
IN LOVE WITH MR ARROGANT (he is arrogant,she is crazy)

Meet Lucy Vega a 24 years old beautiful lady,her parents died when she was 5 years old,she struggled to send herself to school. Coming out with first degree in business,she applied for a job in the best company in New York City. Richard Santiago the CEO of the best company in New York City (glitter company,a come that produces exotic wine)he is 27years old ,he is every ladies dream guy, he is cruel and arrogant after a very painful heartbreak from his ex. What happen when he meet Lucy? and she discovered that he has a sweet side behind those cruel attitude, she was determined to know the cause of it and to Change his cruel attitude to the sweet guy he used to be. Do you think she can fulfill her mission?

GOLDEN_5050 · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 4

💋Bianca pov💋

I entered the restaurant with my new boyfriend Mike, actually i broke with four guys this week or should I say they broke up with me all because of richard.

he has refused to let me have a boyfriend, for crying out loud am twenty but am not allowed to date.

I hope nothing goes wrong.i sat down and ordered for wine ,I was about to gulp the wine when i saw my

brother,ohh gawd am dead,I took the menu on my on the table and covered the side of my face

Lord please help me,I don't know how he always know my whereabouts.i looked up and saw him coming my way ,

he stopped right in front of me,I looked up and saw him starring at me angrily.i forced a smile!

"Hi bro"






💥Richard pov 💥

Lucy get the whole file ready,I am having a dinner meeting with classic wine,a powerful company in New York City.i got to the restaurant ,

my mind was not at rest ,I have not seen Bianca for two days now because am very busy with work,I decided to check where she was with the tracker I put on her necklace which she promised never to take off.

i checked it and found out that she in this restaurant,I searched but could not find her then I saw a lady covering her face with a menu.i know Bianca so well ,

whenever she wants to hide she always use book or clothes to cover her face.

I was glad I saw her but something stopped me,she was with a guy,I became angry .

I walked to her table feeling angry ,she noticed and raised her head up.

"Hi bro "she said

"Bianca what are you doing here and who is this."

He is my boyfriend Mike and we, before she could finish what she was saying I dragged her boyfriend up and punched him ,

"stay away from my sister" I said.

people were now starring at us.

"Richard how could you she said?"

I dragged her outside

"listen Bianca I don't want to see you with any guy"I said.

" Why,for crying out loud I am twenty and old enough to have a boyfriend ,why can't I have a boyfriend,why do you hate me".

"I don't wanna talk about this again" i said.

"Now I know why Scarlett broke up with you, because you are!I

slapped her before she could complete her word .

" Oh gawd i am sorry Bianca,I didn't mean to hit you"i said

" Stay away from me" she said in tears and left.

Now what should i do,I just hit my sister.i hope she doesn't hate me .

I cancelled the meeting ,I need cool off my head in a bar.

"lucy you are coming with me" i said .

"Where to sir"?

"Don't ask me question just follow me".







💎 Lucy pov 💎

I entered the bar,he sat and asked for whisky ,I was still standing,I don't want him to get angry,

"sit "he said.

I sat down looking at him as he finished five bottle of whisky and now he is drunk.

"She hate me "he said

"Who i asked"?


"She thinks i hate her , but don't know am only trying to protect her from getting hurt ."

"Hurt from what?" i asked

"From heart break,I don't want her to live the way am living my life all because of heartbreak" he said .

"Then just apologies to her and tell her the reason you don't want her to have a boyfriend "i said

but it seems he was not listening ,he was just starring at me.

" Sir are you alright" I asked ,

he brought his face closer to mine ,our face were few inches apart.

Oh gawd what is he about to do ,I could feel his breath on my face ,is he about to kiss me.