
Marvel: Remember(Hiatus, rethinking the idea)

Once was a god, now only a man. Adventures of the man, that lost in the universe that is not his. He lived his life, not knowing about his potential, but everything changes when things get bad. He is not someone that knows the future, but he is someone different at the same time. ---------------------------------------------------------------- As long as I'm concerned there is no fanfics with this kind of setup, I hope this idea sounds good and appealing to readers. I don't want to spoiler things, but the story will start from Nazi Germany. There will be characters from Marvel and Mc will interact with them a lot. The picture is not mine, all credits to original author of the art: [https://www.artstation.com/artwork/QEeZ3]

TacetIrae · Filme
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12 Chs

Chapter 5: I'm free

With nothing holding me back anymore, I was free to move as I pleased, for the first time in a while I could freely move around, truly this was one of the most satisfying experiences. I quickly got used to my body, as it felt odd moving with newfound power after lying on the same spot for a long time.

Never in my conscious life, I had ever been that strong, but what is the cause of my power increase? They gave me some shit that was terribly painful, but the results are truly amazing.

But there are still a lot of questions, if this serum they injected me with were targeted for increasing individual strength, they would never leave me unprotected, so this must be something else.

Well, this things are no matter at the moment, let's get out of this place as fast as possible.

Wait, before all of that, let's try to see how strong I really am.

I walked towards the wall and punched with all of the force I have. Looking at the results there was a fist imprint on the wall.

Damnnn that's hurt.

I looked at my first that was bleeding a bit, but I could see how abrasions healed quite fast.


"Am I a superhuman now?!" I said out aloud

Well, this is for later again. I walked towards the Armour door and tried to open it, but it didn't work. No matter how hard I tried It didn't work. I tried to punch, push and pull but the door remained unmoved.

Huh, it seems that I have no other option other than waiting for someone to open it.

Quite frankly I didn't have to wait for long before someone opened the door. I prepared myself to fight for my life. Those damn bastards tortured me like I was a lab rat they will have to pay for that.

The door opened revealing a scientist that was the one that always liked to observe how I was suffering, so he is doomed for sure.

I jumped on him with all the power I had, with the force that I applied we both slammed into the wall, I could hear a crack that sounded somewhere from the body of the scientist, but I didn't stop.

I started to punch him with all force with my fists.

My breath was rapid, it is first time I ever fought someone like this. And this is scary, really scary. But it is no time to give up or anything like that.

I stopped and looked at the scientist under me and saw a bloody mess instead of the face. There is no sign of his face that pissed me so much. I tried to see if he was alive, but I didn't feel either his breath or heartbeat.

'Sigh' This is bad, this is bad. What if they find out and will kill me?


Stop with that panicking Arthur, you are a man, those f*cking Nazis killed your parents, you did what you had to do. This was necessary to save my own life.


Breath In

Breath out

I'm calm as water, smooth as wind, hard as still and sharp like a blade.

Finally, this is ok. I need to keep on moving, wait maybe he had some weapon.

I quickly searched for anything that I could use a weapon, but found nothing. Ok, fists are my best weapon for now.

I took the Uniform of the Scientist and dressed like him, to at least be less suspicious.

With that I looked outside of the door to the left and right, seeing nobody I walked in random directions creating the least amount of sound possible. Of course not before closing the door to the laboratory where they held me.

I walk around this facility and spotted a man in military uniform. I don't want to fight, let's try to walk past him.

I walked passed him, he looked at me before his eyes narrowed and he tried to pull his gun in my direction.

He shouted "INTRUDER"

Before he could pull his gun I dashed at him, slamming his hand against the floor with full strength.

His limbs became numb and he stopped moving.

Giving out a sigh of relief I took his weapon and put it under my lab coat.

And tried to walk away from the location I'm now.

I could hear how more steps were closing the distance, not taking the risks, I took out the gun and prepared.

Just when the soldiers walked out of the corner I start to fire my gun.


*Sound of bodies falling *

Someone shouted, "He killed, Hans and Nathan, kill him!"

I kept on shooting my gun until I run out of bullets while more and more Nazis were coming from the corner.

