
Awakening in a new era

3 weeks before the Phantom menace

The blockade on Naboo has just started, as the chancellor decides with the senate what should be done in regards to this. The Jedi council has its own problems, a Jedi beacon has been activated and located in the outer rim master Yoda with master Plo-koon are now on their way to investigate this mysterious ship and it's origins.


Pilot 1: Master Jedi we are going to exit hyperspace we should arrive at the location shortly after.

Plo-koon: Master Yoda what are you expecting we find out there far away from the republic?

Yoda: Hmmm, this signal an old one it is, from the old republic era I presume.

Plo-koon: From the old republic? Interesting, but why would it have gone at this time from out of nowhere.

Yoda: Space a dangerous place it is, and in times of war worse it may be.

As the ship got out of hyperspace they saw what appears to be a cruiser from the old republic. The ship seemed to be in almost perfect conditions, the curious thing was that it appears to be covered in ice.

Plo-koon: It seems we have found our ship master Yoda, although it is curious to see a frozen ship out here.

Yoda: Space curious phenomenon it has, in a frozen nebula this was. Thousands of years it may take for the frozen nebula to disperse. Until now this ship hidden was.

As the ship got closer to the cruiser, they prepare to board it.

Pilot: We have been able to connect the boarding tunnel, master Jedi we wait for your instructions.

Plo-koon: Thank you pilot we will tell you if we need anything.

Yoda: Yes, to this new adventure we should get going.

As both Jedi master arrive at the hangar with the ice that once covered the ship now becoming water.

Plo-koon: We should try to reestablish the ships power generator, maybe that way we could access the navigation computer.

Yoda: A wise decision that is.

As they arrived at the control bridge the two Jedi master were able to restart the ships primary systems and looked throughout the ships computer.

Plo-koon: This ship was transporting younglings to the capital until it was attacked by the Sith empire. This cruiser was actually part of the old republic.

The older Jedi was in deep thoughts seeking with the force if he could find something in the ship that could give a clue of where to search until he felt something, or better yet someone in the ship.

Yoda: Feeling this are you my old friend? Alone we may not be master Plo, caution we must have.

Plo-koon: Indeed my old friend, though I can't hide the confusion of all this, how could someone be in this ship it has been many years since the cruiser was active, it makes no sense.

Yoda: Confusing this is yes, but stop us it will not, back to the hangar we must report what we found we should.

Plo-koon: I agree master.

As both Jedi master arrived at the hangar they noticed new things, the ice was almost completely melted and new things came to the sight of the Jedi. The most astonishing was the four bodies that were there and the lightsabers near them.

Plo-koon: Master Yoda these are lightsabers, four of them to be precise but one of the is cut in half.

Yoda: Yes, a battle these four had.

As both Jedi started inspecting the bodies of the fallen Sith and Jedi they noticed the three older fighters were dead, because one had obviously lost its head and the other two were stabbed in the chest.

Yoda: An aggressive battle this seems to have been, master Plo have you checked the othe body?

Plo-koon: I'm finishing checking the last one, but it seems odd.

Yoda: Odd you say?

Plo-koon: Yes master, it seems this young one doesn't have any serious injuries whatsoever, and it seems he is holding his lightsaber with a strong grip.

Just as he was about to take the young man's lightsaber, something happened that shocked both Jedi master.

The young man opened his eyes in panic and with an impulse of force pushed Plo-koon and ignited his lightsaber showing an orange blade. With a weak voice he said.

???: I won't fail you master Kenji.

Just after these words the mysterious young Jedi fell to the ground unconscious as he continued breathing weakly.

As both Jedi recovered from their shock they quickly moved to aid the young Jedi.

Plo-koon: How is this one alive? How is it possible?

The Jedi master asked the older one who seems to be meditating on the situation they have found themselves in.

Yoda: Strange this is, to the the young one we should take help he needs, after that the decision of to do we will take.

They carried him to the ship and took off as the medical droid did its work, both Jedi went to communicate their discovery to the other Jedis of the council.

Mace Windu: You said you found a child in this ship master Yoda?

