
Katsuki Bakugo in one piece

a teenage otaku who died from a gas explosion in his house while watching the anime my Hero academia. and get the chance to be reincarnated into another world. okay this novel is written in Indonesian and then translated via google translate because the author can't speak English. so just enjoy using your wits so the story looks plausible. I don't own anything in here, all credits go back to their respective owners. and also this fanfic is just wish fulfillment.

Herosin_Gaming · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs


Hey everyone I'm a new writer, in the last few days I started writing fanfic to see if my writing is good or bad, in the chapters that I released, there were some comments criticizing my writing, and I'm very grateful for people who criticize my writing and give solution to fix it. I made this fanfic just to see my writing and the reactions of people who read this fanfic, because I will be starting my own original novel in the future, so I just want to say if suddenly this fanfic no longer has uploaded new chapters, that's just a sign there are two, I'm lazy, or I'm making my own original novel.

Then let's just enjoy this one chapter.

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"Hiikkkkk yes yes I will answer I will answer, it's all because I have to pay off my father's debt to the bull gangs in this city" the pink haired girl answered Bakugo with fear.

"Your father's debt?, what did your father do, did he not want to pay off his own debt, so that he made you a robber like this?" Bakugo asked the pink haired girl confusedly.

"Oh yeah before you answer my question, introduce my name Katsuki Bakugo the person who will form a great pirate who is greater than the 4 emperors and pirate king Gol D Roger, and the person who will become the strongest human in the world" Bakugo introduced himself in a voice that loud and proud.

"pi pirates do you want to be a pirate, scary please don't hurt me" said the pink haired girl scared.

"Don't worry I won't hurt you, so what's your name?" Bakugo said in a lazy tone.

"O okay okay my name is Miya, I live in the western part of this island there is a village where I live" said the pink-haired girl.

"Okay, now that we are acquainted with each other, let's go back to the topic we discussed earlier, what did your father actually do, did he not want to pay off his own debt?" Bakugo asked the pink-haired girl again.

"That's actually I also don't know, these thugs suddenly came to our house after my father died and said that my father owed them about 10 million berries" Miya told Bakugo in a voice that seemed like she was about to cry.

"Ohh I'm sorry I didn't know your father was dead" Bakugo said with a regretful tone.

"It's okay it's okay, you're innocent you don't need to apologize" Miya said a little awkwardly, because during their conversation Bakugo always yelled at her, but now seeing Bakugo apologize it looks a bit strange.

"Thanks Miya, then what is your mother doing, is she not working to try to pay off your father's debt?" Bakugo asked Miya again.

"That my mother also died because of working too hard to try to pay off my father's debt" Miya said in a sad tone.

'gosh how stupid I am why am I repeating 2 mistakes at the same time' Bakugo said in his heart.

"Gosh I'm sorry, I didn't know that your mother had died too" said Bakugo with no regrets.

"It's okay, you don't have to think too much about it, after all it happened about 3 years ago, now I can forgive my mother's departure" Miya said to Bakugo in a tone trying to calm down.

"Thank you very much, again please forgive me, but if I may know how your father died, you can answer it if it doesn't bother you, but if the question bothers you you can choose not to answer it" Bakugo asked in a polite tone.

"Hmm it's actually not a secret, almost everyone on Polo Island knows what happened, my father is actually a very good sniper, his shooting skills can be said to be extraordinary, no matter how far the target is if my father shoots him he only needs 1 bullet to kill the target, and I have also been trained in shooting by my father since I was little, my father said my talent in shooting was better than him, but I thought it was just a word of praise for a small child to be more motivated in training. My father is also often invited to hunt by people on the island to resell his prey, but 5 years ago there was an attack from the bear pirates on our island their captain's bounty amounted to 15 million berries, and my father was one of the warriors who fought on the front line. to defend our island, but unfortunately he died in the fight" Miya said in a sad and longing tone.

"Hmm, is that so, I'm sorry for the death of your father and mother, but hearing from your story, there seems to be something strange, because your father often hunts for resale of his prey, with your father's skill in shooting he should get the most part, Then why does he owe, what does he use the money for?, hem there is something strange and suspicious "Bakugo said by looking directly at Miya.

"That I also don't know" Miya said confused to Bakugo.

"Can you tell me the thugs who owe you a debt" Bakugo looked straight at Miya.

"okay" said miya

After a while, Miya explains the group of thugs who collect debts from her, finally Bakugo understands what these thugs are really after from Miya.

'heh this is interesting, these thugs are very interesting, from Miya's explanation these thugs control half of the island of polo, even the mayor doesn't dare to disturb them, the mayor has also reported their actions to the nearest mariner branch, branch 16 which is led by captain Nezumi but there has been no response from the marines, Judging from Nezumi's behavior in the original series he is one of the marine captains who is very corrupt, because there is no response from the marines then it is certain, these thugs have bribed captain Nezumi to ignore whatever happened in the this island, therefore these thugs must have a lot of money'.

"hey miya, can you take me to the headquarters of the thugs, I want to visit their place." Bakugo said smiling at miya.

"Hisss why do you want to go to their headquarters?, don't go to their headquarters you were beaten by them, do you remember what I said even the mayor was reluctant to deal with them" Miya reminded Bakugo not to go to their headquarters.

"Hahaha you don't have to worry I just want to see weak people pretending to be strong" Bakugo said with a sinister smile.

"O okay but I will come with you" Miya said to Bakugo in an unsure tone.

Currently Bakugo and Miya are walking towards the west of the island, they are heading towards the village where Miya lives, after a long walk for about 1 and a half hours they finally arrived at the village where Miya lives, this village can be said to be not too crowded, because it can seen from the village gate that no more than 30 houses live in this village.

When Bakugo saw this village, he clearly saw the difference between a town and a village on Polo Island, in the town even though it was noon it was still crowded with people, while the village was very quiet there were only a few people pulling carts which seemed to contain wheat.

"Miya, why is this village so empty of residents that there are not even more than 30 houses in this village?" Bakugo asked Miya with a confused face.

"Hmm it's all because of the bear pirate attack about 5 years ago, the villages around the city had the most damage Due to the pirate attack, while the polis town had very little damage, because of that the villagers who were in the village started moving and live in the city" Miya said with a sad face.

"Is that so!, let's just go to your house then after that we go to the headquarters of the thugs who collect debts from you" Bakugo said excitedly.

After walking for a while they finally arrived in front of Miya's house, Miya's house is not too big, the house is made of wood and painted in gray.

"Bakugo san you can wait there first, I will take my preparations after that we will immediately leave" Miya pointed to a bench in front of her house and told Bakugo to wait.

"Hmm okay, hurry up and get in and prepare what you need to prepare, I'll be waiting here" said Bakugo.

Hearing Bakugo's words, Miya went straight in and began to prepare the things she needed to prepare.