
Legend of the fated mates.

Werewolves, packs, fated mates, the moon goddess, the Alphas & their moon gifted Luna's, Omegas, Lycans and rogues, just to some up the most famous, well known and popular shifters of the "other" world. A world beyond our wildest dreams and imagination, a world where anything can happen, above and beyond, a world full of unending possibilities and unending fantasy! But besides those famous moon howlers, there are more living creatures out there! But they are sometimes being forgotten since they are living beyond the shadows of the famous wolves. Creatures who are much alike as their famous howling neighbors.... They are also shifters. Shifting between their human form and their true form, having also mates and feel the same way about them just as the wolves! But what if fate brings two people together. Two very different people coming from two very different worlds, not to say from extreme opposites! This is a tale about one of those "forgotten ones", a tale of love, passion, sacrifice, hope but also of fighting for your right of place in the world and for your hearts desires but above all, about the discovery of one's true nature that transcends all boundaries! A tale of two sisters, humans & two shifters, a grizzly and a lion pulled together by fate!

MarjoryBloom84 · Urban
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18 Chs

2. 34 Years later...

"Ava I'm hungry!" Betty, Ava's little sister muttered while rubbing her belly with a pout.

"I know sis, and I'm sorry! i haven't had time yet to go do some shopping, with all those interviews going on, but i promise you I'll go later ok, i still have one interview to go today and then on my way back I'll drop by the mall ok?" She asked while looking at Betty who just dropped herself down on the sofa, still with a sad pout on her face.

"Okay, thank you....do you think you will find a good job today sis?" Betty asked looking hopefully at her big sister who sighed while sitting down next to her.

"I don't know sweety, i hope so because I'm getting tired to do these small jobs, i just need and want ONE job that gives me the means to provide for us both so we could get out of here but it seems that nobody wants to give a poor orphan like me a chance! Only the dirty jobs are left which i am already doing but they don't pay sh*t!" Ava muttered at her sister who sighed thinking what to say next to cheer her big sister up.

"Or maybe you can go look for a rich man and marry him and he can provide for us!" Betty exclaimed suddenly, removing Ava out of her train of thoughts.

"Betty! You crazy girl! Who want to marry me? I'm nothing, a nobody! If employers already don't want me then who want to have me as their wife huh? No.....i just have to find a better job then those four i already have, at least if i can tune it down to two well paying jobs that would defenitly help us, so we are financial stable enough to get a small place for yourself so we are out of uncle's hair who does not love us aniways, and then i also get some rest because working four jobs is no fun, let me tell you that sweety!" She exclaimed while leaning back wishing for a moment she was her sisters age, just seventeen, a student. But life is cruel sometimes and we have to find out the hard way! She thinks in silence by herself as she gets herself off of the sofa and into the bedroom to get herself ready for another job interview.

Sometime later she is done with freshening up and after dressing up, she walks out of her bedroom into the living room to greet Betty before she goes out.

"Success sis! I hope you will get the job!"

"Thanks dear, i hope so too but i doubt it!" She chuckled painfully.

After a kiss on her sisters cheek and a hug she left their house and went out to get the bus.

As she finally arrived at the bus stop she sees the bus already coming down the corner so she sticks her hand out and he stops right in front of her.

"Afternoon Bernie! How are you doing she asked her favorite driver as she entered the bus and greeted him. He had saved her some months ago from a bunch of rogue howlers who had some indecent plans with her....and since then they became kind of friends.

"Afternoon Ava, I'm good, busy day as always! Where are you off to, another job interview?" He asked with his eyes plastered on the road as not as to run some unhinged tourist over who doesn't look where their going.

"Yes indeed, it will be my last interview of today and I'm kind of happy but also sad about it. Sad because i know again i have failed but on the other side, I'm exhausted Bernie, I'm doing four jobs and my body is aching but if i stop then we don't have enough to get our own place and we really want to get away from that horrible house!" Ava says, throwing all her worries out into the open.

"Oh I'm so sorry to hear that dear! I really this will be the one!" He says with a warm smile, genuinely smile.

"Yeah hope so too but i doubt it!" She replied him while sighing rubbing her eyes.

"How so?" Bernie asked curiously.

"Well i don't have all the qualifications they ask for, i know i am a hard worker and willing to learn so that's why I applied and i was shocked to say the least, when they called me for an interview but still i wonder" she says while staring out of the windows into the bustling streets.

Bernie sighed. He does not know his passenger Ava for long but she seemed a nice girl, but he could tell from the brief moments they shared on a bus ride, that she struggles a lot in life and he hopes that she will find what she is looking for. He thought by himself as he navigated his bus through the afternoon traffic.

Sometime later after the bus had stopped at downtown Manhattan, Ava looked around as to were to go next.

She dipped her cellphone out of her pocket and opened the email the company had sent her earlier on.

"Roger & Son" she mumbled and looked up from the email on her phone to look around.

"Ah there it is! Okay here we go girl! Be brave!" She muttered as she started to walk towards the huge, expensive looking entrance of the famous lawyers firm.

"Good afternoon, i am Ava Henderson, i am here for a job interview" she introduced herself at the reception.

"Ah Miss. Henderson, yes i see, please take a seat and I'll tell them that you are here!" The lady at the desk tells her.

"Okay, thank you very much madam." Ava says and then walked over to the waiting erea which had some magazines about the law and a coffee machine in the corner and an tv screen on the wall.

She sat down with a sigh, feeling her heartbeat in her throat.

She really needed this kind of job if she wanted to leave her uncle's and aunties place with her sister, it was hell, living with them!

Not only they treat them as if they are nothing but also they have to do most of the house work even though she is already working so much she feels dead all the time and her little sister Betty is still a student! But alas their uncle does not care! As well as their aunt of which she had high hopes ik the beginning but fate was not on the siblings sides as they both got mistreated!

Ava looked outside hoping this all soon would be over so she could start celebrating the weekend since she planned to take Betty up into the mountains tonight for camping which she loved to do.

"Miss Henderson? You can go up now" the receptionist says.

"Thank you madam, have a good day!" Ava says as she slowly gets up from her seat and walks over to the elevator.

Two hours later....

Ava left the building towards the bus stop with a heavy heart.

She waited for the bus to arrive and called her sister.

"Beth? Get ready! Once I'm back we are going camping!" Ava says after she heard her sister pick up her call.

"Yajjj!!.....wait, does that mean you got the job at the law firm?" Betty asked curiously and happy at the same time.

"No i didn't but that does not mean we can't go camping! I just want to go out of the city and have some peace and fun with you sis, so be prepared ik in my way in the bus back home!" Ava says.

"Oh sorry Ava, well I'll be waiting for you then!" Betty says and then cute the call to quickly go and pack the stuff for camping while she thinks of her elder sister.

She loves Ava very much since she is the only true family she has since their parents untimely death years ago.

Their uncle and aunt are cruel and treat them like slaves, reason? Unknown to the both of them and that's why the want to leave so badly and need lots of money!

She grabbed a bag and put some of her and Ava's clothes inside and the small bag of snacks they keep hidden in their room.

Meanwhile Ava got off the bus at the end of their street and slowly walked towards their uncle's house, the house that just felt like a house, a cold building and not a warm home filled with love and care but instead of that with unkindness, harshness and sometimes it felt even filled with hatred!

Ava sighed entering the front garden and walked up to the front door and opened it with her keys and got inside knowing that for the next two days they would have some sort of family time, just the two of them, not knowing what huge adventure awaited them!...