
Make Of: The Crystal Mage

Pa_St · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 10 : Friends?

Amara regained consciousness in an unfamiliar room. As his vision cleared, he realized he was in the village chief's quarters in Weston. Glancing out the window, he saw it was morning - he had been unconscious for over six hours after the battle with the Goblin King.

Just then, Amelia rushed into the room. "Amara! You're awake!" she cried, kneeling beside the bed. "Why did you distract the king alone like that? You could have been killed!"

Tears shimmered in her eyes as she took his hand. "But your bravery gave us the chance we needed. If you hadn't drawn its focus, we never could have defeated it. You saved us all, Amara. Thank you."

Amara was taken aback by her intense reaction. He had only done what he could to help the team. After eating a quick meal, the companions prepared to return to the academy.

As they left the village, the townspeople gathered to express their gratitude. A young girl came forward holding a cloth bag. "Here, these are the mana stones those awful goblins dropped," she said shyly. "I collected them for you."

"How kind, thank you my dear," Amelia replied with a smile, taking the bag. With a final wave, the comrades set off down the road.

That evening around the campfire, the group decided to properly get to know one another.

"I suppose I'll start," said Amelia. "I'm the daughter of Duke Evernight - not that noble titles mean much to me. Honestly, I find courtly life dreadfully dull. I'd much rather be out on adventures, making a real difference in the world."

Tanya let out an exaggerated yawn. "Yes, yes, we've all heard about the woes of nobility. You have my deepest sympathies," she said sarcastically.

Amelia shot her an irritated look before continuing. "In any case, I've always had an affinity for lightning magic. But my father insists I keep studying 'ladylike' spells and work on my curtsies. Such a waste of talent if you ask me."

"I know exactly what you mean," Berly chimed in. "My father is Burl the Berserker. You've probably heard of his exploits clearing monsters from these lands. He's always off on quests while I'm forced to study statesmanship to take over the family lands someday."

Berly shook his head ruefully. "I'd much rather be out battling by his side. There's no greater feeling than the heat of combat, steel ringing against claws and scales!" His eyes took on a fiery glow.

"Some of us prefer more...subtle methods," Tanya interjected coolly. She conjured an icy dagger in her palm. "My father is an ambassador in service to the king. He expects me to follow in his footsteps, schmoozing with nobles and manipulating politics."

She closed her hand, dispelling the frozen blade. "But that world of deception and etiquette is stifling. My talents lie in the arcane, as you've all witnessed." She gave Amara a pointed look and he shrank back.

"What about you, Amara?" Amelia asked gently. "What's your story?"

Amara hesitated, then spoke about his childhood dreams of becoming a mage, sparked by meeting the legendary Kain. He told them of the demon attack that made him an orphan, and his struggles to develop his skills without family or resources.

His new comrades listened intently. "Well, it seems fate brought together a band of misfits, all yearning for something our parents won't allow," Amelia said with a wry smile.

"These stones are useless to us, but quite valuable to an enchanter like you," Amelia said, giving the bag of mana stones to Amara. He accepted them gratefully - they would aid his smithing work.

As the others slept, Amara lay awake, puzzled by how his armor had activated its protective runes during the fight. He had exhausted his mana with the Lightning Sparks before taking the heavy blow. So how had the armor used his mana to work? This mystery gnawed at Amara as he eventually drifted off.

At dawn, the comrades packed up and continued their journey back to the academy. Amara was lost in thought, determined to uncover the secret behind his mystical armor.

My co-writer did a good job here.

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