

Hello there, Before you dive into reading this novel, I would like to mention that it is not a story written for entertainment purposes. I am writing this as a way to improve my English skills. I work at an IT firm, which means I will only be able to upload 2-3 chapters per week. Please keep in mind that I am not an experienced writer, so expect a mid to low-level novel. However, my colleagues are supporting me, so I hope you can give it a try. Please note that there will be no harem in this novel. There will be a romantic aspect to it, but it will be slowly revealed. The main character is overpowered but likes to be in the spotlight.

The_Zephyrous · Anime und Comics
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49 Chs

CH 019

"don't you think you are going overboard" I asked the brunette who is tightly holding my legs with watery eyes, "please save my sister, she is my only family. I can't live peacefully knowing that she is somewhere struggling to live." Quick backstory here, today when I tried to leave my room for the morning class Katie came and is not letting me live a peaceful life.

There was one more woman whose name was Betty who was the personal assistant of the president, she had been tasked to change my mind and help in the rescue of the hero. "The president is willing to give a complete Island with no tax or any combined authority for you . he is willing to issue a golden state citizenship for this venture. He will also publicise the work." She brought up an enticing offer for me.

I can easily walk past her, I know that. but if I do that I may not get this opportunity ever in my life, I can easily have a country behind my back as a backup if ever a need arises. I looked at her "First get up will you?" I pulled her up but she kept falling.

"I will help, now stand up" I pulled her even harder and made her stand up straight "What if you are lying to me again? Give me an assurance that you will help my sister". I sighed deeply at this point she was in complete red and I could not see the same beauty any more.

I looked at Betty and said, "The rescue mission will be tonight and I don't want anyone else to come with me. I also want the world to know about this, I will also need access to all secret labs like the one you guys had.". Betty gave a gloomy nod before calling to someone. Katie was overjoyed by my reply and was through the roof, "thank you very much." She said hugging me tightly. Her boobs crushed me.

After that I went to the classes, Robert wasn't in the class and was replaced by a different person. this teacher barely moved a muscle, he just sat there and asked us to do our things without making any noise. The following lectures were lacklustre as well. I continued to sleep, while Momo would irregularly knock her book on my head to wake me up. Since the classes were boring and bland, I thought of a proper plan for the rescue mission.

 I first planned to just go to some random planet and say that the hero has died but that would cause civil unrest among the people, from what Timothy told me they have a shortage of heroes which is strange in my books.

I know where to go to find the hero star and stripe, but what I don't know is whether she is alive or not. It has already been a week so, it is possible that she died. First I need to know the situation of the hero only then will I be able to save her.

After the last period, I went to my room where I saw Katie sleeping outside while Betty was standing still. I shook Katie up "Didn't I tell you to that I would save your sister?" I asked, she sheepishly looked at me correcting her hair "Wait, what I am married ?". I bumped my head Into the wall. "Mr Nagisa, I talked with our president, he just asked for one request." Betty said without moving an inch, I knew they wanted to tone down the bargain. "what is it that he needs?" I asked annoyed. "he wants to talk with you," she said taking a phone from her pocket. I nodded and watched as she typed the president's number.

"hello," I heard a firm old male voice from the other end "Sir, Mr Nagisa is here and he is willing to talk with you, sir." Betty said in fluent English. "hand him the phone" the other side responded. I received the phone and raised it to my ears "Hello Mr President" I asked. after a little pause "Hello Nagisa, I am really glad that you are willing to take up this job." He said, "First of all thank you. After all this is over, come to the white house we will have a coffee break" he laughed. "the salary for such a task was attractive to me, so I jumped in" not planning to back down. There was another pause "Oh that, I assure you that the deal stays for anyone. Many pro heroes from our country who knew about the incident are willing to help you if you want." He said, "But since you have particularly asked to be alone. I won't press on that matter.".

There was another pause "I have a request for you, that is for me to use this opportunity in my favor." He said with anticipation "What kind of request sir? You are the president how can I refuse." I said for which the sound of a goofy laugh answered me.

 "well if that's the case, then here is the deal. You take all the glory, but here is the tricky part I will be taking the glory of recruiting you, I talked with Timothy and he reminded me that you are in our country of your own will. That I want to change, the election is coming. I hope you understand. Timothy has already told me about your secrecy when it comes to the actual quirk you hold, I will accept that but I will make up stuff for my campaign. Also, you must wear a suit which is designed for you specifically. These are my requests" he said with period.

 I thought about the whole situation, after seeing the pros and cons. The pros outweighed the cons. "yes mister president. I will agree" I said. after a delay "One more thing, this is optional but can you take Betty with you she has a quirk which lets her hide in plain sight. She will record the whole ordeal.". I accepted the proposal and gave the phone back to Betty. She talked with the president for a couple more minutes before asking "When are we leaving?".