
Knowledge is the best skill for Isekai [P1]

A 24 year old man who spent his last 10 years in a hospital due to a serious disease. Unable to move or go outside yet he was able to hold his pain and suffering. It was thanks to the stories he read from novel, manga, animes and video games. When his time finally came, he was given a second chance to choose what kind of new life he wants to live, and the type of world he wants to go. For someone who spent his life on reading or watching some "isekai" stories, he knows exactly what kind of world he wants to go. Or so he thought. [I know "exactly" what you want. How about Saletera?] [Sounds good. And for the skills, only one I'll ask.] ---------------------------- English is my second language. This novel wasn't suppose to be uploade early. Originally I was going to make a Fanfiction, but because of misclick, I made it a webnovel instead. So I had to change the title to a new one which is this one. The story has many Arc, but I'm only gonna make one Arc for "Webnovel". As for the reason "why?" It will be in the last chapter. ------------------------------ One last thing: this novel was requested to be shared. so I don't care about the numbers of whatever. I'm just sharing the story to readers.

B_N_F · Fantasie
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17 Chs

Laboratory under the mountains (1)

As I started waking up, I felt a little pain in my body. I realize I was laying on the ground inside a cave. Or a laboratory I should say. According to my skill Knowledge of the World, I am inside a secret laboratory hidden under the black mountain.

I began moving my body, trying to stand up. I looked around and saw multiple kinds of stuff, tools, machines, books, scrolls and paper. The place is in a mess.

That's because an accident happened here 6 years ago.

I looked behind me and saw a large tank made of glass, or in another word a Capsule. It was damaged and the glasses was shattered. The liquids that was contained inside it has dried out. This capsule was the container of the Homunculus's body that I am using now.

The story about this laboratory is that a scientist mage or a professor mage made this place so that he can do some experiments and research in secret. His name was Professor Mart Sellius, one of the great professors and mages in this world. He was also known as "genius and crazy" because he always comes up with crazy ideas in creating new type of spells and magic tools. Like: creating a magic tool that can turn any foods into water, which made many people think he was crazy. But he wasn't. He did succeed in finding the method but he didn't continue the research because of what happened to his family.

I turn my head around to look behind. On the ground about a couple of steps away from the capsule laying a dead skeleton wearing a white coat.

That was the body of the professor who died 6 years ago.

To explain what happened here I will start from the very beginning. Thanks to "Knowledge of the World" I know the full story.


19 years ago Mart Sellius's son William Sellius died in a war against the demons. And in that same year his wife Flora Sellius was pregnant with a boy. After the boy was born his mother became sick when he was 3. She died from the illness when he was 4 years old, and his grandfather Professor Sellius took him in and raised him in the capital.

But unfortunately the boy had the same illness as his mother. The illness called "mana poisoning" which kills the body due to unstable in mana. In his 5th birthday the disease started to appear in his body. And one year after that, the boy died.

His grandfather has failed to find the cure, because it has never been found yet. He tried researching, searching, looking for the answer but in the end he was too late. The cure of the mana poisoning was never been discovered and all kinds and types of healing magic had no effect to it, neither was it able to slow down the disease.

The boy's name was Lesten Sellius, and he was 6 years old when he died. He never saw his father and his mother died when he was 4. He lived with his grandfather in the capital but in his 5th year he got the mana poisoning. He saw his grandfather struggling, working hard to find a cure, but it was too late.

That was the first story, about the Professor's grandson.

The death of his son and the mother was so cruel to him and his grandson. But the death of his last family member, his grandson was too hard for him.

Five month after Lesten's death, the Professor left the capital and disappeared to the black mountain. He wanted to research there alone and in secret, to find a way to bring his grandson back to life. If the people found out about this, they will think he got more crazy, and many professors, mages, and even high ranks will try to stop him. Because what he was doing was something more madness and a taboo.

Bring someone back to life means using many types of dark and forbidden magic that can bring disaster to the world.

There were people in the past who tried to use some types of Resurrection magic to bring back the dead, which end up in creating undead creatures and zombies. And if the professor use those methods, he may end up creating something worse than that.

