
Lord of the Dead Matallost

Dark gods decided that the heroes were too strong and the Lord of the Demons could no longer be able to cope with them ... They called on a man from our world and gave him the ability of necromancer. What will the Lord of the Dead in the New World?

Matalost · Fantasie
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9 Chs

I dead

2017 on Earth.

My name is... It doesn't matter, though. After all, I'm just an ordinary teenager, like millions of them. Everyone has their own characteristics, and I want to tell you about those of me.

Let's start with appearance. Totally unremarkable. What are my differences, though? Well, above-average intelligence. Complete detachment from this world, due to a not very pleasant past. But that's not the point.

I read novels and other cultural treasures, but I always wanted to die and be in another world. I wanted magic and adventure. After all, that's what everyone wants. Everyone dreams of being a hero, saving a princess and gaining universal love and fame. But I didn't dream of being a hero...

I longed to be a villain, to make shenanigans, to wreak havoc, to kill... After all, it's much more fun! And yet, in spite of these desires, I still had my humanity. I didn't want to kill innocents. But to those who were guilty of something, I would be as cruel as possible.

Okay, I'm getting a little off topic here. Anyway, I wanted to go to another world, like in so many novels and games. What else is a loner to do but become an otaku? But the damn truck wouldn't come for me. I guess it didn't want to come to this godforsaken place and break down on the dirt road. And so, my fate would have turned out like millions of other fates - useless and pointless, but..... One day, walking down the street, I saw him. Just like in the anime or manga. The spark, the storm, the madness!!! Horror gripped me as I was walking on the sidewalk away from the road... Is he following someone else? I won't allow it! And I didn't miss my chance. With a speed I had never exhibited before, I found myself on the road, and then under the wheels of our reaper. I felt no pain, it all happened too fast. I was dead.