
Leader: with Seven Deadly

In a world plagued by dark forces and chaos, a mysterious organization known as the Deadly stands tall. Led by the enigmatic Kato, the Deadly have one undeniable goal: to eradicate every trace of the group known as the Rebels, who are viewed as a threat by society. However, behind the veil of their crimes, the Deadly operates in total secrecy. The identities of its members are closely guarded, and they use pseudonyms to protect themselves from exposure. With unparalleled skills in espionage, sabotage, and violence, the Deadly pursue the Rebels with plans that are impossible to predict. On the other side, the Rebels are not a force to be underestimated. They are respected by society for their courage in fighting tyranny and oppression. Yet, with the growing threat of the Deadly, the Rebels must struggle with limited resources while keeping the fire of their resistance burning. In this clash between the Deadly and the Rebels, both sides must risk everything in a dangerous game where the fate of the world can change in the blink of an eye. Who will emerge victorious in this unending conflict?

EinLumi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

One Two

That night, the forest felt so dark and cold, the chill piercing the skin. Only dense bushes and trees surrounded the area, with the moonlight unable to penetrate the floating leaves. The cold wind enveloped, creating a tense atmosphere and shrouding the path in darkness that felt hellish to the fearful.

She had a short stature, and his shoulder-length wavy platinum blonde hair gave him a beautiful appearance. Orange eyes added a touch of beauty to his otherwise expressionless demeanor.

Despite the dense atmosphere creating tension, his courage shouldn't be underestimated. She was full of confidence, monitoring the elite subordinates of Isaac, who suddenly disappeared after the ambush. Having a strong intuition, she knew they were still hiding in the forest.

"Cowards fled. What are they planning next?"

Perhaps the question arose in his mind. Were they strategizing? Why did the two of them do it, even though their opponent was just a girl?

Ninasa was forced to split the trees to force them out of hiding.

"Cowards who want to control the city but have a cowardly mentality. Are those Isaac's subordinates? Pathetic."

One second after saying that, sharp bait targeted him. But Ninasa deflected the surprise attack.

"Do you think you can save yourself by hiding in the forest?"

Suddenly, the shadows of two of Isaac's subordinates emerged from behind the bushes. They smirked cunningly, "Impressive, we thought you'd leave when we hid."

The first man was like a ninja: Reiner. While the man next to him with a super saw, Sasagi Sakase. Even so, Ninasa regarded them both as lower-class warriors.

"I'm not like you. You better realize that."

"Different meanings. Basically, we can't tell you," Reiner said as he flew objects from various directions with his magic in place.

Ninasa parried, "It's hard for you to admit you're scared, huh?"

She sent wind to shake them. Reiner and Sasagi jumped to avoid the dangerous wind. Wind that could cause severe effects.

Sasagi returned the same attack. "Feel it."

Ninasa transformed her sword into arrow mode and immediately drew the arrow towards the approaching wind.

Powerful energies clashed as the arrow touched the saw's body. Ninasa tapped the ground with her foot, and arrow fruits emerged from below, causing Sasagi to kick the arrows in front of him hard.

Sasagi jumped far away.

Ninasa wasn't solely focused on him; she also predicted Reiner's movements.

She didn't stop. She took turns dealing with Reiner, punching him, which he could still withstand with his sword. Reiner occasionally used an axe to match her resilience.

Ninasa backed away, ran, and pulled her arrows targeting Reiner. Although it was avoidable, that wasn't her plan.

Don't be surprised if Ninasa can quickly switch her sword to arrows and arrows to swords. Great skill.

"Where are you going?"

Sasagi blocked her; in this situation, Ninasa was trapped. If she kept running, it meant Sasagi was her opponent. If she turned back, then her opponent was Reiner. However, she remained focused and indifferent, even though they both attacked simultaneously. She jumped into the sky and drew arrows charged with lightning.

It spread between them.

"That girl!" Sasagi exclaimed, and Reiner felt the same.

