
Mafia Lovers

growing up she never knew what she really wanted to be. living in a broken up family her mother doesn't really know anything about her as she raised her siblings. life is as hard as it can be she live with her stepfather who don't really give a damn about her all he does is talk about how she can never do anything she just graduated high school top of her class and now she's going to college what can she do the future is unknown for her. falling in love is the last thing in her mind but loves comes when you least expect it and falling is as easy as a heartbreak now look at her falling for a men she never thought she would be falling for a man who doesn't even exist in life oh this is what she really thought means like this only exist in movies and now the same man is falling in love with her deeper and deeper everyday.

Luna_Love_9604 · Fantasy
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8 Chs


the flight was long and the flight was tired the flight take every energy the girls had in their body the flight was boring for selene but the flight was really fun for Anna as she drink and party with the boys who had 6 or 8 pack in the plane.

as the girls get out of the plane they find Anna Butler waiting outside for her with her name written in the board and Anna scream Mr Kim I didn't know you were coming oh my God.

how have you been, okay meet my best friend Selene she is going to stay with us don't worry I already talk to mommy and daddy they said it's fine with them mom literally raise her so it's fine so is Momo home cuz I thought she was coming too I mean Momo know I was going to be hungry did she by any chance send some spicy rice cake.

Mr Kim laugh and say Miss Anna too much question at once yes she did send you something to eat but let me get your suitcase then we can go to the limo you can eat on our way there by the way hi miss Selene.

Selene slowly said hi Mr Kim I hope my stay with you guys will be as fun and adventurous as Anna has told me about you guys my name is Selene but everybody call me Luna.

they all get in the limo Anna first thing she did is put loud music and Selene grab the food and start eating and Anna said really the first thing you grad is the food you are crazy. Selene said I'm hungry with a full mouth.

Anna and Mr Kim start laughing Mr Kim said enjoy Miss Luna.

when they get to the house Selene said oh my God you literally live in a f****** mansion in Korea you said it was a little villa this is a mansion wait your mom and dad own it and you're talking about you guys are not rich you are rich.

Anna said girl bye this is nothing actually I own it not my mother or father they have another house that they stay at but I got this for my 18th birthday.

yes I know I'm so blessed I also got a car and the limo also come with it but whatever so let me show you to your room don't worry about your suitcase.

Mr Kim can you please bring the suitcases upstairs please. Mr King answered yes Ms Anna I will do it as soon as possible.

Anna showed Selene to her room Selene said this is my room I'll be staying in there by myself yes Anna said wait why are you so happy you're not staying in the same as me Selene said cuz you're loud and I need to study Plus when you start making clothes you put loud music on. Plus b**** you are really messy and I am not going to put up with it so what are we having for dinner.

Anna said really more food what am I going to do with you you eat more than a pig but you still my little piggy Miss Luna. selene said hey stop it you are making fun of me again

whatever I'm going to take a shower cuz I smell funky and you smell funky too Anna you should take a bath okay I'll see you later okay so you can go and order food there are so many food that I want to eat first Korean fry chicken I've literally seen BTS eating it on camera and they loved it so can we order that also Pizza and one more thing fry octopus and black noodles too love you.

Anna said you're welcome Miss Piggy and she ran out of the room....