
Inhuman Sorcerer in The MCU

*EVERYTHING BELONGS TO MARVEL AND DISNEY EXCEPT MY ORIGINAL CHARACTERS AND CONCEPTS* A teenager reborn having only live long enough to watch the first avengers movie is thrust into a combo universe of the MCU and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. He awakens to completely unrecognisable circumstances being raised by some wizard and apparently he has powers? Maybe he’s a mutant… and why is a bald sorcerer woman rocking me. *THIS IS MY FIRST ATTEMT AT WRITING* So criticism is welcome as long as it’s constructive, I am currently a uni student so I’m not sure how often I’ll upload as well. The cover art is generated by AI, and I use AI to assist in proofreading my writing. You have been warned, I know people don’t appreciate being smacked in the face with AI writing without being told.

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Following Vers

June 12th, 1995 - Earth

Los Angeles - USA

Coulson's screams pierced the air as David accelerated, aiming to catch up to Fury's speeding car. Despite his rapid progress, carrying someone while flying was a new experience for David, something the agent he was carrying was better off not knowing. As they closed in on Fury's vehicle, David noticed Vers leaping onto the back of a train, while Fury's car veered towards the train's next stop. 

"Who should we follow?" David asked Coulson, who struggled to regain his composure. "Follow Fury," Coulson managed to respond amidst his gasps. David complied, attempting to match the car's speed until they finally caught up and flew alongside it, rather than above. Inside, a perplexing sight awaited them. "Why is there another you in the car with him?" David inquired, but Coulson was too stunned to reply. 

Sensing the urgency, David suggested, "You should probably call him or something." Coulson fumbled and dialled Fury's number, but as the call connected and Fury heard Coulson's voice, they witnessed the imposter Coulson attacking Fury, causing him to lose control and the car to veer off the road and crash into a nearby lamppost. "Oh damn," David muttered as he gently set Coulson down and approached the wrecked vehicle with him.

As they approached the wrecked vehicle, Coulson walked, staring wide-eyed at David, who hovered with his ionic Aura active just in case. "So, are you an alien too?" Coulson asked, his voice tinged with disbelief. "Nah, not really anyway!" David replied with a knowing grin, gesturing towards the car. "We should probably get your boss out of that car fast though," he continued, his gaze fixed on the vehicle.

Understanding the gravity of the situation, Coulson rushed to the door and attempted to pull it open, peering inside. What he saw shocked him to the core—both Fury and the imposter Coulson were unconscious. Realising he couldn't get the door open, he turned to David. "Hey, David, right? Could you get him out for me?"

David, finally beginning to calm down after encountering two famous faces from his past life, floated over to the door and started pulling. The metal slowly buckled under his strength, emitting a series of clicking sounds. As the door was just about to snap off, *BOOM*—David was sent flying into the wall of the nearby building, leaving an imprint of his body.

Out jumped the imposter Coulson, holding what looked like an energy weapon, as his skin started slowly shifting into a green alien form. He screamed in David's direction, prompting Coulson to shout, "David!" Momentarily distraught, only for David to float out, unharmed. His blue aura intensified as his eyes glowed blue, and electrical arcs sparked in the palms of his hand.

Before the Skrull could even draw its weapon and Coulson could sigh in relief, David's palm raised in a blur and faced the Skrull's chest. All the excess energy he produced released in a stream of lightning, striking the Skrull dead-on, only stopping when his ionic sense alerted him that the Skrull had fallen unconscious.

"What the… Mother fucker!" shouted Agent Fury from the sidelines, his voice laced with surprise and frustration.

Agent Fury had enough problems to deal with, considering just the one alien and now shapeshifters. He wondered if he was lucky or unlucky at this point. He was about to question David when the kid's face lit up. "Oh! I found her, Bye uncle Coulson!" shouted David before he flew up in the direction of the train station.

"Uncle Coulson??" Fury asked, looking at his subordinate confused.

"Permission to speak freely, sir?" Coulson asked back.

"Speak," replied Fury.

