
Chapter 15 - A New Plan

The night was still young so she had a lot of time to do things.

She didn't have a clear plan in mind, but a plan wouldn't really matter much in this world as things changed way too often— she just needed to act.

She decided the best course of action would be to expand her hive as big as she could while also building her strength alongside it— as only then would she be able to keep up with anything this world had to through at her.

Expanding her hive was just an obvious action. She was a hive species after all and without her hive what would be the point in her being what she is?

Plus the hive brought a lot of advantages that would continue to show themselves as her hive grew bigger and her bloodline fully unlock.

With that idea in mind, she sent an order to her workers. She had them build a long and complex tunnel system connecting the nest under the forest to an area close to the town.

This way she— and her hive— would have easy access to both places without being seen on the surface.

She didn't want to build too close to the town just yet because she remembered it was an important part of Thor's first movie, being the place where he spent a lot of time.

Shield was in this movie, meaning they would have troops here during this time.

And while she didn't know the current technology level of Shield, she didn't want to risk them having any sort of heat or underground sensory device that could expose her hive.

At least until she developed a way to hide from such sensors. Thankfully she had until 2011 before they came here as far as she could remember, as that was when Thor took place.

These issues also raised another mistake she had been making all this time.

Not eating enough.

She had access to an entire forest but instead of just eating everything she could eat in the forest— gaining as much of the DNA from the animals as she could— she had instead been moving slowly.

She didn't know this wasn't her world so she wasn't in a rush— she thought herself an apex predator and that was why she didn't feel the need to improve faster.

She was a fool— but not anymore.

Now she would eat everything and anything she could in order to gain strength, and she would start that right now.

She ordered her hunters— the ones still in the forest— to hunt down any small animals they could and to collect a multitude of things.

Plants, flowers, herbs, insects, fishes, rabbits, snakes— anything that they were able to kill or collect she ordered them to do so.

She didn't care about causing a mass extinction of that type of animal in the forest because the forest was rather large, not to mention it was merely one small forest in the grand world that was Earth, it didn't matter even if she did.

It that in mind, she wasn't actually going to head back just yet because she wanted to explore the town a bit more first— and it would take them a while to collect a lot of stuff.

So with that in mind she decided to roam the town during the night, looking for a place she could stay or something she could do.

She didn't hate sleeping outside, she was already used to it at this point after all, but she wanted to adjust to sleeping inside once more since she would have to pretend to be human for a while.

So that she could blend in.

Then an idea came to mind— what if she went to the police station?

It was a valid option, she could pretend to be a victim of human trafficking and go to the police station in a haggard look— getting their help.

They would help her get a new identity along with blending it much better with humans.

Her young looks would aid her since they would think she's nothing but a child— and any of the tests they run on her to try and find information on her could easily be faked since she could rearrange her DNA.

Mimicking a human wouldn't be hard, she had already eaten one.

It was risky though— she would be under constant observation the second she expose herself to them, and while that wasn't an issue since she had the hive, it would limit her movement.

No, she had time, she had a few years.

She could do this, it might work out in the end— too bad she would have to ruin the new clothing she just got.

But she decided to give the plan a go, sure it wasn't properly thought out but what was the point in overthinking things when you could just— do it.

With that idea in mind, she had to first make herself look haggard and injured.

She used her claws to cause some ripped parts of her clothing, smearing some dirt on her body to make the clothing and herself looked like she had been true a lot.

She then injured herself, cutting herself with her sharp claws making it seem like she was cut by a knife, she also punched herself a few times to make it look more realistic.

Her clothing and body were now covered in blood and dirt, making her look like a proper victim that had escaped a terrible situation.

However, she didn't forget one important part— her hands and neck.

She had to leave a mark on them to make it seem like she had been bound and choked— so she tightly squeezed her neck with a piece of cloth from her ripped pants, leaving a red mark on the neck.

She did the same for each of her hands— making it seem like she had been tied up.

She slowed her healing processes so it wouldn't heal the wounds right away— making it perfect.

She was now ready to put on an oscar winning show.