


Welcome back, River-02

/"I’m so sorry. I will tell you everything, I promise./"

/"Sure you will, or I will replace you with someone else. You’re my best friend, River, but I feel like you’re turning into a stranger./"

/"Not here, Journey. Please?/"

/"Okay then. Go ahead and change. Don't worry, I’ll be right here waiting for your long explanation. And you’ll have to pay for the ticket if I can’t refund it./"

/"I will./" Before I entered the toilet, I asked, /"Have you heard from Briar lately?/"

/"I thought you two broke up./" She looked at me with a confused look.

/"We did./"

/"Is it true that he crashed my engagement party?/"

/"Yeah. I’ll explain it later, too./"

I quickly changed into a cheap skirt, blouse, and coat to disguise myself as a flight attendant. Good thing Journey had access to the wardrobe where she worked as a production assistant in one of the film studios in the city.