
Leader: with Seven Deadly

In a world plagued by dark forces and chaos, a mysterious organization known as the Deadly stands tall. Led by the enigmatic Kato, the Deadly have one undeniable goal: to eradicate every trace of the group known as the Rebels, who are viewed as a threat by society. However, behind the veil of their crimes, the Deadly operates in total secrecy. The identities of its members are closely guarded, and they use pseudonyms to protect themselves from exposure. With unparalleled skills in espionage, sabotage, and violence, the Deadly pursue the Rebels with plans that are impossible to predict. On the other side, the Rebels are not a force to be underestimated. They are respected by society for their courage in fighting tyranny and oppression. Yet, with the growing threat of the Deadly, the Rebels must struggle with limited resources while keeping the fire of their resistance burning. In this clash between the Deadly and the Rebels, both sides must risk everything in a dangerous game where the fate of the world can change in the blink of an eye. Who will emerge victorious in this unending conflict?

EinLumi · Fantasie
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16 Chs

Her and Monsters

Under the star-filled sky, the night on the outskirts of Talbion City engulfed all the hustle and bustle of life. The streets, usually bustling, now lay silent, accompanied only by the gentle rustle of the night breeze. The street lamps stood in neat rows, creating trails of light that invited tranquility.

In the distance, the sound of a small river's babbling could be heard flowing through the outskirts of the city. Tonight, the river bore witness to the silent journey of ceaseless water, creating a natural melody that blended with the quiet night. Its sound seemed to serve as a lullaby for the resting city.

There, a man in a top hat leaned against something. "Soon, this city will be under his control,"

"Isaac Brownhild, right?" The violet-haired girl interrupted the man's tranquility.

"Hmm? A child who speaks out of turn, do you even know anything about him?"

"I don't need to answer. Because the answer lies within you."

"Annoying. Go home, or your mother will come looking for you, and tomorrow you'll be late for the academy," the man casually gestured to shoo her away.

Servetti chuckled softly. "The Academy? What's that? For learning? Not necessary; I already know everything."

"So? Why bother coming to me to say that? There must be another motive; speak up, lest I hurt a pretty girl like you just because of foolishness."

"To remove you from this world," Servetti replied with a friendly smile.

The conversation paused for a moment. The fresh wind attacked them, entering into silence.

The man in the top hat laughed loudly, as if underestimating, "Don't be ridiculous; watch your words."

"I'm serious, you know,"

Servetti changed her school uniform into a dark dress; her 'Deadly Mode' was activated.

"Too bad you're too honest. If you want, we could indulge in small talk," Servetti sighed. She was disappointed her 'Truth Eyes' were useless at the moment.

Without further ado, she transformed the night sky into a battlefield in a bright sky.

"The seventh seat of 'Seven Deadly' from Deadly, ready to make you disappear."

A surprise flashed on the man's face. He didn't expect the girl to be serious. "Seriously?!"

The sky suddenly filled with glass magic attacks from Servetti's hands.

Darwin dodged agilely, but attacks followed his every move.

"Don't think you can hide; I know your movements," Servetti said.

Darwin unleashed incredible magic towards on his opponent. However, the attacks seemed futile. The target he aimed for was not the real body, but glass clones that shattered randomly.

"Here I am,"

Servetti called out from behind, and Darwin saw her. The distance wasn't far, allowing them to engage in combat.

"You're the one running away."

"I said hiding, not running. Those are two different things," Servetti replied cunningly.

Darwin ordered a giant fireball to descend from the sky to obliterate all of the sky's battlefield. He thought destroying the area of power would make his opponent lose her ground.

"Die in my fire,"

Silence ensued as the fireball hit Servetti, who was standing there. It was unavoidable; anyone near such a colossal fireball had a 0% chance of survival.

"What's happening? Why hasn't the sky collapsed yet?"

He wondered why such a massive attack still stood.


A small, yet invisible, laughter was heard.

"You don't know the rules of playing with me yet."

