
Legend of the fated mates.

Werewolves, packs, fated mates, the moon goddess, the Alphas & their moon gifted Luna's, Omegas, Lycans and rogues, just to some up the most famous, well known and popular shifters of the "other" world. A world beyond our wildest dreams and imagination, a world where anything can happen, above and beyond, a world full of unending possibilities and unending fantasy! But besides those famous moon howlers, there are more living creatures out there! But they are sometimes being forgotten since they are living beyond the shadows of the famous wolves. Creatures who are much alike as their famous howling neighbors.... They are also shifters. Shifting between their human form and their true form, having also mates and feel the same way about them just as the wolves! But what if fate brings two people together. Two very different people coming from two very different worlds, not to say from extreme opposites! This is a tale about one of those "forgotten ones", a tale of love, passion, sacrifice, hope but also of fighting for your right of place in the world and for your hearts desires but above all, about the discovery of one's true nature that transcends all boundaries! A tale of two sisters, humans & two shifters, a grizzly and a lion pulled together by fate!

MarjoryBloom84 · Urban
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18 Chs

4. Mayor Develin La Croix.

It was a chilly night, the moon was half up and the stars were twinkling while the city was still in a deep slumber, as a group of men, all dressed in black armored suits are roaming around the streets, in search of fantasy creatures who didn't have the right or incomplete ID's with them. This was a decreet of Mayor La Croix, and it was his men who were sneaking around, putting fear in the poor creatures and sometimes also in the humans even because of their ruthless ways of dealing with them.

The drive around in an armored car with the groups sign on the side of the car and the Mayor's favorite slogan underneath it.

Inside the car they had special equipment to find creatures of the fantasy realm, it didn't matter if they were rogues, shifters, half breeds full bloods, the scanning device they used got them all in their radar.

A device that was created by La. Croix himself, a long time ago.

The car that was driving on the main street of Manhattan was currently being driven by bij other than mayor La Croix himself.

In his black suit he looked like the Devil he was. A devil that he had become years ago when he was not a mayor yet.....

Once the devil was a normal man just like anybody else with a good career in politics, a nice house, a beautiful wife and daughter who he treated like his little princess.

But then one thing happened, one incident was all it took for a normal, kind and happy family man to turn into the Devil!

As he cruises through the empty streets looking for targets, La Croix thinks back to the night his life changed forever and had turned him into this hunting monster he was now today....


It was a beautiful sunny day and Develin La Croix and his family were out celebrating their anniversary and his promotion in a posh restaurant in the city.

He and his wife Pamela and their 5 year old daughter were enjoying a nice meal in a new restaurant that had just opened.

They were laughing, talking and enjoying some precious time together as a family, since they both had some crazy work sheduls. Develin felt alive and happy being there at that moment with his little family.

He had always wanted to become a politician and to become a father and both things he had accomplished around him being 32 years of age.

But all that happiness was snatched away from him on their way back home to their villa in the rich suburbs of the city.

It was already close to midnight and the radio was playing a nice Jazzy tune as he drove his little happy family back in their SUV when suddenly out of nowhere they got ambushed by Rogue Howlers. (Wolves of the famous Moon howlers pack who went rogue)

As Develin tried to keep their car on the road, the wolves who looked like a science project gone completely wrong kept on attacking the car, not giving one sh*t about how the car was moving!

One moment later he was forced to stop the car to avoid collision and that's when his nightmare became worse!

They broke the windows and took his wife and sleeping child out and there was nothing he could do against them! He just watched in horror how they were slaughtered in cold blood!!

Flashback ends.

Develin sighed rubbing his eyes with one hand while he steered his vehicle with the other along the dark streets of Manhattan.

"Boss, i see something on our radar, 12 I'm clock!" One of his men said pointing with his finger ahead of them on the sidewalk.

"What kind is it?" He snarrled.

"Uhm, let me see...oh you will like this one! It is a howler sir, a lone wolf!"

"Let's go get him!" He said with a cold menacing tone as he sped up the engine to use the distance between them and the Wolf shifter who looked like he had been drinking a bit too much, not realizing that this was going to be the last couple of minutes of his life.....

"Hey! Let me go! I've done nothing wrong!" The old wolf muttered as he was grabbed by the Mayor's Hunters by his arms and pulled off the pavement into their car.

"Stop talking, you howling creature! You are in the HUMAN world after midnight! Don't you remember one of the BIG rules for you disgusting creatures huh?.....between midnight and eight in the morning NO creature is aloud to be outside!! So since it is already after midnight, you broke that rule so now you will be published!!" Develin says coldly as he started the car again.

The old wolf looked not quietly and fearful at the men around him as he was now handcuffed with tie rips as they continued to drive on until the car reached the out of town mansion of Develin.

As they reached the gate, a security guy opened the gate and let them drive in.

The car was parked and Develin stepped out of the car and one of his hunters took his place and drove on all the way to the back of his huge garden.

As he walked inside his very grand, house as he removed his suit and tie and threw them in his sofa while walking to a hidden door in his living room who he opened through a fake candle in the wall, pushing it down.

As he decened down into the darkness he felt a chill run down his spine, of the cold but above anything else the trill of the kill!

He knows what is about to happen and it excites his stone cold, emotionless broken heart and soul, to know another one of those beasts will soon be no-more!!

He smirked evil on thought alone!

As he stepped into his cellar below his mansion a couple of feet under ground he walked to his underground office and rolled his sleeves and poured himself a whiskey, a thing he always did before a kill.

When he finished the glass to the last drop he smiled at himself and rolled up his sleeves and slowly walked out to his torture room where a very scared, half drunken wolf shifter awaited hij while hanging handcuffed from the ceiling.

Meanwhile somewhere else in a nightclub downtown....

"She's not here Bruno!" Grissom muttered to his bear who was restless all night for some unknown reason, giving him a headache.

*Bruno* "She is close! I can feel it, she has to be here!" Bruno said sniffing in the air to find hie mates scent.

"Bruno stop! I want to go home, I'm tired! We have been searching non-stop since that day we found her, please let me have a rest and then we continue okay!" Grissom pleaded with Bruno who was stubborn as hell, wanting to find his Mate again sooner than later!

*Bruno* "Fine! You are a weak human!" He growled in Grissom's mind.

"I heard that! I am NOT weak so shut your mouth and go to sleep or something, we will continue searching later!" Grissom hissed to a pissed off Bruno who now just decided to ignore his human half.

Grissom walked out of the VIP rook and ignored the flirty eyes of die girls he passed only having one girl in mind and that's his mate!

He walked down and left the noise of the club behind as he exited through the back entrance.

Once outside he took a deep breath and slowly exhaled again to clear his mind.

Slowly he started walking towards his car that was parked not far away, just how he liked it.

Suddenly hear hears the noise of screeching tires and shouting of people. He quickly dukes down so they will not see him.

As he waited until he didn't hear anything anymore he slowly moved from his spot on the ground and quickly moved to his car and got in and drove off.

*Bruno* "Few! That was close man!" Bruno whispered as Grissom drove back home to his home in town where he lived with his parents.

"Yeah! Say that again! Well we are almost home! Let's get something to eat and then some sleep .... I understand you want to find her asap Bruno, believe me, i do! But we can't go out in search of her if we are not alright physically so please go to rest as well and will talk tomorrow!" Grissom says.

Bruno only huffs and stays silent for the rest of the car ride back home. He knows that Grissom has a point but he's so enthusiastic about finally having found their mate that he can only think about finding one thing only and that is finding her again, to never ever let her run away from them again!