"

Felicia writes in his textbook [Which one?]

Jack sighed and said," History, science, math and English."

Felicia looked at him and write [Looks like you want every subject's notebook]

Jack nodded and asked," How many of them can you give me?"

Felicia writes [ all of them]

Jack said with a smirk," Looks like we will be going together to every class."

Felicia smirked and the Teacher saw Jack talking to Felicia and said," Mr Dracary, please get out of the class right now."

Jack smiled and said while going," Return my book at lunchtime."

Felicia nodded and Jack went out of class. After some periods of lunchtime happen and Jack went to his locker while Felicia went to hers after some time, he was going toward the Canteen but on his way, he heard a commotion and walked towards it (Who doesn't like to watch the drama on campus) and saw Flash holding Felicia's hand and his goon of basketball team.

Flash asked," Come on Felicia don't you want to see my practice and cheer me?"

Felicia said with disgust," Go to hell asshole, I won't care even if you die on road"

Flash heard her words and become angry. He increased the force on her wrist Felicia was about to use her strength but suddenly a hand grabbed Flash's hand and soon the sound of bone-crushing came.

Flash immediately released her hand and Felicia turned to look who's hand it was and saw Jack with a frown on his face. Jack said," I told you to stay away from my things and people but I think you never listened."

Flash said with pain," Leave my hand Dracary or we all today make your paste here."

Jack smirked and said," Try it and I promise that all of you won't be able to play basketball ever again."

He released his hand and was about to use force but suddenly vice principal's voice come and he asked," What is happening here?"

Flash said, ``You are lucky this time, bastard."

Jack said," Even after taking my punch you think I am the lucky one."

Flash was about to say something but Felicia pulled Jack from there before the vice principal found out what was happening.


Thanks for reading.😊