Yoda: Indeed found him we did, strong in the force he also is.

Plo-koon: He also seems to be part of the order.

The other Jedi of the council were shocked to hear this, as master Mundi proceed to say.

Mundi: Are you sure he belongs to the order?

Yoda: Yes knowledge in how to use the force he has, only with training that is.

Plo-koon: We also didn't detect any darkness in him, he just seemed to be in shock that's all.

The members of the council looked at each other and master Windu said.

Windu: Bring him to the temple, and after he wakes up we shall discuss how we will proceed with this young one.

After the communication ended the medical droid came to the master Jedis with the diagnosis of their frozen passenger.

Medical droid: He seems to be awakening, his body doesn't have any serious injuries but his body is weak after being frozen all this time. You can go and speak to him but be cautious he may have a violent reaction.

Both Jedi nodded and went to the med bay and as they got there they saw him sitting in the medical bed.

??? POV

I woke up to look at what appears to be a white ceiling, my body felt tense and I could barely hear or see anything. I stood up and sat on the bed while I tried to comprehend what happened to me and where I was. As soon as my mind became clear I had tons of questions, where am I? What happened to the younglings? How I got here? The last thing I remember was my master and I were fighting, and my master was…Then it hit me, my master was dead and I managed to defeat both Siths, but then the nebula hit us and after that nothing.

I was continuing to think what could've happened after that until a voice broke me out of my confusion.

???: Ahh happy to see you awake we are.

Who are you? I asked in a distrustful way, I didn't know who these people were, then the little green guy laughed in a curious way and said.

???: To be afraid you shouldn't be young one, Jedi we are, your ship rescue signal received we did and came to rescue we did.

What the hell is with this little guy way of speaking.

???: Master Yoda is right young one we aren't going to harm you, we just want to know how you ended in that situation?

Now I know who this little guy is, I took a little breath and decided to trust those two.

Y/n: My name is Y/n L/n I am a padawan of the Jedi order, my master and I were on a mission to look for a missing ship that carried younglings to the Jedi temple when the ship disappeared. We found the young ones, but we were expected by two Siths, we fought them and won. But my master couldn't make it. I said the last part with a sad tone that was noticed by the two Jedi master.

???: You should not be sad young one, your master is now one with the living force and he shall always be with you.

Yoda: Yes master Plo-koon is right, death part of our journey it is.

I nodded to them and then continued to explain.

Y/n: As the battle ended the ship was caught in a freezing nebula, the ship my master and I came in was able to get out of there with the younglings. After that I woke up and pushed you master Plo. I'm sorry for what I did.

Plo-koon: Don't worry young one I probably would have done the same.

I have questions I asked both Jedi, how much time has passed since then? Did we win the war? I asked in a hopeful tone.

Master Yoda then laughed and said.

Yoda: Yes, young one the war won by us it was, but many years have passed since then.

This took me by surprise and I couldn't help but ask.

Y/n: I can't believe we won. How long has it been since the war ended?

Plo-koon: It has been more or less a thousand years ago.

Now I was shocked everything I knew was gone and a new era started while I was frozen. I had too much to think about, but we won the war and now the galaxy was at peace. Or so I thought.

I was about to speak when the speaker of the med bay sounded.

Pilot: We are arriving at Coruscant you should prepare for landing.

Yoda: prepare we should, come young padawan we shall get ready.

Plo-koon: Yes, when we get to the Jedi temple, we shall see you get back in shape, and see what you are capable of, who knows maybe you could face the trials sooner than you think.

Yoda: Your experience of war may be a new perspective for the order, helpful could be.

Y/n: Yes masters I'll do my best.

As we entered the atmosphere I was astonished at how the planet changed it was incredible, the images of the attack on the Jedi temple were still fresh in my mind and seeing it again in all its glory was in a way calming, knowing my masters and other brothers and sisters sacrifice to bring peace to the galaxy wasn't in vain.

A new adventure was awaiting me in this new era, I didn't know how I survived all these years, maybe I was lucky or it have been the will of the force.



hope you enjoyed the chapter see you next time.

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