


Welcome back, River-01


/"What do you mean I’m leaving? Did they catch him? Is he in police custody right now?/" I was torn between celebrating and feeling down at the same time. It would only mean one thing that I wouldn’t get a chance to see Krew again, but he seemed okay with it, though.

I was drenched with sweat while he looked all mighty in his dark blue suit with a crisp white shirt, his hands in his pockets like he was born to bark around. Of course, it was. Who am I kidding? He was the big bad wolf.

/"You’re leaving, and not yet./"

/"Then how could you just throw me out if he's still at large?/" My anger brewed in my blood quicker than I thought. I was throwing him an incinerating stare, fuming with anger while he didn’t seem to give a damn at my outburst. /"Is this because you failed to convince me to accept your offer? And that I didn't fall for your devious plans?/"