
Living in the past

This a story of a well known billionare who somehow travels in past Now that he is in the past, he tries to figure out how did he get here,why did he get here? And not only that but also he has to deal with the same discrimination,torture and bully that he had faced as a child except now he knows what's gonna happen to him So will he be able to endure the same treatment and become billionaire again by starting his own company and shut everyone's mouth again but with a twist.Also figure out how he got here OR He will lose it all and end up destroying everything he has built and not being able to become a billionare again and find out the secret.His life will end up as cheap and will make everyone's insulting assumptions right Not only that he will also have to face through the delinquint stuff,gang wars,family issues, bullying, school life

Zeton · Aktion
Zu wenig Bewertungen
24 Chs

Second day of misery

Rameez starts to tease both of them infront of everyone present their in the hallway. He keeps smocking them about the fact they both lost to someone like him, who is considered to be weak and pathetic. And so which was to happen, eventually


Kutta punches Rameez right in the face, while everybody saw it. The punch it self was enough to throw Rameez right infront of the door of the class next to theirs.He should've stayed silent I guess, Right?



Let's goo!

The yellings and roars emerged through out the hallway as if they were cheering the both sides to continue the fight. You know those kind of people who have nothing but to enrage the fight

"Woah look at that!"

"Yoo! Rameez just got a knuckle in the face"

"To be honest he kinda deserved it for trying to act tough and to mock some like Kutta and kameena"

" Though, did he even win against them in the previous fight?"

" Do you think he did? "

"Explains why the both of them were silent as he mocked them"

Gossips could be heard from everywhere by everyone. Even the contestants could hear them, which motivated Kutta and kameena but on the other hand gave Rameez the stress even more about the fact that now he will be a joke in the school again

"Oh Rameez, what happened? Didn't you defeat us before? What happened now?" Says Kutta

"You deserve it, we were just trying to be friend with you. You should've kept your mouth shut" says kameena

As Kameena is done saying that Kutta walks up to Rameez. He bends down looking at him, reaching his hand towards him

'Sh*t! I didn't even see the punch. I always make things worst.I… I am a joke now, the only chance I had is now wasted-'


"Oh what, does it hurt?"

Kutta grabs Rameez by his hair and pulls it, as everyone sees it

"So did the test tube hurt ,when hit me with it"


As Kutta is pulling of his hair, the whole corridor becomes silent and just watches them, as Rameez screams out of pain

" Hey Taheer get out of the class and see what's going on outside"

"I don't care what's going on outside, their is always a scene each day nothing new. Besides what will happen? Either one of the kids will get beaten or both of them would be injured. I don't like seeing people get hurt. Either way they deserve it"

"But you will like to see who is getting beaten up"

"Why would I? I am sure that kid deserves it. Why do I care?"

"It's that student, Rameez"


Taheer gets out of the class as soon as he heard Rameez's name and starts spectating it from a distance

' Sh*t they are messing with him again, should I help him? But how? Should I call Hafeez? '

"Oh? Show me your face, is it bleeding from my punch?"

'Can't you see blood dripping through my nose?'

"So did I bleed when you threw the test tube on my face. You see this scar on my face? It is because of you"

'Huh I made that scar? That's a huge one'


"Huh? Are you laughing?"


The whole corridor stares at Rameez as he laughs like a maniac

'Rameez? Why is laughing?' Taheer thinks to himself as he laughs at Kutta

"Why the f*ck are you laughing?"


"Shut up!"

"Hahaheh! Sighs*… What a shame, isn't it?"


"You really got a scar because a worthless and pathetic person like me? Isn't it just a shame? Man not even gonna lie, you look damn ugly with that scar on your face. Oh now that I think about it you didn't come to school yesterday because of that scar, right? Did it hurt? Well you deserve it"


After hearing all those bad*ss stuff from Rameez, Kameena can't hear no more about his friend and goes on to kick him in the face. While leaving everyone in shock.

"You motherf*cker! You dare say all those stuff"

Kameena starts kicking Rameez constantly, as everyone sees Rameez is despair, as though they can't really do anything about it.They just stand there in silence and see Kameena kick him until Kutta stops him

" Kameena that's enough, leave him alone "

"But why?"

"Just do as I say"

"…. Fine!"

Right after Kameena let's Rameez go, the teacher walks in. Like where the teacher was when Rameez was getting whooped

"What's going on over here? You damn bastards!"

"Oh nothing sir, we were just talking to Rameez and he tripped over and everyone started laughing at him" Says Kutta

Man Kutta Really thinks the teacher would believe something so stupid as that

"Alright everyone go back to your classes! Damn students"

Okay nevermind!

" Hey you damn student! Hey I am talking to you!"


"Hey Kutta, what the name of this turd on the floor"

" Oh sir his name is Rameez"

"Here damn Rameez stand up"


" Do you hear me?!"

'Huh did he just pass out from Kameena's kick'


Stands up*

'Oh he is fine'

" Sorry sir I will just head to my class"

"Go fast damn student. Everybody else back to your classes"

"So you are still alive?"

