
Jedi from the past

Y/n is a padawan of the old republic who fought in the war against the Sith empire. This was until one day while fighting against enemy forces, his ship gets trapped in a freezing nebula, which makes him stay undercover and hidden until he is found. Go beyond and explore the past before the phantom menace movie. How would this affect the main story of Star Wars? I don’t own any rights of Star Wars, it all belongs to its creator Lucas film. https://www.wattpad.com/1426454030?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_reading&wp_page=story_end&wp_uname=Nakobats18

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The start of the Phantom menace

The blockade on Naboo continues and the chancellor Valorum has requested the Jedi council to send a representative to make negotiations with the trade federation, meanwhile the Jedi council is deciding who they should send.



It has been two weeks and a half since I arrived at the Jedi temple on Coruscant, and I can't say how happy I am to see all this peace but there has been a dark shadow looming over the planet, or maybe I'm just too used to always being on my guard awaiting for Sith to attack me at anytime.

Right now I'm walking towards the tower of the Jedi council, after I arrived here I was on rehab for a week and after being cleared off I was able to continue with my training, it is a weird sensation to have been asleep for a thousand year yet it feels like yesterday when it all happened, also I didn't lost my skills with the force and with my lightsaber. The best part is that I'm one of the best duelist in the temple right behind masters Windu, Yoda and Dooku it may be because I was a padawan during the old republic and we were at war, being able to defend ourselves and fight back was as important as being connected to the force.

As I arrived at the door of the Jedi council, I knocked when master Yoda told me to enter.

Yoda: Ahhh young Y/n has arrived welcome you are.

Y/n: Thank you master.

Master Shaak-Ti was next to speak

Shaak-Ti: How is your recovery going young one?

Y/n: It has been going well master, I almost feel like I was before being frozen.

Master Kit Fisto was the next one to speak impressed

Kit Fisto: I still can't believe we found a Jedi from the old republic after all this time.

Y/n: i am as impressed as you are master, to be here was the last thing I would've expected, but I'm merely a padawan I still have a long way to go before becoming a Jedi.

I say with honesty, I was only seventeen when I was frozen, and even though I am theoretically the oldest Jedi alive I didn't acquire any knowledge as did master Yoda. It may be that my connection with the force grew stronger, but that wasn't the only thing you need as a Jedi.

My thoughts were interrupted as master Windu spoke.

Windu: That's one of the things we wanted to talk to you about young one.

Yoda: yes yes important topic this is.

Master Ki-Adi Mundi came to clear my thoughts

Mundi: We have decided to officially make you a Jedi knight.

It felt like time stopped then and there, I couldn't believe what they were saying, I was just a normal padawan and no one has ever become a knight at my age it was crazy.

Y/n: I feel honored that you believe I am ready, but I must ask why me? I am as normal as any other padawan the only difference is that I am from another era but that doesn't change anything.

Master Yoda was the one who gave the council's reasons in his peculiar way of speech.

Yoda: Exactly that from another time you are what makes you special it does, your experience valuable it is.

Master Windu was the next to continue with master Yoda's idea

Windu: Your combat and force abilities over shadow all other padawan of your age, you may not like it but we believe the old war made you an even wiser Jedi.

Master Yaddle then said

Yaddle: Those who know the destruction of war has a stronger resolution to keep peace.

I was out of words honestly, I didn't expect for the Jedi council to be like this, it just looked like a dream. Yet again it was Yoda who brought me out of my thoughts.

Yoda: The decision made it was, on a knee young one.

I quickly did as master Yoda said as he began saying.

Yoda: By the right of the council, by the will of the force, I dub thee Jedi knight of the republic.

And with a swift movement he cut my padawan braid and with that the ceremony was over, I stood up trying to look as serious as possible trying to all the happiness I had at the moment and said.

Y/n: I won't let you down I promise

Yoda: That already knew we did

The moment became more serious as master Windu spoke.

