
IN LOVE WITH MR ARROGANT (he is arrogant,she is crazy)

Meet Lucy Vega a 24 years old beautiful lady,her parents died when she was 5 years old,she struggled to send herself to school. Coming out with first degree in business,she applied for a job in the best company in New York City. Richard Santiago the CEO of the best company in New York City (glitter company,a come that produces exotic wine)he is 27years old ,he is every ladies dream guy, he is cruel and arrogant after a very painful heartbreak from his ex. What happen when he meet Lucy? and she discovered that he has a sweet side behind those cruel attitude, she was determined to know the cause of it and to Change his cruel attitude to the sweet guy he used to be. Do you think she can fulfill her mission?

GOLDEN_5050 · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 5

💎Lucy pov💎

I closed my eyes waiting to feel his lips on mine but felt something on my shoulder,

i opened my eyes and saw his head rested on my shoulder he was sleeping

he really looks cute when sleeping,get a grip of yourself,stop thinking rubbish I said to myself.

I called his guard,they helped me carry him to his car and drove off to his house.

i helped him to his room,took off his shoes and changed his clothes.

Ohhh no it late already I have to start going home,his driver offered to take me home.i got home , change into nightie and slept off.









💥 Richard pov 💥

I woke up and saw that I was in my room,

"how did I get here" I asked myself myself.

the only thing I remember was staring at Lucy that all ,

I got up from the bed and went straight to Bianca room.

I knocked on the door, Bianca please open the door.

"Leave me alone,I don't wanna see you "she said

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to hit you ,just let me explain" I said

She opened the door and I entered.

"Whatever you want to say,say it quick and leave" she said


" Bianca i know you have every right to be mad at me,look i don't hate you i don't just want you to get hurt,I was only trying to protect you from those guys,I didn't want to tell you the reason i broke up with Scarlett,I found out she did not love me but was only after my wealth.i was just thinking the guys you dated are also after your wealth,that why i didn't want you to date because I don't want see my little sis in tears but I will respect whatever decision you make,just be careful" I said.





I was about leaving when she back hugged me,

"thank you bro,you are the best,i love you" she said"

"I love you 😍 too" I said.

I am late for work ,I have to go take my bath,see you later.

I got to work and saw Lucy ,I have to ask her how I got home,but I don't know how to ask.

"Good morning sir" she greeted

"Morning i" answered

"Reschedule the meeting of yesterday to 1pm" i said

"Yes sir "she replied

"Emmm Lucy"

"Yes sir"

"Nevermind you can go"I said,

I guess I will just have to forget about it

" and get me the files I have to sign."






💎 Lucy pov 💎

I left his office to reschedule the meeting,few minutes later I went to his office to summit the files when I tripped on the floor,my butt landing on the floor making the files scattered

"Why can't you for once do your job properly" he yelled

"I'm sorry sir"

" Just shut up and out, seeing you is so irritating" he said.

Ok,I can't take this anymore ,I will have to give him a piece of my mind , but if I do that I will lose my job,I can't.

Control yourself Lucy ,you can do this i said,don't let him get to you ,you need the money


I was about leaving

when I heard him call me disgusting fellow.

"i have heard enough of your rubbish,I won't take it anymore" I yelled.