
Lord of the Dead Matallost

Dark gods decided that the heroes were too strong and the Lord of the Demons could no longer be able to cope with them ... They called on a man from our world and gave him the ability of necromancer. What will the Lord of the Dead in the New World?

Matalost · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Mission Assigned

4679. Triassic.

Same hall, but no shadows. Only two figures stand around a circle drawn on the stone floor. The man with the strong and commanding voice is called Baal. The most powerful demon lord, bestowed with the honor of becoming a god. It seems that his power would be enough to destroy the planet Earth with a spit.

And an enchanting woman by the majestic name of Nemesis. Dark Goddess of passion, lust and adultery, as well as the lord of destruction. The pair were tensely waiting for something.

- Almost there. Our necromancer will be here soon. - Nemesis reported. Baal merely nodded in response. He was never much of a talker.

And then, the air above the circle began to get hazy and murky. A stream of some dark substance poured out of it, and when it stopped, there was a man standing in the center of the circle. He had dark hair and blue-green eyes. His appearance was ordinary, as was his build. But the two people present looked at him as if he were God's providence. Perhaps he was.

- Greetings, Lord of the Dead! - said Baal solemnly.


I found myself in some dark room. When my eyes adjusted to the darkness, a huge, empty room opened up to me. I myself was in the center of a circle drawn on the floor.

Had I really been summoned? And this circle is magical? Thank you very much, truck! Ha ha, as if the phrase was from a children's cartoon. Suddenly my crazy thoughts were interrupted by someone's voice.

- Greetings, Lord of the Dead!

Lord of the Dead? They mean me? I looked at my summoners. One was a man with horns on his head and a body that would make Schwarzenegger cry. A demon, I suppose. You don't want to piss him off. All he needs is a poke at me. I'll be polite and courteous to him. I always do that in front of powerful and influential people. They expect it from those weaker than them. And the look on their previously arrogant faces after being stabbed in the back is magnificent.

When I looked at the other person(?), I couldn't look away. It was a woman. And she was perfect. A beautiful face, like a doll's, but with burning and lively eyes. Her breasts were big enough. Not enormous watermelons or small peaches. A golden mean. A thin waist and slender legs complemented her beautiful, perfect appearance. Now, after such a spectacle, one could die.

Wait a minute, I'm already dead. And I was here. That thought interrupted me from contemplation. And also the murderous look of the man with horns, who did not like that I ignored him. Well, the first impression is ruined.

- Hello," I squeezed out. His pressure made me want to lie down and sleep.

- You were called by us to carry out a mission," the woman said. What a beautiful voice she has.... I almost asked her to say more, but the cuckold's pressure increased.

- What am I supposed to do? - I asked, longing to hear that voice again. Alas, my expectations were not destined to come true.

- You must help the Demon Lord of this world to enslave humanity. You will gain the power of a necromancer. Do what you want, but the Demon Lord must not be killed, and the people must become slaves. And the rest you will sort out on the spot," the demon answered briefly but matter-of-factly.

- And what is my reward? - I asked. I have never done anything for free.

- You could be a god... One of us. And now goodbye, do your mission," the woman said and smiled dazzlingly. At that smile I fell back into the circle. Well, well... It's time to visit the other world!!!