Fortunately, the Professor wasn't going to use that method. He might be crazy but he wasn't stupid.

He tried finding another way to bring his grandson using pure methods. 4 years in the laboratory that he made in the mountains, he kept researching for a way until he found one.

He found out that when a person dies the soul leaves the body immediately leaving the world too. Mart thought that in order to resurrect someone he needs to find that soul first and bring it back to a new body, since the formal body can't be used anymore when the soul leaves it.

So he used Time and Space magic to locate Lesten's soul, and he succeeded, but the hard part was to install it in a new Humanoid body.

In order to "rewind back" the soul after it left the world he need more mana. So he gathered alot of magic stones. And he needed full control in manipulate the flow of mana. For being one of the great and talented mage in this world he was very close in succeeding his goal.

But in the end he failed.

For not being able to fully control the flow of mana 100% since he was using a very high level magic spells, it end up destroying his mana pole, ending the old man's life.

That was the full story.


I walk toward the Professor's dead skeleton, kneeling down and start praying for him.


Although the method he used wasn't wrong, unfortunately it wasn't the method that he was really looking for, even if he succeeded.

You see, when a person dies, their soul leaves the world immediately without leaving any trace. The soul goes to the "reincarnation cycle" leaving all the fragments it had about it's old world.

What the professor found when he tried to locate Lesten's soul was just the fragments of the soul that was deleted.

When a soul leaves to the reincarnation cycle they Lose all their Memories about their old world "their past". And those memories are what made those souls who they were before they die.

If the professor did succeed in resurrecting his grandson, then the boy will be just a Copy of the real one.

Just like Kirito's Copy.

And what the Professor really wanted was the real Lesten to come back, not a copy.


After finishing praying, I stood up again and took another look at the skeleton.

I feel really sorry for him, and his family, especially the boy. Losing both his parents and ending up dying from an illness in a very young age.

I also have some respect for the Professor.

Working very hard to find a cure. And even finding a way to bring back his dead grandson without using a Bad or an Evil methods.

He was a genius and a very crazy old man. But he was also Pure in his craziness.

[ I hope you don't mind me using this body, since you don't need it anymore.]

I spoke to his body.

Although I already know he wouldn't mind, I feel like I should ask first.

I looked around to find something that might help me see my reflection. I walk toward a metallic machine which was the energy reactor for the capsule and looked at my face reflection.

I looked young, and my appearance was the same when I was 14, but a little different... The hair is white, and the eyes are green, close to violet.

I look like those people who cosplaying one of the anime characters.

But this face...it's look more real than the fake one.

[ Ok then, first thing first is to check this new skill. ]

M said that the skill automatically responses to my Will, so if I have any questions or information that I need to know it will answer it.

Let me see, first I need all the information about this skill.

< Information about the skill "Knowledge of the world" installing... >

[ Hm! ]

< Information Complete >



That was so fast! Right in an instint, I already know what I need to know about the skill.

It's seems that "knowledge of the world" can only provide me with the information that I really want to know. Although I already know all it's function and how to use it, there still more information it has stored.

[ let's check the Library first. ]

< Would you like to use Knowledge of the world's Library? >


< Entering the Library...! >



My vision started to change and I was teleported to somewhere else.


The first thing I saw was the notification screen in front of my view.

< Welcome to Knowledge of the world's Library >

I am now in a Library. A very large, big, gigantic Library!

[ This place is so freaking insane. ]

I commented as I looked around me. Right now I am standing in the middle of the Library, with multiple books and book shelves around me. there are no walls or even a ceiling. I don't know how wide is this place, but one thing I know is that the numbers of books are increasing continuously, because more new info are being uploaded from this world.

In front of me there is a desk and a chair. They both look very luxurious. I went there and sat down on the chair, It felt so comfortable.

[ Now, let's see what I can find. ]

I raise both my hand in the air, ready to do something.

Oh right! I forgot to explain to you guys before that.

Since you don't Know, hehe'.

(A/N: he is using Vanti's "hehe")

Right now I am inside the skill, which is also can be said that I am inside my mind.

It's like Vivy's mind which looks like a classroom for club music from the Anime Vivy fluorite eye's song. And where she can gather information about songs, lyrics, music and create new songs.

