
Just became a god of destruction, the chat group came to the door

Traveling to the world of Dragon Ball, Zhou Xin awakened the critical Strike system, and with the help of the system, he reached the strength of the god of Destruction in just a few years. Just when he thought his life was already turbulent, he was pulled into the skirt of the heavens and the world. As a result, the style of painting changed. White Beard: “Warring States Period, Karp, eat me a tortoise Qigong! ” Tor: “Break my Iron Man armor, I can finally use the strength of being sealed by the armor!" ” Iori Taiichi: "Let go of that Digimon, let me do it! ” Hattori Heiji: “Kudo, let me take you to heaven to play. ” i could only find 217 chapters

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217 Chs


What's more, he needs points himself, and when he can take out 70,000 points to buy Dragon Ball as a reward.

  Then his own points are hundreds of thousands less.

  In this way, the time will be longer, so you can only let others wait slowly.

  But others don't know these things! After hearing Baibeard's, they all looked excited.

  They must perform well in the future, and strive for White Beard to reward them with a chance to realize their wishes!

  Rogge Town, this is a small town located in the East China Sea.

  It was originally not very famous, but because Roger the One Piece came from this small town, and Roger was also in this small town when he was executed.

  So all of a sudden, this town became famous.

  At this moment, a person looked at the scene in front of him with a blank expression on his face.

  This person is naturally Roger who was resurrected not long ago!

  He didn't know what happened at all, he should be dead, how could he still appear here!

  "It seems you don't know what happened for the time being, Roger. "

  At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from behind Roger.

  Roger quickly looked back and saw a huge man with a white beard standing behind him.

  Roger looked at Whitebeard and saw from his face what his old friend looked like.

  "You, are you Newgate? How did you become so old! "

  Roger remembered that when he died, White Beard shouldn't be so old.

  "Nonsense! It has been more than 20 years since you died, can I not grow old! "

  Baibeard rolled his eyes, normal people will grow old in the past 20 years, okay.

  "Wait? What did you just say? I have been dead for more than 20 years? So what's going on now? "

  Roger said that he was at a loss, he didn't understand many things!

  "I will tell you these things later, now you should come with me first. "

  With that said, regardless of whether Roger agreed or not, White Beard grabbed him and flew up.

  Seeing that the white beard could fly now, Roger looked dumbfounded again.

  What happened in the twenty years since he died, how could the white beard fly!

  Whitebeard took Roger back to the Whitebeard Pirates.

  When they saw Roger, everyone was very surprised.

  Although they knew that White Beard used the dragon to resurrect Roger, they saw Roger really standing in front of them alive.

  They still couldn't help being surprised in their hearts.

  Especially the former admiral of the Warring States Period, he personally issued the order to execute Roger.

  And when Roger was executed, he was watching from the side.

  Now seeing Roger resurrected and standing in front of him, it really feels a bit weird.

  Ace was not here at this time, but went to pick up his mother.

  After Whitebeard's description, Roger finally knew what happened and why he was resurrected.

  He looked at Baibeard with a look of amazement, but he didn't expect that his old opponent and old friend was so powerful now!

  Even the incredible thing of resurrecting people can be done!

  The opponent's achievements have far surpassed his own, and his name as the One Piece King is no longer true.

  And when Roger knew that his son was now picking up his mother back.

  Roger was excited.

  The person he is most sorry for is their mother and son. Now that he is resurrected, he must make up for it!

  It's just that he has one thing that needs to be dealt with with Karp.

  "Karp, it's been a long time since I saw you. "

  Roger walked up to Karp, spoke to him, and greeted the Warring States and others on the side.

  Although he was executed by the Warring States Period, he did not blame the Warring States Period because he did it voluntarily.

  Of course, if he knew that his son was also executed by the Warring States Period in the copy, then he probably wouldn't have such a good attitude towards the Warring States period.

  "Roger, seeing you resurrected, what do you say, my heart is really mixed. "

  Karp looked at Roger in front of him with emotion.

  The relationship between him and Roger is also a relationship between enemies and friends.

  Although he often chased Roger at the beginning, but because of this, they also established a friendship with each other.

  And they also cooperated at the beginning to eliminate the Rocks Pirates.

  So seeing Roger again, Karp's mood is also very complicated, especially now that he has joined the White Beard Pirates.

  "Karp, although I am very grateful to you for adopting Ace, can you tell me why you regard Ace as your grandson. "

····*Seeking flowers·· ······

  "My son has become your grandson, what do you mean? Take advantage of me! "

  That's right, when Roger knew that Ace would actually be Karp's grandson, he wanted to ask Karp.

  What does this mean?

  His son is Karp's grandson, doesn't that mean that he is Karp's son?

  "After a while, I also suddenly realized this problem, Karp, you are not kind like this. "

  Whitebeard also reacted suddenly at this time and looked at Karp with Roger.

  He also accepted Ace as his son, doesn't that mean that he is also Karp's son?

  This Karp, really will take advantage of it! It's so disgusting!

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  "You can't blame me for this. At my age, I can indeed be Ace's grandfather. "

  Seeing that both Whitebeard and Roger said that, Karp said helplessly.

  He really didn't mean to take advantage of Roger and Whitebeard.

  Besides, Roger was nothing more than that, he had known that Ace was his son before.

  But what happened to White Beard? When he adopted Ace, God knew that White Beard would accept him as his son!

  Karp felt that he was wronged, and Roger would forget it, but in theory, Whitebeard was none of his business!

  "Forget it, for the sake of your adoption of Ace, I won't pursue this matter. "

  "And Ace must already think of you as his grandfather in his heart. "

  Roger just wanted to vent his unhappiness, but he wouldn't really do anything to Karp.

  The same is true for White Beard, they just wanted to scare Karp.

  After a while, Ace followed his mother back.

  When he saw Roger, he was a little unnatural, but his mother was very excited.

  No matter what Ace thought of his father, his mother really loved Roger.

  Under the action of Ace's mother, although Ace faced Roger a little unnaturally, he could only reluctantly accept it.

  And Roger, seeing his son and the woman he loves, is also very excited.

  Seeing Ace's appearance, he didn't blame the other party, because he knew that it was indeed his fault. loss.

Chapter 297

  The reunion of Roger's family came to an end, and White Beard stayed in his room, watching the news in the group.

  He has completed the resurrection of Roger, as for letting Roger join the Whitebeard Pirates.

  Because Ace and his mother are both in the Whitebeard Pirates, and Roger also knows that his time is over.

  Now it belongs to the era of White Beard, so he also joined.

  With Roger's addition, Whitebeard's task was finally completed.

  "Ding! Congratulations to the group member Baibeard for completing the serial task! "

  "Get task rewards: the previous task score is increased to S! Reward, 100,000 points! "

  "The group shuttle function is turned on, and group members can spend a certain amount of points to travel to the world of other group members! "

  Rewards for Whitebeard's completion of the task were distributed, and Whitebeard gained 100,000 points at once!

  Because when he received an A-level score before, a reward of 10,000 points was also issued, so he earned this wave of blood!

  The opening of the group shuttle function also adds one more function to the group, a function that group members dream of.

  Baibeard and others quickly took a look at this function.

  They can now travel to other people's worlds, including the Dragon Ball world where the group leader is located.

  However, the points required to travel to each world are different.

  The more ordinary the world is, the less points are needed.

  And like Daegu's Diga Ultraman World, Taiichi's Digimon World, and Whitebeard's One Piece World, you need a little more points.

  As for going to the Dragon Ball World of the group leader Zhou Xin, you need more points than going to other worlds combined!

  Of course, for the current white Beard and them.