"Troublesome; even with both of us, why is she a nuisance?" Reiner realized his position; he knew that winning in numbers was a predictable victory. But that didn't happen.

"Is this the right time for us to summon our pet snake?"

"Patience, try one more time. If it fails, I agree with you."

Ninasa hovered in the air, her hair fluttering in the wind. She looked at Reiner and Sasagi with a cold expression.

As Ninasa landed, she tightly gripped her sword. Sasagi clenched his saw, while Reiner prepared his magic.

"Sasagi, let's show our unity, this time for real!"

"Yes! Really serious! Don't cry, sweetie!"

They were very excited, while Ninasa said, "Useless, I determined the outcome from the beginning without your knowledge."

Ninasa launched an attack with a beautiful arc. Sasagi and Reiner, with quick reflexes, prepared to face the attack. The saw and magic collided, creating echoing clangs around them.

Meanwhile, the electric arrows fired by Ninasa split towards Reiner. He quickly formed a magic shield to deflect it, but Sasagi swiftly surged forward, using his saw to split the arrow.

Ninasa didn't waste time. With her agile movements, she redirected her attack back to Reiner. The sword and magic clashed in a mesmerizing harmony. Reiner felt the increasing pressure.


Sasagi, who had seen a loophole in Ninasa's defense, prepared for a counterattack. With his spinning saw, he created a strong wind that rushed at Ninasa from the side. However, Ninasa jumped up, avoiding the attack.

The battle became more intense. Punches, kicks, magic, and saws intertwined. Sasagi and Reiner protected each other, working together with unity.

"Exhausting, what's up with that girl?!"

"No other choice, now," Reiner said.

"Yeah, if it continues like this, it will never end. I'm sure, with the help of the snake, victory will be ours," his friend replied.

"All for Lord Isaac's sake. Get ready, Sasagi!"

With synchronized movements, they pulled out their special artifacts. A mysterious portal formed between them, and from within it emerged a giant snake with shimmering scales.

"What is this?"

Ninasa didn't lose her vigilance.

The snake slid forward, quickly biting towards her. Sasagi and Reiner directed their attacks Ninasa, creating a combined assault.

"Annoying. But, well; let it be, death will come soon."

Her sword shone brightly, and with a breathtaking movement, she managed to avoid the snake's attack and slashed her sword towards its head.

The attack didn't completely destroy the snake. However, it was enough to injure it.

Ninasa ascended into the sky, creating a magic circle that had been set between them.

"Hey, miss, it's pointless," Sasagi said arrogantly.

"In a little while, you won't see the world."

Ninasa transformed her sword into arrows, targeting them within the circle.

"Goodbye," she continued with a pitiful look as she launched the arrows.

The snake approached too late to save them. The large reach immediately flattened them.

The explosion was tremendous, making the night's conditions extreme. Now the forest was filled with holes, trees were reduced to nothing, and most importantly, the two individuals were now lifeless.

"Well, well, as expected of the fourth seat, good job, Ninasa."

The voice was not entirely unfamiliar to her, so Ninasa wasn't too surprised.

"The seat you mentioned is just a name. Among us, the 'Seven Deadly,' we still don't know who is the strongest," Ninasa replied to Servetti, who was standing next to Rea.

"You won't know until you try."

"It depends on the situation, though."

"Ahaha, true. By the way, are you both going back to headquarters immediately?"

"I want to see Kato-sama first," Ninasa replied as she absorbed her sword and arrows through her magic.

"Oh, me too! Can't wait, right? Kato-sama is amazing."

Servetti's eyes gleamed with anticipation, and she hugged herself with happiness.

"What about you, Rea?"

Ninasa asked her with a different atmosphere compared to her friend's passionate excitement.

"I'm quite tired today. I want to lie down in my room. But, seeing Kato-sama's fight is worth delaying my sleep tonight."

"Yeah, true. Kato-sama will easily kill the weak leader who wants to take over Talbion City, Isaac Brownhild."