
Martial Universe: Sword Ancestral Symbol

[I have a sword that can separate mountains and seas.] [I have a sword that can decide life and death.] If there is no path I want to take in the world, then I will use the sword in my hand to open a path! This is a story about a sword practitioner walking in the heavens.

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 14: The Body of the Demon

Because of Lin Yunhao's extraordinary strength, Lin Yunhao and his vanguard team arrived in Yancheng much earlier than in the original book!

On this day, Lin Yunhao, who had just made a breakthrough, did not continue to practice in the house, but came to the courtyard to practice sword!


A red and black tiger leaped into the courtyard and growled at Lin Yunhao.

This red and black tiger is Xiao Yan. As for the color change on Xiao Yan's body, it is because he absorbed the blood of the two monsters, the Blood Flame Dragon and the Dark Demon Tiger (black).

After that day, Lin Dong would give Xiao Yan some of the flesh and blood of the two Creation Realm monsters every day. He also told Xiao Yan that the two monsters were given by Lin Yunhao.

Perhaps it was because Lin Yunhao did not hurt Lin Dong, or perhaps it was because of the two monsters, plus Lin Yunhao's extraordinary strength, so Xiao Yan took the initiative to find Lin Yunhao, both to express his gratitude and to get back at him.

A demon beast that had reached the minor perfection of the Yuandan realm was pinned to the ground and unable to move. Xiao Diao could tolerate this, but Xiao Yan could not.

Although Lin Yunhao was surprised by Xiao Yan's arrival, he was not at all opposed to it. On the contrary, he had a good impression of this loyal monster.

Of course, there is another reason. If Lin Dong is loyal to the Lin clan, then Xiao Yan is also from the Lin clan. He is one of Lin Dong's own people and has talent. Lin Yunhao has always liked and been tolerant of him.

So when he has nothing to do, Lin Yunhao will "torture" Xiao Yan, and also ask Wu Tao for the corpses of several Yuandan realm monsters.

Since then, Xiaoyan has come more frequently.

"Hmm? Lin Dong asked me if I would go to the auction?"

Lin Yunhao curled the corner of his mouth. Given Lin Dong's personality, he would not have come to him if there was nothing wrong. Obviously, something was bothering him right now, and the Sky Demon Marten could not provide effective help.

After thinking about it, Lin Yunhao nodded. After sheathing his sword, he pushed open the gate and went out.

I just made a breakthrough and gained some insights in swordsmanship. It is useless to practice in seclusion now. In this case, I might as well go out and relax. M.Ι.

Behind Lin Yunhao, Xiao Yan followed closely for a while. After seeing Lin Yunhao wave his hand, he ran away happily, no one knew where.

A moment later, Lin Yunhao saw Lin Dong waiting for him at the gate of the Lin family. However, what surprised Lin Yunhao was that there was a graceful girl standing next to Lin Dong. For some reason, the girl's face was a bit sickly pale, but she gave people a very lovely feeling.

After seeing Lin Yunhao's eyes fall on the girl beside him, Lin Dong took the initiative to speak.

"Young Patriarch, this is my younger sister Qingtan."


Lin Yunhao nodded indifferently, then said something that made Lin Dong's heart tremble.

"She shouldn't be the bloodline of our Lin clan, right?"

Hearing this, Qingtan's heart trembled, and she tried to shrink herself behind Lin Dong. She was not willing to face Lin Yunhao. This person was a little cold and she was a little scared.

"Hehe, kid, I told you, this evildoer can definitely tell that something is wrong with Qingtan."

Xiao Diao's proud voice also sounded in Lin Dong's body. Xiao Diao had told Lin Dong before to let Qing Tan absorb more Yin Sha Qi, but he forgot to remind Lin Dong that Qing Tan's body of evil spirits could only gradually control the evil spirits in his body after condensing Yin Dan. Otherwise, before that, Qing Tan would often be attacked by the evil spirits, and it might even attack his mind and turn him into a vegetable...