"Wasn't that kind of cool? I think I just flew," Coulson would have gone on if it wasn't for the stink stare Fury was giving him. "No, sir, I have no idea why he called me that," Coulson said.

"Let's return to base for debrief and regrouping. We will have to track her again," Fury ordered.

Back with David, as he flew off into the sky, he landed just outside a train station and entered the underground area to find Vers threatening some random dude. "Maybe she's looking for a shapeshifter?" David mused as he approached her. He tapped her shoulder as she turned around and looked down. "You again?" She asked.

"Me again!" David replied with a smile on his face. "So, um, do you need help looking for something or someone?" David asked, sensing an adventure on the horizon if he followed her. Sadly, he was ignored as she just walked away from him towards the exit.

David was surprised, as usually all the adults he had met up until this point had succumbed to his smiling face. Undeterred, he followed her outside and used his ionic sense to find her in an alley, putting some crystal in her wrist computer. As she left the alley, she looked like she had a destination in mind, so he just activated his ionic Aura and flew onto the roof of the building she was nearby, following her by jumping from building to building using his aura.

David secretly followed Vers, from the abnormal amount of time she spent in a computer cafe and watching as she stole some guy's motorcycle, driving away. With a grin on his face, he jumped off the roof he was on and flew right beside her. "You know, you shouldn't be stealing!" he shouted, attempting to scare her. Sadly, it worked a little too well, and Carol instinctively lifted one of her palms off of the handles as it began to glow a bright golden glow. All David could think was that it was really cool, so cool he developed stars in his eyes as he stared at Vers with newfound respect.

Vers, seeing it was him, sighed in disappointment before being confused by his abilities. She pulled over on the side of the road and said, "How is a being like you present on this planet?" she asked.

"Being like me? I'm not that special," David remarked playfully. "Don't you have somewhere to be?" he asked with an innocent look on his face.

Vers just ignored him and got back on the bike, not wanting to waste Time.

David, seeing she was just going to ignore him, decided to hang back in the air, going higher and higher until he disappeared into the clouds. Vers, deciding she didn't have enough time to focus on the kid, continued driving until she got to Pancho's bar. As she entered the bar, memories she had from the bar began to overlap with the empty bar until she noticed a picture on the wall.

In the picture was a jet, with the exact symbol she had in her memories. She asked the bartender where the picture was taken, where the P.E.G.A.S.U.S facility was. However, Nick Fury greeted her once again, telling her that information was classified, like the file he started on her. The two then talked about the recent events and encounters with the Skrulls. Vers brought up whether Fury was a Skrull, which he told her he wasn't, but she required more proof, revealing that Skrulls can match DNA and only recent memories. They both then sat down as Vers questioned Fury on his history. Vers was able to verify that Fury was not a Skrull but then decided to get him to reveal an embarrassing fact about himself, "If toast is cut diagonally I can't eat it," stated Fury.

David, after following Vers for a while, decided to sneak in the back of the bar to pull a Nick Fury on her and appear from some shadows, only to begin chuckling after he heard what Fury had said, causing both Vers and Fury to turn and notice him. "I guessed you'd be here too," said Fury. "You think I'd miss something that looks like it's going to be this fun?" David asked rhetorically. "I don't know you…" Fury said with a sigh. "Right…" David replied, a little embarrassed. 

Vers shot up and aimed her hands at David while they started glowing without hesitation and asked, "How do we know you're not a Skrull?" She asked. "Shit Vers, he's just a kid!" Fury shouted. David only giggled as a blue aura enveloped him, floating and hovering right in front of her hands. "You can't expect me to take your threats seriously when you only use a minuscule amount of the energy in your body," David said as he sensed an enormous amount of energy within her. Vers just wore a confused face. She was going to ask him what he was talking about, but remembered her mission, ignored him again and asked Fury about his clearance level to find out about Pegasus as her mission was the priority, and the two began working together.

David, left alone at the bar, was starting to feel like they didn't want him around. Though he got over that quickly and began following them from the air again, just a bit further back this time.