
Make Of: The Crystal Mage

Pa_St · Fantasie
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17 Chs

Chapter 11: The Mysterious Armor

Amara and his companions returned to the academy flush with victory after conquering the Goblin King. Headmaster Zellos met them at the gates.

"Word has already reached us of your astonishing feat!" he proclaimed. "Slaying a C-rank threat on your first mission is no small achievement. You have all passed the exam with flying colors."

After they were dismissed, Amelia gave Amara a friendly punch on the arm. "We make a good team! No test will stand in our way." Berly and Tanya gave rare smiles. Amara grinned back, feeling closer to them than ever after surviving the harrowing battle.

Amara then headed to Professor Lilith's office to ask about the mysterious activation of his armor. She welcomed him in warmly.

"Professor, something strange happened during the mission," Amara began. He described the armor's runes glowing to protect him when he had no mana left. "How could that happen?" he asked.

Lilith took a long sip of tea before responding. "I was wondering if my contingency would manifest. Come, sit." She gestured to a chair.

Amara sat down curiously as Lilith explained. "Very few know this, but I possess a touch of prophetic sight. When you submitted your armor before the exam, I saw strands of possible futures."

She peered at Amara intently. "One thread showed you gravely wounded by a terrible foe, your life hanging by a thread. I know not to interfere with fate's weaving...and yet, I could not stand idle."

Amara listened, rapt. Lilith continued, "I took the precaution of embedding a reserve of my mana in your armor, set to respond if you neared death with no mana of your own. My gift saved your life, it seems."

Amara was stunned. This renowned professor had used her foresight and magic to protect him specifically. He felt humbled.

"Professor, I don't know how to thank you for this kindness," he said earnestly. "You saw potential in me when no others did. I vow to work tirelessly to prove myself worthy."

Lilith smiled and squeezed his shoulder. "You have a great destiny ahead, Amara. Watching it unfold will be thanks enough." Her faith lifted Amara's spirit higher than any praise.

He left her office with a burning drive. Lilith had given him a second chance; he would not waste it. The battle with the Goblin King was just his first brush with death. The road ahead would only grow more perilous. But Amara was ready.

the last chapter was long I hope you didn't expect it to be a r recurring thing ... that is if there is anyone still reading if there is Thank you I appreciate it.

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