
Martial Universe: Sword Ancestral Symbol

[I have a sword that can separate mountains and seas.] [I have a sword that can decide life and death.] If there is no path I want to take in the world, then I will use the sword in my hand to open a path! This is a story about a sword practitioner walking in the heavens.

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime und Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 13: Imperfect Martial Arts

In the dark spiritual space, the figures of Lin Dong and Xiao Diao slowly appeared, and with the appearance of the two, dozens of light shadows also appeared in the spiritual space shortly after them.

Those were some of the Lin family's martial arts that Lin Dong had learned before. Because Lin Dong had to teach other members of the family martial arts, he had practiced most of the Lin family's martial arts.

Therefore, neither Lin Dong nor Xiao Diao paid any attention to them.

And after those dozen light shadows, a brand new light shadow slowly formed in a wave.

What surprised both the man and the mink was that this light and shadow was much blurrier than before, and they could only barely see the outline of the light and shadow.

After the light and shadow formed, he did not directly practice martial arts as he did in the past, but stood there motionless, as if in deep thought.

After a while, the light and shadow began to move.

I saw the light and shadow put one hand behind his back and raised the other palm in front of his body, and then the Yuan force flowed into his palm through his tendons and veins.

After a moment, Guangying pushed his palm forward, and a huge palm immediately condensed in front of Guangying and slapped forward.

What made Lin Dong and Xiao Diao frown was that the power of this sword palm was not only inferior to what Lin Yunhao had used before, but was also much worse than what was written in the book, not to mention the feeling of the sword energy running rampant!

"Xiao Diao, is there something wrong with this martial arts?"

"Impossible! With that evildoer's arrogance, it is impossible for him to do such a thing. What's more, he is eager for you to become stronger, so that he will have one more opponent to defeat!"

Xiao Diao said firmly. Xiao Diao understood this kind of perverted idea to some extent. After all, his master Diao was also glorious in the past, although he was not as good as that pervert!

Lin Dong's mouth twitched. He knew it was impossible, and it was just a joke. Lin Dong had never seen such a situation before, and he really couldn't understand why the stone talisman suddenly became useless.

"Little Marten, do you think the stone talisman is broken? Or is it that it is unable to perfect this superior martial art?"

Xiao Diao didn't think that the mysterious stone talisman would be broken, and he didn't believe that the stone talisman would not be able to perform even a small eighth-grade martial art. After all, it was this talisman that caused Xiao Diao, who was at the peak of the Death Profound Realm, to suffer death.

But Xiao Diao couldn't explain the current situation.

"The origin of the stone talisman is mysterious, so it is impossible to be damaged, but it is not impossible that it cannot perfect the advanced martial arts!"

After thinking about it, the two still felt that perhaps the grade of the sword palm was too high, so the stone talisman could not be perfected.

Just as Lin Dong and Xiao Diao were guessing, the light and shadow that had just performed the martial arts stood there for a while, and then disappeared.

This made the man and the mink open their eyes wide in shock. What was going on?

Then, when the man and the mink still had astonishment on their faces, the light and shadow appeared again without warning, and it was more solid than before.

After the light and shadow appeared, he used the sword palm again. Although it still could not reach the power that Lin Yunhao had shown before, it was very different from the last time.

Not only was the power of that palm stronger, but even the palm lines in the giant palm were faintly visible. There was also a faint sword intent in it when the sword palm was exerted.

"It seems that this stone talisman is not impossible to perfect, but it takes time to learn and master it."

Lin Dong muttered to himself, but it was good enough to be able to practice it, so that Lin Dong could master it faster.

The trip to the ancient tomb is approaching, so Lin Dong is eager to improve his strength. Although he now has the care of Lin Yunhao, the young patriarch, Lin Dong still prefers to rely on himself.

Lin Dong kept in mind what Lin Yunhao said during the day.

Only what you get through your own efforts is yours; external forces are just external forces after all!

The little mink beside him fell into deep thought.

There are some things Xiao Diao did not tell Lin Dong because they were too far away from him. Now he knows that it will do Lin Dong more harm than good!

Shi Fu had encountered martial arts that were impossible to deduce before, and they all had the same characteristic - the spirit of martial arts!

Lingwuxue and Tianwuxue are both the life's work of a generation of master-level powerful men. They both contain the unique spirit of martial arts created by the creator, which cannot be deduced and perfected by stone talismans.

After all, stone talismans are dead objects, so how can they understand what spirits are? Moreover, the spirits of each martial art are understood differently by everyone.

It's just that Xiao Diao has never seen a situation like this before, but just because he has never seen it doesn't mean he can't guess.

It was this speculation that made Xiao Diao choose to hide the truth from Lin Dong.

The eighth-grade martial arts already has a hint of spirituality! This kind of thing is something Xiao Diao has never heard of!

Can the Eight Ancient Masters do it?

I don't know, but among all the powerful people in the Reincarnation Realm that Xiao Diao knows, none of them can do it!

Not to mention that powerful and sharp sword intent!

If Lin Dong could obtain the ancestral talisman, Xiao Diao believed that Lin Dong had the potential to reach the realm of reincarnation.

This is a horrible thing!

Even many powerful people in the Samsara Realm, even when they have reached the Wheel-Turning Realm, do not think they can break through the Samsara Realm!

The most famous one is the Azure Dragon King Qingzhi. When he was still in the Wheel-Turning Realm, not only others, but even he himself did not think they could reach the current level!

It can be seen how highly Lin Dong is regarded in Xiao Diao's heart!

But compared with Lin Yunhao, Lin Dong seems not worth mentioning!

This kind of pervert will definitely enter the realm of reincarnation as long as he does not die halfway and his character does not change drastically due to some unexpected events!

He is not just an ordinary strong man in the Reincarnation Realm. With his character and perseverance, it is not impossible for him to become the Eighth Master.

Looking at Lin Dong who had been staring at the light, Xiao Diao suddenly chuckled. Perhaps having this goal was not a bad thing for this kid.

"You are a fool who doesn't know how to appreciate the good fortune he has. But trust Master Diao. Master Diao will do his best to help you. When the time comes, try your best to surpass that monster!"

It must be a very happy thing to compete with such a monster!

Lin Dong was unaware of this and continued to concentrate on watching Guangying perform the sword palm. This time, the power was a bit stronger than what Lin Yunhao performed in the hall, but Lin Dong also knew that it was because Lin Yunhao did not use his full strength.

But this time, after the light and shadow dissipated, it took a long time for them to condense again.

Finally, when Lin Dong was almost getting impatient, the light and shadow appeared again, but this time, it was more accurate to say that it was a human figure rather than a light and shadow.

Because of the appearance of the light and shadow, it was surprisingly exactly Lin Yunhao's appearance.

"Lin Yunhao" raised his hand and gently patted Lin Dong.

Lin Dong felt that he had nowhere to escape. The cold sword intent and the sweeping sword energy completely locked onto Lin Dong, making him unable to move.

Facing this palm strike, Lin Dong had only two feelings: the arrogance of having the sword to suppress the world, and the tyranny of having the palm to destroy all living beings!

"Hoo! Hoo!"

After the palm strike, Lin Dong was safe and sound, but the suffocating feeling of facing death was something Lin Dong could never forget.

After taking a few deep breaths, Lin Dong looked at the light and shadow with shining eyes. The power of this sword palm was so strong!