Windu: Now we have your first assignment knight L/n, Naboo has been on a blockade and chancellor Valorum has asked us to send a Jedi to negotiate the terms for a treaty.

Kit-Fisto: You will go and assist master Qui-Gon Jin and his padawan to Naboo and help them with the negotiations.

Y/n: Yes masters I won't fail you.

Yoda: Good, now prepare you must, leave tomorrow to Naboo you will, leave now you can, may the force be with you.

Y/n: May the force be with you masters.

I left the Jedi council room with only one thing in mind, this was going to be my first mission in this new era, and I couldn't be more excited for this adventure. As I finally arrived at my dorm and went directly to bed drifting to sleep while thinking what this new mission have prepared for me.


The next day

Obi-Wan: What are we waiting for master, we should be leaving for Naboo as soon as possible.

Qui-Gon: Patience my young padawan we are waiting for someone, the council thinks he shall be useful for the mission we have at hand.

Obi-Wan: And who is this someone if I may ask master?

Qui-Gon: He is…

Y/n: Sorry for keeping you waiting master Qui-Gon I hope I'm not late.

Qui-Gon: not at all young one but I think introductions must be done.

Y/n: Oh yes, pleasure to meet both of you my name is Y/n L/n.

Qui-Gon: the pleasure is ours, now let me introduce you to my padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Obi-Wan: Pleasure to meet you.

I nodded my head and started heading towards the ship that would take us to Naboo, as we headed there master Qui-Gon said something.

Qui-Gon: I was surprised to hear your back story young friend, and it was a bigger surprise to hear that you were made a knight right before this mission. I would like to ask you some things about your era if you are okay with it, and also about your lightsaber and it's peculiar color.

I looked at him and Obi-Wan, you could see they were surprised to hear that I was a knight at such a young age. The reality is that I couldn't help but agree with him.

Y/n: Honestly, I was as surprised as you two are, I didn't expect the council to make such a decision, and as for the other thing I would love to tell you how things were back in my time, as for my lightsaber my master and I had a few theories about what caused my Kyber crystal to be like this but we never had a concrete answer.

I looked at Qui-Gon who looked thoughtful until Obi-Wan asked

Obi-Wan: What happened to your crystal if I may ask?

Y/n: Nothing happened to my Kyber crystal, let me show you.

I said as I ignited my lightsaber showing it's orange blade shine.

Y/n: Even though in my time it had a resemblance to a Sith blade because of its color, and I can't argue with that. The thing was when we were at war not having negative emotions as youngling was practically impossible, seeing people die in meaningless fight was horrible.

They looked shocked while I continue with my story.

Y/n: The reality is that when I went for my Kyber crystal I was mad at the Sith empire for everything they've done and my rage transmitted itself in the crystal, but it didn't completely turn red, it may be because I wasn't seeking power trough my rage. In the end my master got to the conclusion that my emotions turned my crystal orange, but it didn't led me to the dark side. I know it's not as logical but its the best idea I have.

I looked at them expecting a rejecting look as the ones I got at the temple back in my time but surprisingly Qui-Gon said.

Qui-Gon: The force is always seeking balance your rage is part of that balance, but you didn't let it control you, I believe that may be the reason. You found balance in yourself in the light and in the dark, I wish to continue speaking about this, but we should probably hurry now, Naboo is waiting for us.

I looked to Obi-Wan and nodded as we boarded the ship to Naboo and found some seats Qui-Gon spoke.

Qui-Gon: When we arrive I need both of you to be cautious, we don't know what the trade federation may be planning, we need to be calm and collected at all times.

Obi-Wan: Yes master.

I just nodded at his instructions as the sip entered hyperspace. I closed my eyes to meditate, I was nervous yes, but fortunately it was just a diplomatic mission what could go wrong?


Here you go.

I don't know if I'll post everyday because of my work but I will try to.

Thank you for reading hope you liked it and I hope you'll like the next chapters to come.

Bye see you later.

I hate writing Yoda when he’s speaking, it’s confusing I don’t like it.

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