
IN LOVE WITH MR ARROGANT (he is arrogant,she is crazy)

Meet Lucy Vega a 24 years old beautiful lady,her parents died when she was 5 years old,she struggled to send herself to school. Coming out with first degree in business,she applied for a job in the best company in New York City. Richard Santiago the CEO of the best company in New York City (glitter company,a come that produces exotic wine)he is 27years old ,he is every ladies dream guy, he is cruel and arrogant after a very painful heartbreak from his ex. What happen when he meet Lucy? and she discovered that he has a sweet side behind those cruel attitude, she was determined to know the cause of it and to Change his cruel attitude to the sweet guy he used to be. Do you think she can fulfill her mission?

GOLDEN_5050 · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 3

💎Lucy pov💎

!!OMG I felt my feet sinking to the ground, unbelievable it was the same guy I never wanted to ever meet again.i saw a devilish smile on his lips.

"Should I run away"?I questioned myself

hell no I need the pay for my my up keeping and my house rent was due to be expired in a month


NO I will endure whatever comes my way ,I have to act cool and keep my guide down .

" Good afternoon sir here is the coffee ☕you asked for"I said faking a smile,

" I'm your new secretary ,I will be very pleased to run your order,indeed like I ever wish"I said in my mind.

His smile is making me angry ,I felt like hitting him hard again but I can't, Because he is my boss.

💥 Richard pov💥

I saw her standing elegantly in my office with the cup of coffee ☕ I ordered for,

I smiled like I heard won a jackpot.i will make her working here miserable.let the fun begin I smiled.

Oh yeah welcome,I pretended like I was seeing her for the first time,

"I hope you have been told your work in this establishment"I said looking at her rudely from head to toe.

I can't help but admit she is cute and beautiful,no I can't let that get in my way of revenge ,

"now where is my coffee ☕",

"there it is sir" she handed it to me.

Gosh I yelled how dare you

"sir what is wrong" she asked looking confused and shocked

I love the look of frustration on her face ,I smiled inwardly .

" Sir am sorry for whatever I have done to piss you off"

" how dare you bring me a cold coffee" ,I yelled

"but you asked for it sir ".

" ME!!how dare you lie against me" ,

actually I asked for a cold coffee ☕,but I want to make her feel miserable.

" You are not competent enough for this job, instead of apologizing you are arguing with me, hilarious,do you think i am paying you that huge amount of salary for you to act like an idiot"

she was already sobbing, good I like that, I want her to feel pain.

" Am very sorry,am sorry "she begged

"now get out of my office you scumbag",

she left crying, when she was out, I laughed out loud,suit her right.

Authoress pov

Lucy was crying outside the office,she has never been humiliated like this before