
Martial Universe: Sword Ancestral Symbol

[I have a sword that can separate mountains and seas.] [I have a sword that can decide life and death.] If there is no path I want to take in the world, then I will use the sword in my hand to open a path! This is a story about a sword practitioner walking in the heavens.

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 12: Lin Dong from the inner clan?

After seeing the eighth-grade martial arts book, Lin Dong did not feel much about the remaining ancient book in comparison.

"Green Jade Technique!"

After a quick look, Lin Dong knew what the meridians that had been opened up before were used for.

It was a first-rate martial art that could only be practiced by members of the Lin clan. It was still extremely good. However, compared with the surprise brought by the sword palm, the Green Jade Technique seemed mediocre.

Suddenly, Lin Dong laughed at himself and said with emotion.

"I've never even seen a first-rate technique before, but now I've got one, and I'm actually a little disappointed."

At this moment, Lin Dong finally understood why those people from the inner clan always acted superior to those from the branch clan. After all, the superior martial arts and first-class Technique that the branch clan dreamed of were just within their reach.

Although he understood it, Lin Dong did not agree with this idea at all. Lin Dong felt that the so-called arrogance was not to show off one's strength and nobility in front of the weak or people of humble origins.

Pride should be the self-confidence that is not inferior to others, the tenacity that is unyielding in a hundred battles, and the belief that one will never give up.


 Lin Dong breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, his sense of identity with Lin Yunhao became stronger.

After calming himself down, Lin Dong picked up the token under Xiao Diao's puzzled gaze. He saw the word "Lin" written on it and the Lin clan's emblem on the back.

 "This could be the identity token of the inner clan? I can ask grandpa when the time comes. He should recognize it."

After saying this, Lin Dong did not put it back into the Qiankun bag, but kept the token on his body, planning to ask Lin Zhentian about it tomorrow.

After putting away the token, Lin Dong picked up the long sword and looked at it carefully.

The sword body was fiery red, with the words "red heart" engraved on it. On the sword body, there was a trace of sword intent. The sword also has a strong spirituality, at least much stronger than the spirituality on the Xuanbing Sword and Lihuo Sword in Lin Dong's hands. It should be a good spiritual treasure, but it is unknown what level it was.

"Boy, the origin of this sword is the same as the spiritual treasure in Lin Ke'er's hand. They are both made by that evildoer. The grade is not worse than hers. They are both middle-grade spiritual treasures. However, this sword is the same as the Bingmeng Sword. They are both spiritual treasures suitable for talisman masters."

The little mink was like a worm living in Lin Dong's body. It spoke at the right time to tell Lin Dong the message of this spiritual treasure.

"Middle-grade spiritual treasure?"

Lin Dong was somewhat surprised at the preciousness of the sword, and then his mind moved, and he remembered the two jade pieces. They should contain spiritual secret skills, but he didn't know what level they were.

At the same time, Lin Dong also remembered the two spiritual skills that Lin Ke'er had used today. The power of them made Lin Dong very jealous. Although Lin Ke'er did not use the last spiritual secret called "Asking the Sky", Lin Dong could sense it from the accumulated sword power.

It is definitely more powerful than the Transformation Talisman Array!

"Chasing the moon!" "Ask the sky!"

 Lin Dong, who had put away his spiritual treasure, grinned to his ears after seeing the two spiritual secret techniques recorded in the jade piece.

At the same time, Lin Dong and Xiao Diao were becoming more and more shocked by Lin Yunhao's talent.

Is there really anyone who can surpass him?

"Boy, do you want to surpass him?"

 Xiao Diao's bewitching voice rang in Lin Dong's ears, igniting Lin Dong's inner fighting spirit. However...

"Can I really surpass him?"

"Hey, kid, it's definitely impossible for you now, but, hehe..."

Xiao Diao chuckled. Although he admired Lin Yunhao's talent, Xiao Diao didn't think that his talent could surpass Lin Dong who had the ancestral talisman. You know, that was the divine object that created the Eight Ancient Lords!

"But what?"

Under Lin Dong's expectant gaze, Xiao Diao gently uttered two words.

"Ancestor Talisman!"

 Lin Dong frowned, and after thinking for a moment, he decided that if he didn't die in Dahuang County, then he would soar into the sky!

"Boy, don't be so pessimistic. In the past, if you didn't have the strength of the Great Perfection of the Yuandan Realm, Master Diao would never let you go. After all, if you died, Master Diao would not be able to live!"

Seeing Lin Dong's fearless expression, Xiao Diao explained.

"But it's different now. With these few books of the Lin family's secret skills, as long as you don't kill other heirs, no one will be willing to take the risk of offending the Lin family and kill you. Besides, don't you still have Master Diao to protect you?"

Lin Dong was stunned when he heard this, but then he reacted and sighed in his heart that the children from this big family are different.

Lin Dong did not realize that, without realizing it, he had developed a stronger sense of belonging to the Lin clan.

Although Lin Dong would not bully others, it was really good to be protected by the clan and have a powerful force silently helping him behind the scenes!

On the other side, Lin Yunhao returned to the house and passed the detailed news of Lin Dong back to the inner clan, including the process of Lin Dong's battle with Lin Ke'er, and Lin Dong's performance under the pressure of his sword.

Among them, there was also Lin Yunhao's own evaluation of Lin Dong-good talent and understanding, and good character and perseverance!

Lin Yunhao believed that with these words, Lin Mu and other elders who supported him would be able to give an explanation to other clan members, and at the same time they would pay more attention to Lin Dong.

Along with these, of course, Lin Yunhao also gave Lin Dong an inner clan identity token, a martial arts secret book, two spiritual secret skills, and a mid-grade spiritual treasure.

Lin Yunhao chose to take the initiative to tell the elders about this matter. Not only did he show them that he was optimistic about Lin Dong, but he could also eliminate some future troubles. After all, those martial arts secret books, spiritual secret skills, and even spiritual treasures were actually only available to people from the inner clan. There was also a

little bit of a way to prevent Lin Langtian's supporters from taking advantage of the situation, after all, it was annoying to hear a fly in your ear! The reason

why Lin Yunhao chose to act first and then report to the elders was because many elders in the clan were extremely stubborn. If Lin Yunhao discussed it with them, most of them would not agree.

Lin Yunhao knew what level Lin Dong could reach. Although he did not completely believe in the original work, he could test Lin Dong himself. No one in the Lin clan could compare!

Lin Yunhao doesn't want Lin Dong to be the same as in the original novel. The Lin clan in the original novel might as well be called the Yancheng Lin family. Lin Dong only cares about the Yancheng Lin family!

Another point is that Lin Yunhao had a sudden impulse, and it was because of this sudden impulse that Lin Yunhao chose this inappropriate approach.

Lin Yunhao wanted to try whether Lin Dong had the talent for sword cultivation. The final result cannot be said to be unrelated, it can only be said to be destined.

If Lin Dong chooses to take the path of sword cultivation, he can only reincarnate at most in his life, and if he takes the current path, even if he does not know the development of the original work, Lin Dong still has the hope of reincarnation. It can only be said that it is a pity!

Therefore, in the end, Lin Yunhao chose this inappropriate approach, which made Lin Dong have more sense of belonging and respect for the inner clan. Of course, there were some thoughts of stimulating Lin Dong. After all, the current Lin Dong is still too weak!

Thinking of this, Lin Yunhao raised an arc of expectation at the corner of his mouth.

"Son of Tianxuan, I look forward to the day when you let me draw the sword!"