
Katsuki Bakugo in one piece

a teenage otaku who died from a gas explosion in his house while watching the anime my Hero academia. and get the chance to be reincarnated into another world. okay this novel is written in Indonesian and then translated via google translate because the author can't speak English. so just enjoy using your wits so the story looks plausible. I don't own anything in here, all credits go back to their respective owners. and also this fanfic is just wish fulfillment.

Herosin_Gaming · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs

lost for 2 days at sea

1522 East Blue.

On an uninhabited island seen on the beach there is a teenage boy with blond hair, estimated to be around 17 years old, currently the teenage boy is pushing a boat from the beach to the sea before boarding it.

Since a week ago Bakugo has prepared many things to prepare for his maiden voyage, and currently Bakugo is pushing the boat that has been with him since he woke up on this island to the beach, at this time Bakugo can't wait to immediately gather his pirate members.

Hahaha I can't wait to gather my crew members, I will make sure the pirates I make will be greater than the 4 emperor pirates and the pirate king Gol D Roger: Bakugo said.

Phew the island is getting smaller and smaller, hahaha I can't wait to see the mess I'll make in this world in the future: said Bakugo.

Seen in the very wide sea around which only the blue sky and the blue sea of ​​water can be seen, you can see a small fishing boat on which there is only a blonde haired teenager, at this time the teenager is rowing aimlessly, he is just rowing forward continuously since leaving the island that he had lived in for the past 3 years.

Currently Bakugo is in a happy mood, because he is thinking about how many crews he will gather in the future, Bakugo already has plans in the future about how many crews he will gather i.e. under 15 and above 8 people. Because Bakugo doesn't want too many people on his ship but they are all weak, and better a few but they are all strong.

A day later in the East Blue sea there was a small fishing boat sailing aimlessly, on the boat was seen a teenager with a very annoyed face. The teenager is Bakugo, currently Bakugo is upset because he has been sailing for a day and he still hasn't found the next island, Bakugo now wants to beat someone up.

Damn this sucks it's been a day and a night I sailed but still haven't found the island either, I'm sick of seeing this sea view and I want to meet someone, the last time I met someone it was the snake pirate that I slaughtered 2 years ago: shouted Bakugo.

When Bakugo was screaming in the sea while uttering curse words and curses from his mouth, suddenly the water under his ship churned, at that moment Bakugo stopped his curse, and looked down at the sea, when Bakugo looked down his ship he saw a black shadow swimming towards the sea. upwards, as the shadow swims closer to the surface, the shadow gets bigger, not long after that the shadow comes out to the surface, it can be seen that it is a young sea king, the young sea king although not as big as the one in the calm belt , but the sea king can be said to be big he can swallow Bakugo and his boat directly.

When Bakugo saw this sea king his annoyance grew, because he had been tossed around in the sea for a day and now there is a sea king who wants to find trouble with him. His face looks very angry and there are veins on his head, before the sea king can make any movement, Bakugo immediately jumps in front of his face and explodes his face with the biggest explosion he can do at this time.


The sea king who was hit by the explosive attack from the bakugo, currently his face has a very severe wound a lot of flesh from his face is scattered, even though he is still not dead, the sea king is writhing in pain. Bakugo who saw the sea king was in pain he just immediately rowed his boat away from the place of the mess he made.

Bakugo is currently rowing his boat randomly, Bakugo only relies on his gut feeling to operate the boat he is driving.

Tch troublesome looks like I have to get a navigator first, otherwise it will be difficult to sail on the sea: said Bakugo.

Another day passed at this time Bakugo was eating his last food supply, because he thought it would only take him about a day and a night to find the next island, so he didn't bring much food supplies. but Bakugo did not expect that he would be lost at sea for 2 days at sea.

When Bakugo was daydreaming about how to find the next island, he saw a marine warship sailing towards him, when Bakugo saw the marine ship he immediately rowed his boat towards the marine ship, when Bakugo's boat was next to the marine ship, the person who looked like the captain of the ship looked at Bakugo, and asked Bakugo.

POV Marine captain.

When my subordinates and I wanted to sail back to our base after patrolling the surrounding sea, I saw in front of me a boat driven by a teenager about 17 years old.

When the teenager saw our boat, he immediately rowed his boat toward us. Not long ago I saw the teenager was already on the starboard side of our boat, when I saw the teenager, it was a teenager with blonde hair he was not wearing any top, his body was muscular and the scars on his body were like claws and bites from wild animals. It was obvious, although the muscles weren't that big, but if a young girl saw it she would definitely be mesmerized, the teenager was only wearing short black pants and she was wearing a necklace with black strings and the eye of the necklace was the teeth of a huge beast maybe the size of the thumb of a human hand.

Young man who are you?, I am the captain of Nezumi from the base of the 16th branch in East Blue: said Nezumi.


"When I heard this person who has an annoying face and has 3 mouse-like whiskers on his left and right and says his name is Nezumi and he's from the 16th East Blue branch, I I immediately knew that this person was one of the corrupt marines that the Arlong pirates were willing to pay to protect Arlong from being chased by the other marines."

Mr. Nezumi my name is Katsuki Bakugo, I currently want to go to the nearest inhabited island, but I didn't think I would get lost at sea and sail aimlessly for 2 days. Could you please point me in the right direction for the nearest island: said Bakugo as politely as possible.

Because only this person for now can help him.

When Nezumi heard Bakugo's words she had an annoying smile that made one want to slap her. When Bakugo saw Nezumi's smile, his left eye twitched in annoyance, Bakugo really wanted to beat this guy but he still held it in, so that Bakugo could reach the next island.

"This fellow if it weren't for the fact that I needed your help at this time, I might as well beat you up right now".

Hmm is that so, you can just go straight there in 2 hours you will find polo island, it's an island famous for good liquor: Nezumi said with her annoying smile.

When Bakugo heard that the nearest inhabited island was only 2 hours away from his current place he was immediately excited.

Then I'll go straight away, thanks captain Nezumi for pointing me out: said Bakugo trying to be as polite as possible.

"Just see if we meet again I will wipe the annoying smile from your face and I will replace it with a cry for forgiveness hemph"

With that Bakugo rowed his boat towards the direction indicated by captain Nezumi. After 2 hours and 30 minutes, finally Bakugo could see an island that was quite large, bigger than the island he had lived in for the past 3 years.

After a while Bakugo finally arrived at the port of Polo Island.