While mine looks like a giant Library for information and knowledge, where I can search any kind of information about this world.

Because I am a Homunculus, my mind and brain are like an AI. I can think fast, memorizes more, and analyze better than any other races in this world.

If I had chosen Human or any other races I would end up getting a headache every time I install a new information.

Moving on, this library is where I can read the information I want to know through books.

For example.

< Searching about: This world magic.. >

A projected screen appeared on the desk with those words written on it.

What I did was typing using the keyboard that was projected on the desk, although I could also just use my mind without the need of a keyboard.

I feel like Tony Stark if I do that.

< Search complete >

Suddenly, Multiple Books appeared on the desk, 5 of them. These books contains all the information about Magic in this world.

I took the one on the top and opened it.

The book may look like it has about 200 pages, but actually when you open and start reading, it will feel like it has over 2000 pages. From the outside it looked like a little, but from the inside it a lot more than that.

I closed the book and put it back on the top.

In this Library I can use it as a place to read and search. The skill "Knowledge of the world" can provide me with the information in two ways.

Through installing, where I can know about new knowledge in less than a second. Or by reading the information as books in the library.

The difference between them is that the first method only installs the information that's more important about the things I want to know.

For example, If I want to know how many days, months, and seasons this world has it will answer in complete.

But if I want to know everything about this world's History, it will only give me 40% of the answer, without the details, only the important things.

Because my mind wouldn't stand all the Full information about it, from the first day of the history until the present day, in a full detail, a 100% full history record.

Installing an information this big may end up destroying my brain. No, it will definitely destroy my brain and end my second life, even if my brain was like a supercomputer.

Fortunately, "Knowledge of the world" knows how to short cut the information like those one.

And if I want to know the full History of this world with the details, I could read it in this Library, all of them.

By the way, the Books about this World History are 4728 volumes in this Library.

[ What's more cool about this Library is not just that I can read the information through books only, I can also watch the events and the history on the screen. ]

I typed "The world geography" then the screen showed a Live video about this world.

I can see the Landscape, Mountain, Rivers, Ocean, Village and Cities.

I can use this place as an HQ for gathering information and Intel, with videos and sound, if I want to find my enemies and spy on them.

*Evil smile*

Well, I don't need to think about this kind of things now since I don't have any enemies.


I think I will use this Library when I go to sleep, because time accelerate 10 times faster than the real world.

Spending 10 hours in the Library is 1 hour in reality, since my mind is an AI.

Just like Vivy.

< Do you want to exit Knowledge of the world's Library? >

[ Hmmm. ]

The name of the skill is too long to hear. I think I should make it short.

< Do you want to change the Name of the Skill? >

[ Yeah. ]

< Change the Skill's name:__>

Now let me see...a short name for my skill.


Knowledge? ...Too weird.


A great Sage, Lord of wisdom.

Nope, those names are weak. My skill is way more knowledgeable than Raphael.



How do you say "Knowledge of the world" in Japanese?

< Ring >

< Sekai no chishiki >

[ Oh, thank you sensei. ]

So, Sekai No Chishiki huh.


Got it!

< Change the Skill's name: Senoki >

< The name of the skill " Knowledge of the world" has been changed to "Senoki" >

Much better. Now, let's leave this place.

< Do you want to exit Senoki's Library? >

Yes please!

< Exiting the Library... >

My vision changed again, I am now back in the Laboratory.

I guess I will try looking for more books next time, and maybe try reading about some magic.


[ ..... ]

Looks like I'm hungry.

Well ofcourse I will fell hungry even if I am a Homunculus. I am a man-made human. Correction, my New Body is a man-made human.

I look down at my stomach while rubbing it.


I just realized something.

I am naked.

[ .... ]

[ I thing I really have some problems in realizing my own surrounding. ]

Especially my own body. I recall what happened a few hours ago when I was talking to M.

The scene where I had no body or brain, and all my thoughts can be heard by everyone.

I shook my head trying to forget about it. This was the second time something like this happen after I died.

[ let's hope there won't be a third time. ] I murmured.

(A/C: Ur thoughts still can be heard)
