
In MHA with a mutated sharingan

An eccentric girl with an itchy trigger finger gets reborn as the twin sister of Mei Hatsume. With her visual prowess, sharpshooting skills and sisters crazy firearms (that usually explode) she will become the strongest heroine, all the while unknowingly advertising her twins' technological masterpieces. This is my first fanfic so don't expect much. I've also got online classes so I can't upload more than 3 times a week.

AyyyZelos · Anime und Comics
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7 Chs

『 That's one way to die 』

In an endless blank space that can only be perceived as 'perpetual darkness', there is a girl floating around.

The girl in question has tanned skin, piercing dark blue eyes that resemble sapphires, platinum blonde hair that fades into pink extensions and is styled into a long ponytail reaching down to her back. She is dressed in a baggy black hoodie that almost reaches her knees and a pair of tight blue skinny jeans. And this girl is currently, well...

"I'm GoNnA ShoOt yOu In ThE mOuTh, iN tHe MoUth, In ThE mOuTh MYYYY fAiR lAdY!" screeched the horrendous creature in human form in it's failed attempt at singing.

She is currently making what seems to be the mating calls of a rare subspecies of Human called 'dumbass'. This very, very 'special' young lady was floating around in this dark, empty area for god knows how long.

"CEASE THAT AT ONCE! I HAVE NO NEED NOR WANTS TO HEAR THE DYING SOUNDS OF A DONKEY MATING WITH AN DRAGON!" bellowed an ethereal figure of a handsome young man with blue eyes, blonde hair and a quiver of arrows on his back. [ A/N: THEY EXIST I TELL YOU THE DRONKEYS FROM SHREK ARE COMING FOR US! ]

'WHAT THE HELL! That scared the life out of me, not that there is much to scare, I'm pretty sure that I'm dead now after that loud noise of someone slamming open the door' thought the girl.

The young lady fell into a coughing fit, stopping her 'singing' and proceeded to glance up at the figure wearing Greek robes.

"Whatever do you mean kind sir? I'm just an innocent little girl trying to pass the time in here." replied the seemingly 'innocent little girl' clearly attempting to seem clueless and ignore what had just happened a few moments prior.

"I mea- *sigh* you know what? forget it, it doesn't matter much anyway but know this, child. Amongst many other things, I, Apollo, am a god of music and song and I have deemed that for your previous little 'performance' you will only have one ability to carry on to your next life" said the man, now identified as the god Apollo whilst wearing a disgusted expression as if he had witnessed an unspeakable atrocity.

'Ability? Next life? Is this like one of those reincarnation anime where I can actually do something fun instead of sitting on my ass all day?' Thought the girl whilst internally sporting a grin so wide it seemed as if her cheeks would tear apart.

"Did I hear that right? I'm going to be reincarnated? Do I get any wishes?" Asked the girl at a blazingly fast speed showcasing all of her excitement at the current situation.

"Yes, and for attempting to poison my ears with those horrific mating calls you were making earlier on you shall gain an ability at random, you can, however, choose which world you will be reborn in," stated Apollo with a plain face and disinterested tone of voice, clearly wanting to get this over with.

'Ooh I get superpowers and get to choose the world, wait did he just say I was making mating calls?' thought the girl before saying. "Hey, I take offence to that. My singing isn't THAT bad. Right?" clearly in denial over her horrible singing that would make even deaf children cry out in agony.

"I shan't dignify that with a response. Now, let's hurry up and choose your new world you will be reborn into shall we? Some of us have places to be." suggested Apollo as the girl fell into deep thought.

'Okay, I can't choose my powers so which world should I choose? It can't be too dangerous, I don't want to die too early on. It should be relatively similar to earth since I don't know what I'd do without my phone and especially without toilet paper, I already experienced one shortage because of people panic buying and never want to go through that again' thought the girl as she went over different potential low-risk worlds that she could go to, from movies, tv shows, cartoons, to animes and novels of all kinds such as wuxia, fantasy, system, RPG, martial arts, slice of life, shonen and more.

A few minutes later the girl had come to a conclusion. "I want to be reborn in the world of 'My hero academia', as that's the only series I fully remember that has a low chance of my life being put in danger from evil galactic emperors, crazy magic-wielding ninjas or stuck up devils who want to turn you into their slaves (peerages)."

"Okay then, you shall be born a few months before the main character. And now you shall jump onto this mystery block to choose your ability" said Apollo as he waved his hand letting out a white mist that formed into a Golden box with a white '?' mark on all of its sides.

"Is this from 'Super Mario'?" deadpanned the girl, knowing the answer but hoping she wouldn't be in for a world of pain soon. Apollo just smiled and ignored her whilst gesturing for her to position herself directly underneath the floating box.

As she stood beneath the shining block she sharply inhaled, bracing herself for the incoming pain, and jumped upwards, banging her head on the block and being bounced back down as if it was a trampoline.

The block glowed and let out 2 glowing crimson balls of light that entered her body.

"Congratulations child, your ability is the Sharingan." said Apollo with a bored voice as if he had seen this happen before.

'Oh god, why did I get the emo edge lord eyes?!?' she thought as she cried internally due to the hardships these eyes would bring her.

"Oh no! Why have the gods forsaken me so. T^T" Shrieked the girl whilst making a big deal out of her new powers.

Apollo watched the hysterically crying child with amusement for a short while before he spoke up saying "At least half of the people that get the choice of their abilities choose those eyes. I don't see why you are so upset?"

"I'd rather have those other eyes of those guys that always have a stick up their asses, these ones need you to feel emotional pain to ever awaken them and not to mention there's no chakra in this world so I won't be able to use them" venomously spat out the girl, clearly annoyed by her circumstances.

"The Sharingan will be your quirk which would start off at 3 tomoe's and since you would rather have the Byakugan I'll give you a little gift along with nullifying the curse of hatred so you don't have to kill or go through emotional hardships at the cost of taking away your future Mangekyo abilities. Now is there anything else you have to say before you leave?" sighed Apollo, thinking that much should be obvious.

'The Mangekyo Sharingan would make me go blind anyway, plus the regular Sharingan is enough of a cheat along with that insane visual prowess I gain a perfect memory so studying for tests would be easy!'

"Umm, yeah how did I die?" asked the girl, curious about how these events came into fruition.

"It's rather funny actually, you were cleaning the barrel of your gun and somehow managed to shoot yourself in the face when you were startled by your door being slammed open" laughed Apollo.

"Oh, well that's one way to die." mumbled the girl.

"Well then let's get you going, shall we?" said Apollo as he reached for his bow.

"Hold up, what are you doing with that thing?" asked the girl whilst backing away.

'Did I annoy him too much with my rant?' thought the girl, scared for her life.

"Sending you to your new life, of course." grinned Apollo while he grasped the young girl's soul as if it was an arrow and placed it on his bowstring.

"Oh no, this is happening isn't it?" asked the girl in disbelief but she wasn't granted an answer as she was flung far into the distance. *twinkle*.

How'd you guys like our eccentric friend's take on 'london bridge is falling down'?

AyyyZeloscreators' thoughts