
Chapter 10

“I really love sunset...” I blurted while watching the sun sets from the ocean.

“....and I love it more because Im with you” I smile to him. He reached for may hand and squeeze it.

“You're more beautiful than that My lady” I can see the sincerity on his words. Oh, God why Im so lucky to have a man like him?. I leaned my head on his chest. Feels like home.

“Life is indeed a beauty” I smiled about what I said

“Sadly, I cannot see this beauty for longer” I smiled bitterly when I realized what I said. I groan when Louis poke me.

“Don't say that. We will be together for years, Im gonna wait you at the end of aisle and marry you, your gonna give me a lot of kids. We will live more than you can imagine. Our love will last, you will last” I can't change the fact that Im still hoping. I want more time to be with him. I want those thing he said to be happen.

“I want that Louis, I madly want it too. But, we can't say time. I want to promise that I won't leave you but I can't. I don't want to be selfish. Your my happiness, and I want you to be happy too even though Im g-gone” my voice cracked about on my last word. Even myself contradicting my own words.

“I don't want to be selfish too. It pains me seeing you hurting everyday and it pains me more that I can't do anything about it. I want to be with you longer,but it kills me knowing that your staying can hurt you more.” I can feel his pain and dissapointment on his words and I want to blame myself for making him question his worth.

“If only there's a way” I mumbled

“If only there is a small chance, I'll never think twice and grab it. I will take all the chance in the world just to have the time that I needed to be with you longer” I peeked on his face drowned by tears.

“You're the person Im afraid to lose,My lady. I love you”