
Marvel: Remember(Hiatus, rethinking the idea)

Once was a god, now only a man. Adventures of the man, that lost in the universe that is not his. He lived his life, not knowing about his potential, but everything changes when things get bad. He is not someone that knows the future, but he is someone different at the same time. ---------------------------------------------------------------- As long as I'm concerned there is no fanfics with this kind of setup, I hope this idea sounds good and appealing to readers. I don't want to spoiler things, but the story will start from Nazi Germany. There will be characters from Marvel and Mc will interact with them a lot. The picture is not mine, all credits to original author of the art: [https://www.artstation.com/artwork/QEeZ3]

TacetIrae · Filme
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12 Chs

Chapter 10: China

If you like the story support it with your power stone and comment.

Write what you like about the story and what you don't, or if there are some mistakes that I made, please point the out. I'm only a single man and English is clearly not my first language, so I do make mistakes that I can't spot.

Other than this thanks for all positive comments that I received, please enjoy the chapter.


Arthur walked through the gates that led him to one of the lands in China.

As soon as he appeared there his senses were flooded. There were a lot of noises and different kinds of smells, that felt really hard to sustain for him.

He groaned because of that, he wasn't ready to be attacked by the most unexpected enemy that can't be defeated. He held his breath and calmed down.

He stood there for a few minutes to adapt to the things that were going on all around. There is a lot of sounds and things he has already forgotten about during his long stay in the temple.

But after a few minutes of getting used to the things that were around him he opened his eyes and looked around.

What he saw didn't make him happy, there were stains of blood everywhere, destroyed shops and piles of garbage lying around.

*Sigh* Arthur thought 'Just where the hell am I? Why this place is so dirty and why there is a lot of stains or blood? This place doesn't look like there are people living here, maybe something is going around this area?'

Around him, there were a lot of buildings in the Chinese style. Most of them were half destroyed, a lot of them had holes that looked like they were made by bullets from the rifle.

Almost all of the windows were broken and nothing gave even the slightest feeling of someone being there. But somewhere from the distance, a lot of sounds were coming.

People shouting.

Loud and sharp sounds resonated around the area with some periodicity.

Arthur had no idea what was going on, but one thing he could say for sure was sharp and rapid sounds were one of the rifles firing.

He remembered them well from the time his parents were killed. Those kinds of sounds were engraved in his mind at that moment, from there and forever.

He uncovered his stick that could serve as some kind of a weapon, he didn't want to use any Chi abilities that could be seen by the people around. He knew that this kind of art is very rare to be known about, so the only option is to hide them for the time being, while figuring things out.

Arthur walked down the street towards the shouts that were coming from the south.

After a few minutes of walking, he saw something in the distance. There! In the distance, there was a small family that ran from someone that is following them with swords in their hands.

Arthur went from walking to running, almost reaching the speed that would be impossible to reach by normal human beings. By that point in time, he was already much stronger than anyone, but he was limiting himself to blend in.

Right now he saw a family being chased, and somehow his own body started to move on itself. He knew he wanted to help, but even before he could make a decision of helping them, his body did that for him.

He saw how a family went into an alley and disappeared there along with 8 men that were following them.

Arthur followed them shortly.

Once he entered an alley he saw the man that was running away before, was now facing 8 guys that had swords. The man started to fight them, shielding his family away from the people with cold weapons.

Arthur went in at full speed. Making a cool entrance, by making a jumping kick in the face of one of the enemies.

Arthur smiled at the man and his family and inquired "Do you need a hand?"

The man that was shielding his family looked at Arthur as well as the mobs did. He was clearly surprised by the help from the stranger that clearly didn't look like Chinese at all, but he was offering help.

The man replied with a slight smile on his face "I would not mind" he took a stance that highly resembled one of the Chinese martial arts that Arthur knew about.

This is a style called Wing Chun, he learned about it in K'un Lun but found it not suitable for him. He was one of the power types fighters since his strength is much higher than that of a human and fighting for defence using enemy force to deal impact isn't something Arthur is found of.

He can make a much bigger impact by his sheer strength.

Arthur took a stick in his hands and started to swing in like a madman.

Well, at least it looked like he was doing that. But in fact, he was very proficiently taking 6 guys on him, while the. man fought against a single man.

His stick kept on spinning in his hands and hitting enemies in the different areas successfully neutralizing them.

One of the attackers screamed, "Kill him! He is only a man with a stick!"

This caused a smirk to appear on Arthur's face and he replied "Really? Just a stick? What about a spear?"

With that said he launched his stick into the man that said something about the stick.

The stick beautifully and very fast crushed into the man's chest, knocking him down and making him groan in pain while rolling on the floor, holding his chest trying to take a breath.

Other mobs looked at this as their eyes showed fear and their arms started to tremble a bit. They froze, they didn't agree to fight some monk stick master man. (This sounds absurd and I know that.)

Arthur calmly looked into the eyes of the people that tried to fight them and calmly walked through them picking up his stick. None of them dared to move until a single man gathered enough braver and tried to slash Arthur with his sword when his back was exposed.

Without even looking back at the man attacking him, Arthur swung the stick and run it across the man's face, making the man lose some teeth that flew from his mouth along small trails of blood.

The rest of them, that witnessed that quickly dropped their weapons and run away like scared rats. Screaming something about demons wanting to kill them.

Arthur didn't care for them, he turned toward the family that he wanted to help escape and they looked at him.

He walked towards the woman that was holding a small girl. By the looks of it, she was barely 10 years old. But when she looked towards Arthur she didn't show any fear towards him and that made him quite happy.

Arthur searched for something in his pocket, until he found a candy that they made in the Temple with Ming, while also experimenting with medicine.

He brought it in front of the girl and said "Here, do you want candy?"

(Gosh, that sounds soooo wrong, and he won't be blackmailing the girl)

She didn't deny or agree. Her mother whispered to the girl "Take it and say 'thank you, mister'. He helped us today and we need to be grateful to people like him"

The girl nodded and took the candy and shyly said "Thank you, mister"

Arthur replied with a wide smile on his face "Haha, it is alright"

The man stood next to Arthur and thanked Arthur "Thank you, you helped us a lot"

Arthur looked at the man and casually replied "No need, It was right to do." he strengthened his hand for a handshake "I'm Arthur"

Shaking their hands, the man replied "It is pleasure to meet you, Arthur, my name is …..

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

TacetIraecreators' thoughts