
And here it begins

Neha is someone who has been heartbroken once and experienced a bad relationship, maybe this story made her realise the kind of relationship she ever wished for, the kind of love she was craving for. 

The next day her routine life began again, same old office, hours of work and back to home, but she was different. She was happy, carrying a smile on her face, greeting everyone at office. 

Now one thing more was added in her routine life and that was watching kdrama on Netflix every night. That became her happy place. 

On one morning, 

Tring, tring her phone rings, 

Tanya: Good morning babes, wish you a very Happy Birthday. 

Neha: Thank you Tannu. You remembered it? 

Tanya: Of course, babes. How can I ever forget your birthday? So, what's the plan? 

Neha: I am taking half day from work let's have dinner together. 

Tanya: Sounds good to me, I'll inform Shruti as well. 

Neha: Yes sure, see you in the evening then. Bye. 

In the evening all three friends met to celebrate Neha's birthday. 

Shruti: Happy Birthday sweetheart. 

Neha: Thank you my love. 

Tanya: Let's order something. 

Neha: Yes, of course. 

Tanya: So, how was your week?

Shruti: Don't ask, it was one kind of a week. Our company appointed a new manager and he is so hot, I can't just help falling for him. 

Neha: Hahahaha. You are always falling for someone. 

Well, my week was same as always, hours of work, still have to prepare for a presentation for tomorrow. 

Tanya: And how is series on Netflix going? 

Neha: It really is something guys. Watching a new series these days. 

Shruti: See we told you already, no one can scape from its magic. 

Neha:  Okay guys, let's call it a day now, I am tired and have to prepare my presentation as well. 

Another week went by, she was getting deeper and deeper into the main lead " Lee chan".

She was falling in love before she could even realize it. 

And one day it happened, she finished with her previous series and started a new one, My King and here it all began. 

She now realized it that she is not falling for him but she already fell for him. By the end of the series, she was totally into him. 

The next thing she did was creating an Instagram account and started following his Prince Charming. 

She sent her first message, "Hi, good morning. How are you? ".Sent. Received by him, but not seen, because for her it was just him, but for him it was the message of one in millions of fans. She was not upset, as she expected the same. But since then, she texted him without a fail. She wished him every morning, every afternoon, every night according to the Korean timings. She wished him on every occasion. 

Every time she texted, it was ping on his phone, every time it was the same person text. He was too busy on his schedules to check messages. 

This all went on for all most a year, as the time passed by her feelings for him went deeper and deeper.  

It was the time of the year when the pandemic hit every country. Every country was under the attack of this unknown virus. 

It was a complete lockdown at Neha's place as well, no offices, no schools, no work just lockdown and everyone were at their houses. 

This gave Neha a chance to review all the series on Netflix, so she went all the series repeatedly and enjoyed every time. 

On the other hand, Lee Chan, finally got some quality time for himself, as all his schedules were cancelled due to the pandemic. 

One morning, he was lying by his pool, having some snacks and listening to soft music. Sipping some juice his hands reached for his phone on the side table. 

He unlocks his phone and logs in to his Instagram account, scrolling down, checking new feeds, suddenly he opens up his messages which reminds him of messages from a particular account every day from last one year. 

Ping! Another text from her, saying "Good Afternoon, stay healthy , stay safe and always keep smiling 😊. " It was the same account again. 

So, he decided to look into all the messages from this account. 

He saw all her messages and was amazed on her determination of sending messages everyday. All her feelings, day to day routine life, everything was mentioned in those texts. 

He went on reading all the messages and the whole day passed by and it was night, when another text showed up, " Good night love, please be safe, sweet dreams. ", he smiled.