
Legend of the fated mates.

Werewolves, packs, fated mates, the moon goddess, the Alphas & their moon gifted Luna's, Omegas, Lycans and rogues, just to some up the most famous, well known and popular shifters of the "other" world. A world beyond our wildest dreams and imagination, a world where anything can happen, above and beyond, a world full of unending possibilities and unending fantasy! But besides those famous moon howlers, there are more living creatures out there! But they are sometimes being forgotten since they are living beyond the shadows of the famous wolves. Creatures who are much alike as their famous howling neighbors.... They are also shifters. Shifting between their human form and their true form, having also mates and feel the same way about them just as the wolves! But what if fate brings two people together. Two very different people coming from two very different worlds, not to say from extreme opposites! This is a tale about one of those "forgotten ones", a tale of love, passion, sacrifice, hope but also of fighting for your right of place in the world and for your hearts desires but above all, about the discovery of one's true nature that transcends all boundaries! A tale of two sisters, humans & two shifters, a grizzly and a lion pulled together by fate!

MarjoryBloom84 · Urban
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

3. Mate!

"Do you have everything?"

"Yes i have sis, lets just go, before uncle comes back! I don't want to talk to him right now!" Ava muttered with a pout.

"Ok, I'm ready!" Betty says as she walked out of their room, down the stairs.

Ava looked quickly around to check one last time since she didn't want to have to go back and run into uncle and aunty.

"Okay I'm coming!" Ava says and walked out too, shortly behind Betty.

Once outside they walked with two backpacks and weekend back towards the bus stop and waited for the bus to arrive.

"We made it sis! Thank so much of arranging this for us, i love it!" Betty mushed once sitting down at the back of the bus.

"I know sweety! That's why i arranged it! But also because i needed to get away from this place! I can't stand to stay and hear all the bad things they are probably going to tell me after they noticed i failed to get this job as well!" Ava's says sighing.

"It's ok! I have faith that you will get the perfect job, you'll see! It's maybe not yet your time!" Betty softly says, squeezing her sisters hand lovingly.

For the rest of the bus ride they stay silent, both in their own thoughts while the familiar city skyline passes by and changes slowly into a more rural landscape once they are driving out of the city.

Hours later....

As they hiked deeper into the mountains, they marveled at the beauty around them. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and the air was fresh and crisp. They found the perfect spot to set up camp, near a clear stream and surrounded by tall trees. They pitched their tent, built a fire, and settled in for the night.

As the sun began to set, Ava told Betty that she wanted to take a short walk to look around some more and asked Betty to come along, but Betty felt tired and wanted to stay behind and read her book so Ava decided to go alone.

As Ava walked without really looking where she went, being in her own thoughts, she slowly started to wander off the path, until she realised she was already too far but didn't worry too much knowing the stream was there which she could follow back to the campsite.

However, as she kept on walking, the sky grew darker and the trees became thicker, making it harder to see the path.

Suddenly, Ava realized that she was really lost. She had no idea which way to go to get back to the campsite. Panic set in as she tried to retrace her steps, but everything looked the same in the dark. She searched for hours, but couldn't find her way back and to her utter dismay her cellphone also didn't have any reach in the deep forest.

As Ava continued to search, she stumbled upon a strange clearing. In the center of the clearing was a large stone, with ancient symbols etched into its surface. Ava couldn't resist the urge to touch it, and as she did, she felt a strange energy coursing through her body. Suddenly, the ground beneath her feet gave way, and she fell into a dark hole.

When Ava came to, she found herself in a strange and unfamiliar place. She looked around, confused and disoriented. The sky was a deep shade of purple, and the trees were unlike any she had ever seen before. She realized that she had somehow stumbled upon a portal to another world for what looked like could be the fantasy

As she tried to make sense of her surroundings, she heard a loud noise coming from nearby. She cautiously made her way towards the sound and found a large grizzly bear lying on the ground, badly injured. Ava's first instinct was to run, and that's what she did. She ran back the way she came until she heard a piercing scream that made her heart ache.

