
Living in the past

Autor: Zeton
Martial Arts
Laufend · 103K Ansichten
  • 24 Kaps
  • 4.1
    13 Bewertungen
  • NO.200+

What is Living in the past

Lesen Sie den Roman Living in the past des Autors Zeton, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.This a story of a well known billionare who somehow travels in pastNow that he is in the past, he tries to figure out how did he get here,why did he get here?And not only that but also he has to deal ...


This a story of a well known billionare who somehow travels in past Now that he is in the past, he tries to figure out how did he get here,why did he get here? And not only that but also he has to deal with the same discrimination,torture and bully that he had faced as a child except now he knows what's gonna happen to him So will he be able to endure the same treatment and become billionaire again by starting his own company and shut everyone's mouth again but with a twist.Also figure out how he got here OR He will lose it all and end up destroying everything he has built and not being able to become a billionare again and find out the secret.His life will end up as cheap and will make everyone's insulting assumptions right Not only that he will also have to face through the delinquint stuff,gang wars,family issues, bullying, school life

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A really interesting plot it's a shame for the Writing quality, there are tons of typos and errors, also the punctuation is a mess. The story has lot of potential and a unique plot but you really need to improve the writing quality. Like this it's not entertraining. I would love to read it with an improved English. Work hard Mr. author, you have all the right credentials to write something incredible.


So far, so good, In the first chapters some may be repulsed by a very bizarre way of writting that they wouldn't be used to reading at all but I would recommend to stick around as the author makes fast progress as they write each chapters, of course, there are grammatical mistake but every story has them, the plot progresses at a good space, nor too fast nor too slow, in short, I would recommend you stick around and give this novel a read!


The story plot is really creative, i could really enjoy the way the story was going, but it's a bit confusing sometimes due to some manor grammatical errors. The author is doing well, you have my encouragement. Work hard, and you'll only get better and better.


Very creative! I'm not a big romance type person but the writing stile is very nice. I also love how it starts right away into action and the aspect that the character repeats different timeliness over and over again!


I'll say this, the story is interesting as far as the whole narrative beats and everything but the grammar, sentence structure, and punctuation hold this story back heavily. If the author can clean that up. I think the novel will be even more enjoyable.


Very good story! Gripping intro and very nice flow of conversation. Rameez is a likeable character that I can kinda relate to. The interactions between characters is my favourite part of the novel.


Spoiler enthüllen


Woah......time travel , my all time favourite. I always love a good time travel story . I would love to see how things play out for him . Can't wait for more chapters to be out . You have my support 🤗


The way the author write is kinda unique, using himself as a narrator and describing the situation work. But it's confusing on it's own, the way the author use punctuation is a mess. And too much "tell" that make it bland. But the story was good, the concept of revenge are neatly arranged with nerdy past of mc. Overall, it's decent to read.


This man got skills in writing Brilliant efforts!! The plot of story the characters The emotions The feelings Everything felt soo accurate.! The story is pretty suspenseful which is quite fun to read Love on your work from my side Waiting for the continuation


This book starts off very quickly and that’s a really cool concept. it’s also very cool how the MC goes back in time instead of the normal transmigration. Very creative and unique concept! The world building is great as is the character design. Overall it’s very good though I‘d recommend editing your previous chapters to improve them. (you could maybe try grammerly) Otherwise it’s a very good book! 😊


While the idea behind the story is good, it pains me to say that the poor writing quality makes it unenjoyable. There are too many dialogues, but we have no idea about how the character feels, what they were doing, or what's the situation surrounding them. It lacks proper explanation. This work might be more appropriate as a theater script. Also, as I've mentioned in many of my reviews, proper punctuation is important. Thats what makes a sentence can be easily comprehended. If the author makes no visible improvement in the future, I'm afraid I can't go on reading this. Sorry.


cliche novel y don't u write about something real ok.kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk alllllllllllllllll theeeeeeeeee bestttttttttrrttrrrtrttt


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