
Love Me in the Dark Book 1

Autor: Gia Hunter
Contemporary Romance
Abgeschlossen · 2.2K Ansichten
  • 49 Kaps
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  • NO.200+

What is Love Me in the Dark Book 1

Lesen Sie den Roman Love Me in the Dark Book 1 des Autors Gia Hunter, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.When my ex starts stalking me, I turn to the man I resented for years for help—a rich, attractive, and very private named Krew Selik. At first, I’m just a damsel in distress, and he’s a knight in shin...


When my ex starts stalking me, I turn to the man I resented for years for help—a rich, attractive, and very private named Krew Selik. At first, I’m just a damsel in distress, and he’s a knight in shining suit, but our attractions are undeniably strong. I have grown quickly to him than I’d never been with anyone, breaking me free from my own restraint. I soon find out that he’s not only my knight, he’s been struggling to fight his own demons, haunted by his deepest secrets until I become his light in the dark. When I thought that my life is going in the right direction, everything falls apart. Being with him comes at a price, and some secrets threaten to tear us apart.

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It's her Best friend's burial but she might be late because of the rain. The police said that her friend suicide so she died but her best friend's mother doesn't believe it even her.While their P.E. teacher said that they're going to play a game called Break the Wall, Jelaine is sitting and reading some books.His teacher got mad about that so she want her to play the game first.She doesn't have any choice so she played it.She break them but she knew she didn't do it.It was Xaiver West.He saw Xaiver whispered something.Cause of what happened a girl suddenly pulled her hair and they started to fight.Both of them got to go to detention.They're going to clean and prepare for the upcoming school camp.She,Katie,Kenneth,Xaiver,and Annaya are the one who's going to clean and prepare for the upcoming school camp.But something bad happened.Xaiver lost conscious after she catch Jelaine when she fall from a Monkey Bar.After that Jelaine and Xaiver became closer.Psycho Girl or Katie apologize to Jelaine when Kenneth got mad and says to her that Jelaine climbed the Monkey Bar because she misses her bff Karen...After their school camp its summer so they won't be coming back to school so Jelaine decided to visit their favorite place of her best friend.But not for long she met her best friend.She was really surprised cause she knew Karen was dead for long.She ran away from her cause she got scared.But Karen chased her.When Karen found her hiding in the top of a tree Jelaine fall off and when she opened her eyes she found herself lying in a hospital.She tried to tell her mom but they didn't listen.So she went to an old womans house where she asked for help.Folks said that the old woman is a crazy but some folks says she is a "spiritista" or knows a lot about spirits that are lost.So does this "spiritista" can help Jelaine to help her friend Karen or not?What will happen if it really worked?To find that tap the "Read Now" or "Download" to find out. Message from the author:I know some of my gramars are wrong and also it's Filipino but I used English in my synopsis so you might understand a little bit.I'm not good at writing stories or novels cause I never learned about it.

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Synopsis On abeautiful evening of April 23 1957, In avillage called Tambwe in Rwanda, apregnant woman known as Asteria was standing behind her family's grass thatcher house, watching the breath taking sunset, when two clouds emerged from the hills and formed two humanoids and descended before Asteria The shocked Asteria knelt down as she wasn't sure what was happening. The cloud formed humanoids descendanted Infront of Asteria. as Asteria was looking down, one of the humanoid introduced to her self as "nyina w'igihugu" which means mother of anation. Nyina wi gihugu instructed Asteria to unbend hee head and look at them, When Asteria looked at them, Another humanoid introduced him self as "se w'igihugu". Nyina w'igihugu had a brown stick which she pointed in the sky and abig book appeared. Asteria was told to look into the book and see what the book contains. No matter how much Asteria tried to look at the book, she could not see anything. She was seeing blank page as they opened. Nyina wi gihugu told her not to use her physical eyes but to use the eyes of the heart. After many times of trying, Asteria was able to see the content of the book. The content of the book never left her the same. The humanoid told Asteria that is true. You should never tell any one about what you have seen. We have been sent by athousand hills to reveal this to you. Just like they came, nyina w'igihugu and se w'igihugu everporatee into the sky. What Asteria saw is something that will never leave her the same.

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