
Legend Of Korra Tornado

An average guy living an average life was sucked into a tornado and killed by a flying truck He then woke up in the body of an orpgan who was believed to be a non bender until he came along How will jon change the plot of this world? Disclaimer: I do not own legend of korra or avatar the last airbender, all characters except for oc belong to their respective creators.

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The hunt begins

Republic city random orphanage jon's POV


Its been three days since the fight and things have gotten tense since then, the other kids avoid me like the plague, which I honestly don't mind The original jon never hung out with anyone besides sister lily and I'm not too keen in talking with these kids, besides I have a feeling that I won't be here for much longer.

I've been noticing that the other caregivers would watch me more intensively than before, some wiuld try to be sneaky about it while others would blatantly just stare at me while I would try to meditate.

It got to the point that one guy would even sit across from me so I did what any normal person would i kicked his ass, which was surprisingly easy, I had assumed that all adult benders were elites but no this guy was just throwing rocks at me like a buffoon, and when he reliased that his attacks didn't work he just started throwing bigger rocks at me before tiring himself out.

And after tortur- I mean interrogating him he told me that some of the other workers here including himself had sold information about me to the different gangs across the city including the triple threat's.

"Well shit" I said as I knocked out the man and left him laying down in the dirt

I ran to sister lily's office to tell her what I learned, only to find out that she already knew and went to the police chief and together they told the whole council about the situation and now there are metalbenders and white lotus elites spread out all around the orphanage waiting for the attack to come.

"Double shit" I said with a frown on my face

"Language young man" lily scolded

"Sorry sister" I said automatically

"Jon listen to me"sister lily said seriously as she looked at me

"I don't know what will happen this week but what I want you to know is that for as long as I've known you, you were always a smart boy vengeful? Yes, a little arrogant? yes, ruthless? yes a massive loner? of course" sister lily said while still keeping eye contact

"If this is a motivational speech it doesn't feel like it so far" I say a little embarrassed

"Anyway your flaws aside while I know you aren't the hero type I do know you aren't the ruthless person you portray yourself to be, sigh, my point is try not to lose yourself to rage and revenge please? Its all i ask as a final favor from a friend" sister lily says with tears in her eyes

I was taken aback by her tears, she's clearly seen or done some shit that made her turn her life to nunhood but i didn't want to ask because I don't want to bring up somthing thats clearly a painful subject.

"He he I can see your confusion about my mood, I promise to tell you one day but for now please be patient with me ok?" Lily askes as she cleans she face

"Ok, but you know you dont ever have to tell me avout your past if its too painful" I said trying to make her feel better

"Yea I know" she said " alright its almost tine for dinner lets get ready" she said as we head to the cafeteria completly forgetting about the man unconscious in the backyard.

Later that night


The entire orphanage is quiet except for a few of few of the caregivers who are walking the halls checking for kids who aren't in the bed and checking rooms to make sure everyone is asleep.

Outside the orphanage men dressed in dark clothing and wearing masks with green eye lenses were scouting the orphanage waiting for their orders

"Team a do you read me over" a voice came from a radio inside the abandoned building they were in

"We read you over" the team leader said

"Orders from our leader move on the target in 10" the voice said

"Is he sure? the cops definitely have people watching this place and are ready to strike at anytime" the leader said skeptically

"Are you questioning amon ?" The voice asked with a cold tone

"N-no of course not, we'll move in ten" the leader said with a studder

"Good, and you know what happens if you fail right?" The voice said with the same tone

"Yes you can tell the boss we'll get it done-" the man couldn't finish because three satomobiles pulled up to the orphanage and men with black scarfs wraped around their lower faces came out of the car and threw smoke bombs in the windows of the orphanage

"Shit its the triad, what should we do?" The man asked talking into the radio

"Retreat, amon says it's too early for us to reveal ourselves, we'll get the airbender another time" the voice on the other side of the radio said as he cut the call

The team retreated without anyone noticing

Jon pov


I was awoken to the sound of glass breaking and coughing coming from the hallway

'Damn and here i thought I would have more time' I thought

As I was thinking I heard footsteps coming towards my room

'Sigh of course they know where my room is' I said as it quickly opened the window to my room and then instead of exiting i jumped up into the upper right corner of my room next to the door and waited.

Seconds by door flew off the hinges and two me came in my room in combat stances

"Where the hell is he?" One goon asked

"Hey, look at that, he must have climbed through the window." Goon number 2 said

Just at the were about to leave they felt a strong push on their backs and they slammed hard against the wall hard, as they were losing losing consciousness all they could see as their Vision was fading to Black where two piercing golden eyes staring at them.

After dealing with those two I ran out of the room and started to run through the halls.

"I have to make sure sister lily is safe she's not a combat bender" i said while making an air scooter and riding it towards sister's room

When I got there I saw clear evidence of a fight and my blood began to boil

'Shit where the hell did they take her' I thought

Just as I was about to go looking for her the intercom buzzed to life

"Hey jon! I know you're still in the building , our boss wants to meet you why don't you come out to the backyard to talk, i also have someone here who'd love to see you" a voice said through the speaker

"Jon don't listen run!" A familar voice said before a slap was heard over the speaker

"Shut up bitch!! You just sit back and keep quiet before I let my men have some fun with you" original voice said

"Well there goes my promise to sister lily" I said with a cold glint in his eyes

"This is actually the perfect time to test my new technique" I said with a cruel smile

I put on a blank face as I began to head towards the backyard. As I was walking I bumped into a couple goons who were hoping to get a promotion if they were the ones who brought me in.

