
Leader: with Seven Deadly

In a world plagued by dark forces and chaos, a mysterious organization known as the Deadly stands tall. Led by the enigmatic Kato, the Deadly have one undeniable goal: to eradicate every trace of the group known as the Rebels, who are viewed as a threat by society. However, behind the veil of their crimes, the Deadly operates in total secrecy. The identities of its members are closely guarded, and they use pseudonyms to protect themselves from exposure. With unparalleled skills in espionage, sabotage, and violence, the Deadly pursue the Rebels with plans that are impossible to predict. On the other side, the Rebels are not a force to be underestimated. They are respected by society for their courage in fighting tyranny and oppression. Yet, with the growing threat of the Deadly, the Rebels must struggle with limited resources while keeping the fire of their resistance burning. In this clash between the Deadly and the Rebels, both sides must risk everything in a dangerous game where the fate of the world can change in the blink of an eye. Who will emerge victorious in this unending conflict?

EinLumi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


On a cold night inside the Talbion Academy office, a female teacher in her thirties was busy with her tasks. Around her, piles of papers lay on different desks. Despite being the only teacher present, she paid no mind.

Muttering to herself, "My role will soon end, and I await the reward for carrying out this task," she gazed at the ceiling.

Knock knock.

Before she could drift away, she heard a knock on the door, prompting her to respond to the greeting. "Come in," she replied.

The door opened with its distinctive sound, revealing a girl with long white hair after fully opening the door.


"Sorry to disturb your leisure time." Late forced a smile as a form of apology.

"Why? Is there danger outside that made you come here? Haven't had the chance to go home?"

"Yes. I'm really bored at home. That's why I didn't go home. And thank you for your concern, but outside is fine," Late said, taking a seat at her desk.

"Well, it's understandable since we're lonely and don't have anyone. Every day we just teach and teach," Emily complained tiredly.

"Heh?! Emily is still single?"

Emily gently rubbed her desk. "That's right. I suggest you, Guru Late, not always be busy with tasks. Don't be like me, who regrets and is late in spending leisure time with people," she joked.

"Hmm... That's what I want, but for some reason, my heart doesn't desire it."

"That's why you need to make an effort to meet others. Who knows, it could be your life partner."

"How? I'm so clueless about finding someone I'm not even looking for."

"Um... maybe seek attention? Like, hmm, perhaps a performance?"

Emily imagined many performances in her thoughts while holding her chin. It formed above her head.

"That could work. But where would I showcase my talent?"

"Just try going out for a stroll; you might meet someone."

Late sighed and resigned, "It's not that easy. Sure, if I meet someone, but what if I don't? I'll just end up exhausted from walking," she said, resigned.

"There's no other word but patience, Late."

"Let it be; I'll remain as I am. I don't care about my future," Late grumbled at the seemingly simple words.

"Hahaha," Emily chuckled, looking out the window. It was eerily quiet outside, with no signs of life.

Then she rose from her chair and tried to relieve the stiffness in her body. "Hmm, on a night like this, the fountain sounds inviting, doesn't it?"

"Late, want to accompany me?" Emily continued to invite Late.

After the word 'fountain' was spoken, Late had the idea to start a fight there. This was advantageous; it was as if the target had already designated the last place they would enjoy life. "Umm... Sure, let's go."

Meanwhile, the rustle of leaves added a natural touch to the atmosphere. The night atmosphere at the academy was filled with tranquility. The night at the academy was enchanting, with dim lights illuminating the buildings. The sound of the fountain created a gentle melody, while the night sky was full of stars. Soaking their feet in the fountain, it felt like merging with the tranquility of the night, feeling the cool touch of the water under the peaceful night sky.

"Cold!" Late exclaimed while hugging herself.

"It's nice being together like this. It makes me miss my friends," Emily said, reminiscing.

"I don't know about your memories, but let the past be the past."

Emily gazed at the beauty of the stars in the sky with longing and said, "True. Because of him, I teach at the academy. It was so bitter when we were separated."

Late became somber after hearing, those words... and she returned to her past. She shook her head to forget about that event.

"Bitterness turns sweet when we rise. The rise begins with desire. Desire starts with feeling."

Emily closed her eyes. "Speaking of desire, what does Late want in this diverse world?"

Late stood up slowly, looking ahead, the sound of water due to her movement could be heard. She was serious.

"It's peace and truth."

"May it be achieved; I hope for my desire too..."

"But truth is not within you, Emily Pelka."

Before she finished her sentence, Rea interrupted. The fact that she knew Emily's involvement in planning to control the city of Talbion. Rea had a hunch that Emily's desire was what she wanted from Isaac. Whatever that request was.

Rea pulled out her sword, appearing magically.

"Haha. Well, it's not smooth; it seems I will face you, Late, don't run away, okay? This is your fault for knowing our purpose."

Emily, without shame, challenged her to a duel. She understood Late's meaning of truth. Inevitable.

With a sour expression of hostility and hatred, Rea said, "Run away? I'm not afraid like that. Besides, victory is already determined here, by me."

"Deadly, the fifth seat, Seven Deadly."

She entered Deadly mode. She wore a simple black dress with white patterns, accompanied by black stockings, and her fingers were covered with elegant short gloves.

"Wow, an elite in the Deadly Organization. I didn't expect to eliminate one of them."

"Shut your mouth!"

Rea waved her sword, and instantly, the sky began to cloud over. A small hailstorm of ice swords began to fall from the sky. She launched her first attack.

Emily, with an arrogant attitude, blocked the hail of ice swords with her hand movements. She looked at Rea and said, "Do you think ice rain will make me lose?"

She moved her hands, and quickly, fire ignited around her. However, Rea skillfully avoided the fire attack and responded by turning the ground beneath them into a frozen surface.

"What-?" Emily's steps halted, and she slid uncontrollably on the icy surface. Rea quickly slid towards Emily, wielding her ice sword. Meanwhile, Emily tried to regain her balance on the ice, trying to avoid the attack.

Suddenly, the ground around them shook, and Rea conjured sharp ice sword traps. Emily struggled to avoid these unexpected attacks, but several ice swords managed to pierce her thigh and arm.

"I'm not lying when I say I'm sure of winning; this is the proof," Rea said coldly while staring. She moved her hands, and ice began to encase Emily's body, making it difficult for her to move. However, Emily quickly melted the ice with an unbelievable fire, freeing herself from the icy restraints.

In a frozen state, Rea moved her hands again, this time creating a large ice sword in her hand. With a quick motion, she launched a direct attack towards Emily. The attack pushed her back, and Emily struggled to defend herself.

Emily didn't give up easily. "Not yet," She gathered energy in her hands and launched it towards Rea. Both powers collided, creating an explosion of energy that illuminated the night. Moments later, calmness returned to the place.

When it disappeared, Rea emerged from within with her shining ice sword. Meanwhile, Emily lay helpless on the icy floor, her clothes and body exhausted by the unstoppable force.

"Die," Rea said calmly, aiming her sword at the weakened Emily. "You're impressive, but my strength is unbeatable."

With a single swing of her sword, the battle came to an end.

"You're kind. But why walk the wrong path?"

She looked at her nearby teacher.

She looked at her with pity.

She felt guilty. But she had to do it for the city of Talbion.

She was here for that.


Before long, Rea snapped back, "Oops, these traces must be restored."