Rameez looks to his right to see the huge smirk on Kutta's face

"Take care of your self, okie?"

'Just wait and see what I will do to ya both'

All of the students go back to their classses and Rameez goes and sits back on his seat so does Kutta and kameena. The teacher walks in and everyone greeds the teacher

Time passes by as the teacher teaches and the rumors already start to spread through out the classes


'Did they come to fight Rameez for revenge? No I don't think so, maybe they both have something planned up. Just maybe they both wanted to start some kind of rivalry with him.Maybe that's why they both lost to him. They lost on purpose so now they can start a rivalry. But rivalry with Rameez? Nah! Maybe its something else that they lost to him…Wait let's put it like this. Maybe they know that Rameez works with murda zameer gang and they lost to him and fought with him again so that can trigger murda zameer gang and start a war with them. But how will that trigger them? Maybe they will also do something else to trigger them.But after they start a war with them they would probably team up with Bahir murdar gang and defeat murda zameer'

"Taheer you tell me. What's meant by nucleaus charge?"

"Sir the nuclear charge is the attractive force exerted by nucleus to the elctrons of positive protons and negative elctrons"

"Right answer now sit down"

'What is the case, I will have to say their plan isn't bad, but quite instresting even I can't understand anything' Smirk*

Umm, why is he smiling like that?


The all the periods before the break end and now it's time time for break. So Raza is walking in the corridor and Hafeez comes running towards him and jumps on his back

"Hey it's break let's go to canteen!"

"Why do you always act like a kid?"

"By the way! What did your brother say?"

"I told you it has nothing to do with you"

"And I told you I will find it out"

"Why are you so interested?"

"Because why would a gang like murda zameer approach someone like your brother?"

"Shut up your mouth and mind your own business"

"He didn't tell you anything right"

"Yes he didn't now shut up!"

"Damn bro why so angry"

"Coz you are annoying"

"Bro why don't you ever smile come on you always look like you got treated by your that one uncle if you know what I mean"

"You are cringe"

He definitely is right? But Hafeez again goes on to ask

"Okay now for real, what did he say?"

And with an annoyed look he says

"He didn't say anything"


But he finely decides to

"Fine I will tell you"


The school is now over and Rameez just got out of the school and is walking down on the school ground to leave for his home because obviously he dad won't come to pick him up. Oh! And in case you are wondering then those two Kutta and kameena didn't bully him again throughout the day. They just ignored him

"Hey Rameez where do you think you are going?"

Okay nevermind here they come

"What the f*ck do you need?"

"Oh? Still have that attitude of yours?"

"What do you both want?"

"Nothing we just want to be your friends"


"Well, no reason to be particular"

"Then get lost of my sight"

" Oh yeah, exactly! That's all you can say to us now. What you are gonna say now coz you know that nobody is gonna believe you anymore, right kameena?"

"Yeah exactly. Now you have nothing to do but to endure it, whatever do to you"

'Bi*ches I have been meaning to punch them from the morning but couldn't'

"Just what are you gonna do Rameez? Hit us , fight us? No you can't do sh*t especially infront of these hundreds of student. You wouldn't wanna embarrass your self right "


Right after Kutta says that Rameez throws a punch at his face, but! He blocks the punch with hand and with his knee he kicks Rameez in stamach. Now Rameez who is in pain bends down in pain and Kutta punches him in the face

"What happened now? Can't dodge any punches?"

Yeah after hearing that you know Rameez is fu*cked up. Right after saying that Kutta grabs Rameez's face and slams him on the ground

"Heh! See you later bi*ch!"

And they leave after saying that



"Huh? What?"

"Haha! Look at that idiot. He thought he could fight Kutta"

"For real, he got slammed to the ground"

Rameez looks around to see that everyone is laughing at him for his loss, and the other ones who aren't laughing are just walking away trying to ignore him. He is just sitting there on the ground in pain bleeding while everybody laughs at him

'Ha! Ha! Ha!' Rameez starts breathing aggressively again. You he gets these urges 'I-I just want… W-want to K-kill everyone!"


"Hey look Raza what is going on over there? Isn't that your brother? Why is everyone laughing at him? And he is just sitting there on the ground"

"Huh? I don't know?"

"Hey let's go and look"


'I just want to f*cking kill everyone. A person is right infront of them beaten up and bleeding and they think this is funny?'

Raza walks up to him and stares at his miserable situation. Rameez looks up and his eyes widens

'What? Raza? What is he doing here? Fu*king sh*t! How he must be laughing inside about the fact that I pulled a knife at him and here I am beaten, He doesn't even care about his own brother. I just can't, I just can't do it anymore"

"Hey Rameez!"

Rameez just looks down and asks

"What do you need?"

"Give me your hand and stand up!"


What it is to come in Rameez’s life? Already the bully wasn’t enough that his brother is here too? What will his brother say? Will he mock him too?

Keep reading to find out

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