Darwin calmly responded, searching for the source of the voice, "Rules? Tell me, so I can quickly erase this sky and kill you."

"Just one hurts me, and the sky disappears and returns to its previous state. Furthermore, kill me quickly. Otherwise, the sky will reappear."

The man in the top hat understood, feeling relieved to hear those steps.

(I know. But the speed is indirectly mentioned here. If only...)

As his heart murmured about certainty, a glass shard headed towards his body. Easily deflected, the glass shattered.

Darwin attempted another giant fireball. This time, there were three.

The fireballs burst, and simultaneously, glass shards attacked back. Darwin realized Servetti's position and went towards the source while avoiding the endless glass shots. Amplifying his fire magic, he grew larger, injuring his opponent.

But Darwin was wrong. He stopped halfway and said, "No. Wait, It's..."

"Yes, if the one you've been fighting since the sky was created is... a glass clone," Servetti said, revealing herself from the glass she created. His thoughts were easily read.

"The appearance of you here is still a loss," Darwin retorted.

"That saying doesn't apply. If there are several victims who resist when the sky is active, then survival is impossible. It means, Darwin, die and disappear here."

The man understood; he was very relieved to hear those steps.

(No! I won't let her get away...)

As his heart murmured about certainty, a glass shard headed towards his body. Easily deflected, the glass shattered.

Darwin attempted another giant fireball. This time, there were three.

The fireballs burst, and simultaneously, glass shards attacked back. Darwin realized Servetti's position and went towards the source while avoiding the endless glass shots. Amplifying his fire magic, he grew larger, injuring his opponent.

But Darwin was wrong. He stopped halfway. "No. Wait, It's..."

"Yes, if the one you've been fighting since the sky was created is... a glass clone," Servetti said, revealing herself from the glass she created. His thoughts were easily read.

"The appearance of you here is still a loss," Darwin retorted.

"That saying doesn't apply. If there are several victims who resist when the sky is active, then survival is impossible. It means, Darwin, die and disappear here."

He then jumped, swinging his legs and said, "I will live and rule Talbion with Isaac, no matter what."

But, once again, Servetti was very strong. She held the super kick with her shield.

"Bury that foul intention, surrender, calm down, I'll kill you gently."

Darwin continuously, tirelessly, broke the shifting magical barriers caused by Servetti.

"You haven't fully seen my strength yet."

"Show me, then, or should I lure it out?" Servetti gave him a chance, as if she wanted to witness the sky's action.

Shards of rainbow-colored glass fell from the sky, surprising Darwin, who was now thrown off balance.

Servetti quickly took advantage of the situation and unleashed a barrage of glass shard attacks. Darwin tried to evade, but several strikes landed on his body.

"Now, unleash your full power in rage," Servetti urged.

Darwin rose slowly, with glass shards still embedded in his body. He took out a pill from his pocket and swallowed it. His body began to grow larger, transforming into a terrifying tiger-like monster. He roared with newfound strength.

"Disgusting," Servetti frowned.

With unbridled fury, the monstrous Darwin launched relentless attacks. Servetti focused her mind and summoned clones to confuse the monster while dodging his strikes.

They engaged in fierce combat for some time. However, Servetti made a decision. "Let's end this; my mission is time-sensitive, can't risk angering Mr. Kato."

She formulated her final attack. Glass magic filled the sky, creating mesmerizing and deadly patterns. It also locked the monster in place, preventing him from escaping.

But Darwin was too late. Despite his strength, death had arrived. He perished at the hands of a girl. How embarrassing.

"Goodbye." Servetti smiled kindly after her glass magic struck the monster's body.

As the sky returned to calmness moments after Darwin's disappearance, Servetti looked up at the sky, now filled with glittering glass shards, before slowly fading away.

"My task is complete. What about Rea and Ninasa?"

The atmosphere on the outskirts of Talbion City remained the same. Silent and deserted on this beautiful night. Servetti took casual steps to witness the actions of Ninasa or Rea, each having decided on their respective targets.