
Marvel: My Sign-in System

Leon transmigrated and became a lab rat for Hydra. But he ended up awakening the sign-in system. [Ding, sign-in reward: Glint-Glint Fruit(Pika Pika no Mi).] He starts by destroying the Hydra Base. He accumulated some time and got himself another reward! [Ding! Get the sign-in reward: Sun Breathing Technique.] . . . Posting on SB, Royal Road and ffndotnet as well. . Source: https://wap.falo-o.com/1307634.html

GreekGreenGlass · Filme
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42 Chs

Chapter 24


Info about schedule: I will be uploading all chapters at 2 PM (Greenwich Mean Time) everyday from now on.

I will also upload at least 2 chapters a day. If I'm not busy I will try to upload more.


Join the p@treon if you want additional chapters. (p@treon com/GreekGreenGlass)


Though they were preparing for departure, there was still a lot of work to do.

First, the fragmented images Wanda saw weren't detailed enough to pinpoint the exact location. Fortunately, one image showed the external structure—a lake and a dam. Using her chaos magic, Wanda transmitted the image to Natasha, who sketched it by hand and uploaded it to a database for comparison.

After a long search, they finally found the location: Alkali Lake Industrial Area in Canada.

Natasha turned her laptop toward Wanda, who examined the image carefully. After a moment, Wanda nodded. "This should be the place."

Natasha agreed. "This is a dam. Structurally, it's perfect for a hidden base—isolated from tourists and hard to detect."

At this point, Leon stood up. "I've booked flight tickets for early morning. We leave in three hours."

As he turned around, he noticed that everyone had already changed into their gear, holding black bags that were clearly filled with weapons.

Natasha, noticing the situation, sighed. "Well, getting those through airport security might be tricky. But I know someone who can help smuggle them through."

Leon nodded in agreement, then glanced at the youngest members: Alina, Polina, and Pushkin, who were only eleven years old.

"You three are staying home."

"What? But it's a family trip!" Alina protested, while Polina and Pushkin pouted in disappointment.

Leon walked over to the trio, crouched down, and spoke softly. "Even though you've practiced the breathing method, you're not strong enough yet. We may be facing mutants or trained soldiers."

He gently placed a hand on each of them, adding, "Your time to shine will come, but you need to be patient."

The little ones were definitely not weak. After three years of practicing the breathing method, each could easily defeat fully armed soldiers.

However, it still wasn't enough. They hadn't yet reached the full concentration needed to maintain their techniques in a normal state.

Their proficiency in Armament Haki and Observation Haki was impressive, but the former required substantial physical strength.

Their bodies hadn't fully matured, and despite unlocking some of their potential, they'd struggle against a barrage of bullets—let alone mutants.

The three looked into Leon's gentle eyes, hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded in understanding.

"Then, you have to come back safely. We'll wait for you at home," Alina said, stretching out her little arms to hug Leon. She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

Not to be outdone, the other two quickly followed suit, each giving Leon a kiss.

Leon chuckled warmly and ruffled their hair. "We'll be back soon, and don't forget, you've got the computer at home. I'll send you a video message."

"Okay~~!" they chorused.

With the three little ones waving goodbye, Leon and the others disappeared into the snowy night. Including Leon and Natasha, there were thirteen people in total.

Thankfully, they had a large pickup truck that could fit everyone. The strong young men in the back didn't mind braving the wind and snow as they set off.

Meanwhile, in Canada, at the Alkali Lake Industrial Area, a dark, damp building resembling an air raid shelter held an ominous atmosphere. Inside, an old bald man in a blue suit, wearing a helmet, sat in a wheelchair, panting heavily.

Behind him stood a tall Asian woman in a black leather jacket, helping him remove the helmet. The old man looked utterly exhausted. The woman replaced the helmet with another, this one fitted with thin wires. After completing her task, she nodded to the man standing across from the old man.

The man, dressed in a military uniform, looked pleased. He stared at the old man, who struggled to meet his gaze.

"William..." the old man gasped, his voice weak.

"Oh? Awake now?" William responded, eyeing him like a predator eyeing its prey. "You truly have an incredible power, Professor X."

Professor X tried to focus, pointing weakly at his head. "This device... It's a suppressor, developed to keep me from entering your mind."

William smirked, not impressed. "Not a bad idea. Your ability to create illusions and control others, even for a short time, is certainly dangerous. But that brainwave amplifier you put on... it let your psychic power spread across the globe in an instant. Unfortunately, it only gave you a brief moment of clarity."

Professor X's eyes flicked toward the young man standing next to William. "What have you done to him? He's your son."

William's expression hardened. Professor X already understood much more than William had intended.

"No, Charles, my son is dead!" William shouted, his voice thick with anger. But a moment later, his expression shifted to a cold, twisted smile. "He'll make sure you lose yourself completely. The brainwave amplifier is indeed useful. Once you're fully under its control, you'll return to your school and use your powers to locate every mutant on the planet."

William paused, savoring the cruel irony of his plan. "And then... you'll kill them with your own hands."

With that, he turned away, motioning for the woman to follow him.

"William!" Professor X called out, his voice filled with desperation. But all he got in return was William's cold, indifferent gaze as he left.

"Oh my God... what should I do?" Professor X whispered, staring at the young man in front of him. Despair flashed in his eyes as he realized the gravity of his situation.

Yet, in the recesses of his memory, he saw a glimmer of hope—a vision of a special girl, strong and kind, who might make a difference.

Meanwhile, in Canada, Leon and Natasha had arrived. Their first stop was a black-market dealer, where they bought two smuggled pickup trucks and collected the weapons Natasha had secured through her special channels.

After a quick breakfast, they gathered Sergei and the others, heading toward Lake Alkali.

Snow had fallen heavily across the area, turning the landscape into a winter wonderland, with everything blanketed in silver.