
Chapter -4- What!!!! Is this for real?

Somewhere in between those everyday conversations, Lee found his little happy place. He shared his experiences, happy moments, moments when he was most sacred and everything that Lee never shared with anyone in his life.

"We know a lot about each other now, but I haven't heard her voice yet".he thought. "Should I ask her to talk over call or should I not", this thought ran on his mind repeatedly . Finally he decided to ask her. 

Lee:  Neha, can I ask you something??

Neha:  Yes, you can. 

Lee: Can we talk over call someday, if you're comfortable. 

Neha: I thought you'd never ask. 

Lee:  Text me your number and I'll give you a call whenever you're free. 

Neha: I am always free for you ( she smiled) 

Lee: Happy to know. 

Lee couldn't stop smiling when he read her last text. His feelings for her were getting deeper with each passing day. 

Now that he had her number, he was more than excited to listen to her voice, she too was thrilled. 

Lee dialed her number, tring! Tring! The phone rings, "Annyeoseyo", it was someone speaking in Korean, he was confused, " Did I got the wrong number", he thought. 

"Don't get confused, it's me, Neha this side" She said. 

"You can speak Korean? ", he asked. 

"Well, I couldn't before but I learned it now for you. " She explained

He was touched to the core of his heart, he never imagined her making so much efforts for him.They continued talking for about an hour and were still not ready to hang up. 

As the days past they bacame more close to each other, Neha knew that her love for him was true, not because he was a celebrity but because of the person he was in his real life, but she knew that the feelings were not mutual. She was scared that at the end she might be left alone again . As for Lee, he also fell in love with Neha but he did not realise it.

Now the world was going back to normal as the pandemic was slowing down, everyone went back to their routine life . Neha and Lee too got busy with their work but never for once forgot to text or call each other. 

Soon it was most awaited time of the year everyone waited for, everyone was excited as Christmas was around the corner. Lee was busy with his heavy schedule, sometimes he even forgot to text her back, but she never felt bad because she knew how busy he was. 

It has been two days since they last talked, Neha got a little worried for him, thinking if he's keeping well or not.

It was Christmas morning and was her birthday too so she waited for Lee to call and wish her but he didn't called so she thought to call Lee and wish him for Christmas but when she called his number, it was switched off. Now she got worried sick, there were many thoughts running in her mind, she couldn't concentrate on any work, "Why is his phone off? Is everything all right? Is he sick? , " She thought. 

"Neha, a parcel came in for you. " Her mother called. "What could it be? " Neha thought. 

It was a big box covered in pink wrapping paper. She took it to her room and as she unwrapped it, it was the most beautiful red dress with a pair of black heels, she found a note in the box saying, "Wear this for the party tonight at " Pioneer restaurant " Sharp at 7 p.m, your friend. "

"This is all Tanya's doing I know, she must have planned a surprise birthday party for me, she is such a darling" She thought. She was a little upset as it was her birthday and Lee never called and his phone was off, but she didn't wanted to upset her friends so she dressed up for the party and was ready to leave. 

She reached the restaurant, as she opened the door of the restaurant it was too dark for her to see, suddenly a light music started playing and dim light was focussing on the center table all decorated as a candle light dinner set up., "This can't be Tanya, this is not her style" She thought, when the back door of the restaurant opens up slowly and Lee enters, she was amazed, she couldn't believe what she was seeing in front of her eyes. "What!!!! Is this for real? Is he really here or am I dreaming? " It was him really him, he looked stunning in his tuxedo. Her eyes filled with tears as he slowly approached her, "Happy Birthday, gorgeous. You look beautiful. " He said as he wiped her tears. Now she knew for real that it's not a dream, he is here for real. Her happiness was incomparable at this moment.