
Chapter 3: Rescheduled

"Breaking news, Global group BTS has rescheduled their concert in the Philippines due to fans, known as 'sasaeng', knowing their personal schedule and private matters" the reporter said as I've watched their news.

Hearing this, my eyes can't helped but grow bigger. Nooooo!!! I've been saving to meet them for almost three months. But looking at the news, I also felt relieved. Atleast they'll be safe.

I just don't understand why some fans don't know what privacy is. I mean, yes, they're our idols but aleast respect their personal space, they too are human, normal people specifically, the only difference is that they're popular.

"Why are you frowning?" My mom suddenly walked towards me and I just sighed.

"Bts's concert here in Manila got rescheduled because of some fans Ma" I said while fidgeting our sofa's pillow.

"Really? You're savings for almost three months had come to waste then?" She worriedly exclaimed as she had known I was crazy for BTS.

"Of course not Ma, it was just rescheduled, not cancelled. And I got a text from the ticketing department for refund. I'm sure I can also get slot when they announce their final schedule" I hopefully said.

She pat my head lightly and said "Well, I'm also grateful that they rescheduled their concert or else something bad might happen because of those fans". "I'm going out now, tell your brother to cook something for the both of you. Me and your Papa will be back late" then she left.

Honestly speaking, we can really afford to attend a lot of their concerts nor buy a lot of merchandise. But I only want to spend my own money and savings even though my parents wanted to contribute because only spending my own money can get me satisfied.

My phone suddenly lit up telling me I just received a message. I opened it and saw that it was from Beccah, my bestfriend since we were just sperm cells.

'Hey, did you see the news?' Before I could reply another message from her popped out. 'What are we going to do?'

My bestfriend is really not into kpop but I persuaded her to come to the concert with me and luckily because she loves me like her own sister, she agreed.

'Let's just wait until the ticket selling is opened again' I texted back and she replied okay.

I got up from our sofa and went upstairs to my brother's room. I opened it without knocking because I normally do that.

"Hey, Mama said you should do the cooking right now" I said while looking at his room. I hate that my brother is so clean because some may think he's gay.

He looked at me while holding his laugh. "Oww sister, sure, it's my way of comforting you because of what happened today. I heard about what happened to your boys" he teased.

I turn my eyes heavenwards "Ge thanks" I said sarcastically and he laughed more. "You should focus more in your study than fangirling those boys" he said.

I laughed with sarcasm "Ha! Said the boy who just got the second place". What I said made him stop laughing and before he could strangle me I hurriedly ran to my room.

Never start a war from a kpop fan especially Suga stan because we are more than savage.


Ma/Mama and Pa/Papa - mother and father