They immediately attacked hoping to incapacitate me.

After they let up they were shocked to see me surounded by a dome of air completely un hurt

"What the fuck!? How is a kid so good at bending?" Fodder number one asked

"Instead of that you should be trying to figure out how you and your friend's are going to get out of here before the police arrive with broken lims" I said with a smile

Suddenly mini tornados surounded the legs of all the men there and with a flick of my wrist the sound of multiple legs breaking could be hard in the hall.




The fodder yelled as they fell to the ground screaming their heads off as I walked passed them headed for the backyard breaking limbs as I went

A few minutes later I finally arived to the backyard. There I see men dressed in red blue and green suits and vests standing in a circle formation and in the middle were all the other kids and some of the caregivers and on the side of that formation was a man dressed in a suit of better quality and next to him on her knees tied up was sister who was staring at me with pleading eyes.

The man next to her walked forward and began talking.

"Wow they were kidding about your looks, I'll have to keep my girl away from you in the future haha" the man joked

I just stood there deadpaning at him

"Not much of a joker are ya well thats fine the boss pefers his men to quietly follow orders anyways" the man said before introducing him self

"Well kid my real name isn't important but you can call me Ace for now, and I have a proposition for you that-" before he could finish a blast of wind hit him square in the chest.

Ace however wasn't a amateur bender and he did a back flip before landing steadily on his feet

"Hehe the report didn't lie your pretty good for a kid, clearly lacking training but still good" ace said with a smile

"Ace you want us to deal with him?" One of the goons who were holding the others hostage asked

"Hehe no need i can deal with this kid my self" ace said as he got into a stance

"Jon he's baiting you, just stall for time, the police will be here spon im sure of it!" Sister lily screamed

'Damnit as much as I don't want to admit it I dont think I can take this guy, the was he shrugged off my blast tells me such I'll have to catch him by surprise' I thought to my self getting in a stance.

"Alright kid show me what you got!" Ace yelled throwing a fire jab

I dodged it and sent an air jab back, he sliced through it and sent a barrage fire jabs aiming at my feet trying to throw me of my balance. I continue to dodge and weave his attacks while trying to find an opening in his attack pattern.

"Come on kid is all you know how to do is dodge?" Ace mocked trying to rile me up

"And is all you know how to fo is taje orders like a bitch?" I asked with a innocent tone of voice

Ace frowns after that while I put on a smirk as I continue to dodge his attacks.

"Fine take this" ace said shooting a large column of Fire in my direction, seeing this I jump over the column and transition into a flip and then send a massive Air Blast with a kick straight towards his head.

Ace not expecting that was surprised but was still an experienced fighter barely dodged it but was still pushed back a few feet.

"Woo, you definitely surprised me there kid, but you'll have to do better than that hehe" ace said while grinning

"I can do this all day" I said while jumping in place like a boxer

'Shit I should have prioritized stamina training Im not there yet but i can feel exhaustion creeping up on me, I have to end this' I thought while keeping up my poker face

"Alright the kid gloves are off now, try to keep up" ace said getting in a completely different stance

'Shit' i thought

Ace starts throwing larger fire jabs than before towards me, i dodge some but his attacks are so agressive i have to blast some with air jabs equal to his to destroy them

"Come on kid where's all that bravado now" ace said while peforming a sweeping kick that sends foward a wide arc of fire towards me

Cursing under my breath I push both hands foward and send out a giant air blast with all my strength towards the arc causing a massive explosion blowing everyone off their feet.

Standing up i see ace breathing heavily but besides that he looks completely unscathed

'This isn't working i have to improvise' I thought before an idea comes to mind

"Haha kid you really are somthing I haven't had a fight like this in ages" ace said while grinning

I pay him no mind as i begin to bend the smoke in the air down to the ground creating a smoke screen that covers the entire battlefield

"Ha getting desperate are we?" Ace mocked while trying to get through the smoke

As he's looking around he suddenly hears the sound of rapid foot steps coming towards him, he turns only to feel somthing hard hit him in the liver

"Urghhhhh, what the-" ace said before getting hit in the back of the knee making him drop down to one knee

"Ugh, where are you damnit!!" ace yelled throwing out fire blasts


Suddenly the sounds of somthing spinning rapidly is heard, he turns around only to see joh standing there golden eyes glowing through the smoke with a fast spinning sphere of air in his hand

"Rasangan!!!" Jon yelled as he ran towards ace and hits ace's stomach with the sphere.

"Arrrrghhhhhh" ace screamed in pain as the sphere expanded and sent him flying across the backyard and crashing through the wall that divides the yard from the street.


A.N: hey guys this is my first time writing a fight scene I hope it flows well enough I'll definitely improve in the future but this is what I can do for now hopefully you guys can give me CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM on where I can improve.

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