

Days,weeks has been past but it seem’s a year. I granted what Fayies wished for. It became too hard not only for me but also for her. Two weeks are hellish for the both of us, she became weaker and weaker. I can’t see thw worriness on her eyes, I know she’s tired I am too. I know’s she’s fighting and it hurts seeing her like that. She’s struggling for her life and for the promise we made for each other. Sometime I just want to tell her tha’t it’s fine I’m gonna be fine but my own self are betraying me, because I know I’m not and will never be, I think she also know that that’s why she’s still trying to hold on a little bit longer for me to accept things that I know soon will gonna happen.

Day 8 Month of March, her birthday. We want to give her party but the doctor disagreed. Too much exposure to people will tire her. There is a possibility that she can get bacteria on socializing to many so go for a small gathering. Her family, Lucy,Me and Fayies.

The night came so well.Everyone shared stories even Fayies. The mood of that night is so light, Lucy telling jokes us busy laughing on it. We seem to forget about Fayies condition.

Day 9 month of march day after her birthday. Reality hit us strike. Fayies sezured. We almost lost her. When the doctor reviving her that was we realized that we should let her go. She already accepted her faith,it just us that keeps holding. We keep on holding her because we are scared that she might leave us, forever.

“Really Mom? You already agreed me going to beach?”

“yes, baby” I can see the happiness on my princess face. This is really what she wanted. After the seizure she became more weaker, she can’t manage to move her fingers or even talk longer. But, miracle happen she gain enery upon hearing the news. I already agreed her going to beach. I know my daughter so much so I know also that she’s trying too. She fighting to live not for herself but for us. She already made her decision long time ago,the presence of Louis never change that decision maybe she was scared but for a short time. Fayies is nice and intelligent kid. She always follow our oders without complaining anything. And I think it’s time for us to hear her. I know I’m gonna regret this but seeing her hurting everyday is more regrettable. If letting you go can make you happy then be it.

“thank you, mom you don’t know how happy and excited I am. Thank you for making my wish come true”

“For you baby, anything”even it hurt me big time

“I love you Mom. I am luck to have you as may parent.You and Dad.”

“I love you too.My baby.I love you” Goodbye