
Chapter 3- Unexpected situation

"But why she never uploaded a single picture of her? " He thinks. All her account had was the pictures of the person she is in love with. 

It took him the whole day to read her messages, Lee now ready to sleep, but as he closed his eyes all he could think about was her, which was unexpected. He wakes up and again tries to close his eyes, still all he could see was her messages all over his mind, "What is wrong with me? " He thought. I better sleep now or else I will have a headache. 

Next morning, his phone pings and it's her again, "Wish you a very happy and healthy morning. Take good care. " It said. He could feel the warmth of her wish. 

Finally, he decides to text her back, "Good morning and wish you the same. "


Her phone pings, she ignores the message and gets back to what she was doing as she never expected his to reply and was least interest in messages from anyone else. 

An hour passes by, she reaches towards her phone and the notification says "Message from Lee Chan". Her mouth wide open, her eyes amazed, her heart beating like a drum and her hands and legs shaking, " Did I see correct? " Or "Am I dreaming? ". Taking few deep breathes she unlocks her phone and opens the message, It was him, it was really him, " Good morning and wish you the same. " She could heardly believe her eyes. She shouted so loudly that her parents and brother came running to her room worried, "What happened?, Are you hurt? " Her mother asked, Yes, mom I am fine, sorry to scare you it was just a spider. She closes the door and reads the message again and again not believing what she saw. She texts back, "Sorry, I saw your message so late, but is this really you? " Not that I am doubting you but I can't believe my luck, that you replied to my text. ".


Lee's phone pings, he reaches his phone and saw her message and smiled as he read her message. He replied, " Who else could it be replying from my account? " 


She reads the text , happy and nervous all together, replies, "I am glad you reverted back, even after so long. "

Lee texting her back, "I had too, after all you took so much efforts to continue texting me without a fail".

This was the most unexpected situation she could ever imagine, she was way too excited about sharing this with her best friends but she waited till she talked to him for a bit long. 

The texting game started between Neha and Lee. 

Lee too started taking interest in talking to her, they talked for hours and hours for a week. 

One morning, text from Neha, 

Neha: Hello, Good morning. 

How are you today? 

Lee: Good morning, I am fine. 

How are you? 

Neha: I am fine too. 

Lee:  Can I say something? 

Neha: Yes, of course. 

Lee: I was just wondering that, you know how I look, even your account is full of pictures of me, it's been a week we are texting each other but I don't even know how you look like. Can you upload atleast one picture of yours?

After reading this text Neha's heart was beating very fast, her face blushed, "he wants to see me", she smiled. She opened up her gallery and searched for her best Picture. 

At last, she found her picture and uploaded it. On the other hand, Lee waiting desperately to see what she looked like. 

Ping! His notification saying, Neha uploaded a new picture. 

Now his heart beating fast, he clicks to open his Instagram account, picture uploading.... 

She looked pretty, her eyes shining bright, her lips as pink as a lotus, her straight dark brown hairs touching her waist line, she was dressed in a saree(Indian outfit). He could not believe his eyes, "she not only has a good heart but she is also beautiful. ", he thought. 

An unexpected feeling started to spark in Lee's heart, even he could not understand. 

"You look good", he replied, hidding his true feelings. 

Neha, could not stop smiling after reading this, she has never been this happy in her entire life, it was like living in a dream for her. 

Who could even imagine this unexpected situation?