So she turned around only to witness that big brown Grizzly slowly turning into something else....something like...a man?!!!.....

A human, naked and vulnerable.

The man was sinfully handsome and Ava blushed beetroot upon seeing his body fully as he stood up slowly on wobbly legs, showing every inch of his ripped, muscles body.

Her eyes wandered around completely forgetting that a minute ago this man was a grizzly bear!!

But then he turned around, facing her as he stepped towards her with his arms stretched out and suddenly she felt fear creeping inside her again.

Shocked and confused she stepped backwards but then she noticed the still bleeding cuts on his body and she quickly realized that this man was in trouble.

She used her first aid kit she had in her little bag she took with her and treated his injuries after he sat back down on the ground again while she tried very hard not to look at his well endowed lower region.....

Slowly he started to regain his strength and he started talking or whispering as his voice was very low and deep, giving Ava chills.

"Thank....thank you!" He whispered softly and raised his hand to touch her cheek.

Not expecting him to touch her she quickly moved away from him with fear still in her orbs.

Meanwhile in Grissom's head, his inner bear named Bruno was making havoc and didn't stop changing one word in his mind over and over again...


"Stop it Bruno, just shut the hell up!" He suddenly roared making her which and jump io in fear he would change into that scary bear again.

"Please, I'm sorry!....what's your name little one?" He asked softly with his hand stretched out to her.

But Ava was shaking like a leaf, unable to process all of this, being in the fantasy realm and standing in front of the fantasy creatures, a bear shifter.....

Her heard started to pound in her chest and she opened her mouth to take in deep breaths of air to calm her eratic heart.

But I'd didn't help and the only thing she could think of was to run, and that's heat she did.

After one last look at the handsome shifter she gulped and turned around on her heels and ran as fast as she could back into the Forrest again not knowing exactly how to get back into the human world again until she fell into another hole again.

"Now look what you have done Bruno! You scared the sh*t out of our Mate! Now she is gone!" Grissom muttered frustrated that their little human mate, the beautiful girl that had helped him was now gone and he didn't have any clue how to get her back since he didn't know her name!

*Bruno* "like you would gave recognized her as our mate, just relax we will find her now i know her went!"

"Seriously Bruno? Urrghh! Don't be so egoistic like you know everything better! Just let me go back to the human realm so i can start tracking her steps because you can NOT shift there as you well know!" Grissom replied feeling agitated that his bear wasn't working together with him but wanting to do his own thing like so many times before.

Grissom walked back to his house.

A treehouse hidden in between the high grass and wild flowers. The house of his parents which he had found years ago after he had shifted for the very first time.

The place held lots of memories from his parents who were murerder long time ago.

He dat down after put on some jeans and a t-shirt and put on his sneakers again.

After he put on his leather jacket and ran out of his house and towards the Forrest where he had seen their MATE disappear into while he felt Bruno coming back to the surface trying to pick up their mate's scent.

He stopped in the middle of the track and sniffed into the air and then a smile broke trough on his handsome face.

"Found you little mate, we are coming for you!" He smirked and started walking again, deeper and deeper into the Forrest.

Meanwhile in the human world Ava runs as a made woman towards the stream which she follows untill she finally sees their tent with her sister peacefully sleeping ok her stomach with her earbuds in.

Upon reaching her Betty woke up and looked up and removed her earbuds.

"I thought you wanted to take a SHIRT walk, or did you get lost?" She smirked as Ava dropped down on the ground beside her trying to catch her breath and slow down her ragging heart beat.

"You never.....go...going to believe....what happened!!" Ava stuttered still out of breath while Betty looked at her curiously.

"Well tell me, you are killing me here with suspension sis!"

After a couple of more deep breaths and a drinking some water, Ava finally managed to regain her normal voice again and started talking.....