When the bullets run out, in the rush of Adrenaline I sprint towards them with my bare hands ready to crush skulls.

None of us realized what was happening, but I knew for sure, that I don't have any allies in this place, so all I need to do is fight anyone in sight. While they do have them, this is quite troublesome for them.

They were clearly not ready for such a move and tried to aim at me, but I didn't care anymore I just jumped on one of them hitting him with my fists and quickly swapped to another.

I delivered kicks and punches left and right with little to no attention to who I was hitting.

This continued for about 10 minutes before I noticed there were not a single man standing beside me.

I looked around only to see bodies covered in blood, with a lot of blood flowing from their mouth. While most were dead since they didn't have any signs of breathing or moving.

Good thing I actually rushed at them first, they were not able to use their guns, because they could hit their allies. While knives were just knives that could not kill me immediately. I had few injuries from them, but it is nothing that I can't endure.

I walked in the long corridors, meeting some panicking scientists and soldiers, none of them was granted mercy, I can not risk my freedom in exchange for the lives of those that I hate and the ones that took away my family and freedom.

I kept on trying to find an exit from this place, but all the doors were either closed or heavily sealed, while others had nothing behind them.

I kept on searching until I saw the biggest door in the facility open. That it! This is the exit!

But what I saw behind me was tens of soldiers, running with their guns ready to fire. So wasting no time, I helped whoever is inside to open the door faster and sneaked into the room.

I pushed the man that was walking outside of the room back inside and sealed it as fast as I possibly could.

With that done I turned around and saw my nightmare dream, the man that brought me here in the first place. This damn Herr Schmidt. without wasting any time I tried to punch him, but before that could happen his pistol was already pointing at me.


I fell to the ground, I felt how something went inside of me, resulting in a lot of pain, but what was the most fatal, it is that it resulted in something more than pain, it is a weakness I felt.

I felt how I was losing the momentum I built until now, basically rushing through enemies, not giving them a chance to react, but here I exposed my back to this damn Nazi.

"Ohoho, who we have here" Started Schmidt in amusement "Isn't our rat from the lab?" He started to laugh, lifted my face with his hand to look me in the eye and said "Arthur Goldmann, the one and only poison testing subject!"

I spat a mouth full of blood right in his face. That caused him to twitch.

I scoffed "F*cking Nazi, I wish you die and burn in hell"

He wiped his face with a sleeve of his Uniform and said in an angry tone "Dirty Jew, I will make sure you suffer as well as your sister!"

This made me mad immediately and I groaned in pain trying to stand up.

But Schmidt didn't want that and I received another bullet.


I fell to the ground once again gasping for air and trying to find a way to gather more strength to stand up and fight.

Schmidt looked at that with amusement and chuckled "Pathetic, isn't it? I can do whatever I wish with you and your sister, and you will be nothing but a doll that I can play with the way I pleased."

"Motherf*cked* I cursed under my breath and tried to stand up, tried to pull the remaining of my power to do my last move.

Suddenly I felt something inside of me.

Something warm and pleasant. It felt like some kind of energy that felt very refreshing, without even thinking twice I tried to spread this feeling all across my body and I felt how power returned.

Before long I felt full of power and now I was able to move. And straight from my lying position, I slammed myself into Schmidt.

That cause him exhale all the oxygen with some blood from his mouth. He tried to punch me on my back, but I didn't give up. I kicked him with my knee into the gut which made him groan in pain.

Before long I felt his limbs become numb and he gave up.

Injuries still hurt, but I can still manage it, I looked around the room to look for the routes to escape, but I saw nothing inside of it.

But a blue glowing box was standing in the middle of the room, it emitted blue majestic colour, that mesmerized me for a second.

I walked closer and closer to the blue glowing cube, before touching it with my bare hands.

With a touch I felt how power spread around myself and I felt Invincible , but only for a second.

Something odd started to happen before long cracks appeared in the space and a space rift formed, sucking me inside, without giving me an option to escape or run away.

Once I regained my consciousness I looked around myself to see where the hell this bloody cube send me. But before long I felt how energy inside of me run out of it capacity and I lost it.

I kissed the ground and closed my eyes.