The solution is to find something extremely yin to help Qingtan condense the Yin Dan.

"I don't know if the young patriarch..."

Before Lin Dong finished speaking, Lin Yunhao shook his head.

"I have read through all the books in the clan, and have never seen any record of this extremely pure Yin Sha physique. Naturally, I don't know how to help her condense Yuan Dan."

Although Lin Yunhao knew the original work, he would never think that he knew everything just by relying on the so-called original work.

What if there is a problem? .

Moreover, as a sword cultivator, Lin Yunhao always only believes in himself and the sword in his hand.

Lin Yunhao didn't know whether Qingtan was the so-called evil spirit body. He only knew that his sword told him that the girl in front of him had an extremely pure evil spirit in her body.

After hearing what Lin Yunhao said, Lin Dong actually felt relieved. After all, Lin Yunhao just didn't know Qingtan's method of condensing Yuandan, but he was not unaware of the news about the extremely yin thing. Perhaps there were some other reasons, for example, it turned out that Lin Yunhao also didn't know something!

"I accidentally learned a way to help Qingtan, but it requires something extremely yin, and it must be done as soon as possible!"

"So you went to the auction today just to try your luck?"

After seeing Lin Dong nod, Lin Yunhao spoke again. As for whether there was any extremely yin thing in the Lin clan, Lin Yunhao did not say. All Lin Dong needed was a help and a piece of information, not charity.

 "In that case, let's go."

 After the three of them set out from the Lin family, they headed towards the Wanjin Auction House.

At the beginning, Qingtan was a little shy, mainly because Lin Yunhao gave people a cold and unapproachable feeling. In addition, his strength made Qingtan a little scared and he didn't dare to be too casual.

Later, when the girl found that Lin Yunhao seemed to be easy to get along with and didn't seem to be arrogant, she resumed her girlish nature. She acted coquettishly and cutely to Lin Dong along the way, pestering him to go shopping with her. The journey, which was supposed to be short, took several times longer to reach the Wanjin Auction.

As soon as Lin Yunhao and the other two entered the Wanjin Auction, someone respectfully led them to where Xuan Su was.

After all, who in the entire Yancheng didn't know that Lin Dong had a very good relationship with the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce? And how many people didn't know that Lin Dong was very strong, enough to challenge Yue Shan?

"Brother Lin Dong, you are really like a mysterious dragon that is hard to find. It seems that you only come to me when you need spiritual medicine, right?"

In the study, Xuan Su, who was still handling affairs, joked without raising her head. After finishing the things in her hands, she put down her pen, stood up and stretched, revealing her exquisite and graceful curves.

"Well, this time I came here to ask Sister Su for some information."

Lin Dong gave a dry laugh. Some time ago, Lin Yunhao had warned him not to rely too much on spiritual medicines. Now that Xuan Su said this, it seemed as if he was still relying on spiritual medicines for his cultivation.

Her charming eyes stayed on Lin Yunhao for a while, and Xuan Su's face turned red. She originally thought that Lin Dong was the only one coming, but she didn't expect that he brought other people with him.

And for some reason, when Xuan Su saw Lin Yunhao for the first time, she had a feeling she had never had before. It seemed a bit like what her sister once told her, love at first sight is a lifetime!

Of course Xuan Su was not an ordinary person. She just looked dazed for a moment, then she returned to her previous appearance and said to Lin Dong with a smile.

"Would you like to introduce yourself to me, little brother Lin Dong?"

Lin Dong slapped his head and said apologetically.

"Sorry, I forgot."

"This is the manager of Wanjin Chamber of Commerce, Xuan Su, Sister Su, this is my younger sister Qingtan, and this is..."

When talking about Lin Yunhao, Lin Dong suddenly didn't know what to say. After all, if his identity as the young patriarch of the Lin clan was exposed, it would be bad if it caused trouble for Lin Yunhao.

"Lin Yunhao!"

The indifferent voice made Xuan Su's heart tremble slightly.

"Greetings, Master Lin Yunhao!"