
Chapter 11

“Louis are you really sure about this?” this is the thirt time that Mom's Fayies ask me about my decisions.

“Yes,Tita. Please trust me with this, we can be able to save Fayies if we took this chance. There is no other way we will forever lost her if we will not do this.” Dad told me about his friend's doctor he is a great doctor and he's the one who can save Fayies. The only problem is, he live abroad his schedule is so tight so he can't be able to come here and treat Fayies. I told Fayies parents about this and they agreed, they will bring her abroad. I will left her because of my studies, the treatment's period is not specific. And were not even a 100% sure that it will be successful but we are willing to give a shot, for Fayies.

“I don't care if she will be away from me. Her safety is my priority. Im willing to wait,she's worth it”

“Louis, I know this will just—” i silenced her with my kiss

“I don't care if it this will just bring us false hope. There is a 1% chance that it will succeed and Im holding those chance because I love you and I can't afford to lose you without fighting” she smiled

“Thank you. Your love means a lot to me. It makes me stronger and eager me to fight because I don't want to waste the love you have for me”

“It will not be waisted, because your coming back. You will come back strong and healthy. And Im willing to welcome you open arms” she leaned forward and kiss me when she's about to move away I embedded my hands on her neck and pull her closer to deepen the kiss.

“Stay strong baby. Don't forget that Im fighting with you”

On the next day Fayies together with her parients fly all the way to Boston. I went home after sending them to airport. I went to my room and take a nap but when I woke up a news bang me.

“..these are the aerial photos, showing the wrekage of the plane after it fell in the.....” my world literally stop because of the news

“...these are the names of passengers that still finding until now....” I want to crashed the Tv when I saw Fayies name.

“No! no it can't be” I want to believe that these are all a dream.

“Yes, Im sleeping a while ago. These are all part of my dream. This is just a dream, Fayies can't be...No! This can't be true!” I wreked all the things that reach my hand. My heart is aching with the news I heared.

“I can't lose her like this” my knees fell down, when I reliazed that Im not dreaming.

“Please,My lady. Hold on. Stay safe please, I need you I can't lose you like this. Fight baby, Im begging you”