
Mafia Lovers

growing up she never knew what she really wanted to be. living in a broken up family her mother doesn't really know anything about her as she raised her siblings. life is as hard as it can be she live with her stepfather who don't really give a damn about her all he does is talk about how she can never do anything she just graduated high school top of her class and now she's going to college what can she do the future is unknown for her. falling in love is the last thing in her mind but loves comes when you least expect it and falling is as easy as a heartbreak now look at her falling for a men she never thought she would be falling for a man who doesn't even exist in life oh this is what she really thought means like this only exist in movies and now the same man is falling in love with her deeper and deeper everyday.

Luna_Love_9604 · Fantasie
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8 Chs


as Anna was getting in the plane selene said that's the guy that I saved remember the guy from the she whisper that guy who got shot.

Anna said girl you are going crazy that's a poster of Jackson Wang he's like a really hot artists and he's so talented remember I told you that we have an appointment to go to a company


it's his company that we're going to.

come on get in sit down You're going crazy girl you telling me Jackson Wang is the guy who got shot and you save you're crazy but whatever we got to go.

selene said maybe it's not him I mean I was more focus on his body anyway

whatever let's go we have a long flight plus you didn't even let me bring my sandwich what if I go hungry

whatever I'm going to be reading so please don't disturb me I know you are you going to be watching those crazy videos of that party you still got to post it on YouTube right you can go ahead and post and edit your video but me I'm going to be reading so good night

Anna said you for real we are going to be sitting first class do you know how many boys that's going to be next to us and you're going to sleep you are so boring how are we best friend we have nothing in common

whatever go ahead me I'm going to be flirting with those hockey boys right there.

selene of course you are you've never miss an opportunity to make another m*********** life a living hell have you.

but whatever you know I still got to study Plus I have to write another song you have an appointment that you made without telling me first go head flirt while I focus on myself.