
I will Survive

In a mysterious and treacherous world, Thane finds himself thrust into a desperate struggle for survival. Awakening in an unfamiliar jungle and guided by his father's teachings, Thane must confront the dangers of the alien environment and the darkness within himself if he hopes to survive. In this gripping tale of survival and sacrifice, Thane's resilience is put to the ultimate test as he strives to emerge victorious against impossible odds.

SomethingInterest · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Chapter 4: Survivors and the Unknown

As darkness enveloped the jungle, Thane drifted back into a state of semi-consciousness, a delicate balance between rest and vigilance. Yet, his respite was short-lived, interrupted by the piercing cries that echoed through the night. Each scream jolted him back to awareness, disrupting his attempts at rest. In the midst of the cacophony, Thane distinguished around twenty distinct voices, each a stark reminder of the countless struggles for survival in this harsh and unforgiving realm. Despite his ability to remain alert to his surroundings, the relentless chorus of screams left Thane unable to find true rest, his restlessness mirroring the turmoil of the world around him.

As the first light of dawn pierced through the dense foliage, Thane's thoughts gravitated towards Bead, the memory of the night's horrors weighing heavily upon him. Approaching the spot where Bead had been violently ejected from the shelter, a grotesque sight greeted him: a sizable chunk of flesh nestled within the foliage, a stark reminder of the brutality that lurked in the shadows. His stomach growled involuntarily, prompting a grimace of disgust to contort his features.

In the midst of his revulsion, a fleeting thought crept into Thane's mind—an instinctual pang of hunger and desperation that he quickly quashed with a shudder. A mirthless laugh bubbled up from within him, starting quietly before escalating in volume, echoing through the silent jungle. Amidst his emotional turmoil, Thane remained acutely aware of his surroundings, vigilant and ready to react at a moment's notice if his loud noises alerted anything to his presence.

Just a day ago, he had been with Marcus, his closest friend, envisioning a future of his own; now, he found himself stranded in a hostile wilderness, devoid of answers or certainty. The laughter slowly faded into uncontrollable tears as Thane grappled with the weight of his helplessness. He questioned if there was anything he could have done to aid Bead or the other souls whose cries had pierced the night. Yet, he found solace in the knowledge that his instincts, honed through years of training, reassured him concealing his presence and taking no action last night had been the correct choice.

After the overwhelming surge of emotion subsided, Thane allowed himself a few moments of vulnerability before regaining his composure. With a deep breath, he steadied his emotions, swiftly returning to his usual calm demeanor. His resolve hardened as he focused on the task ahead, a steely determination settling over him.

Despite the gnawing hunger and fatigue, Thane understood that fixating on those issues would serve no purpose. His immediate priorities were clear: fix his shelter, gather information and search for any other potential survivors. While enduring hunger would be unpleasant, Thane knew he could manage for a few days quite easily. In this unforgiving wilderness, knowledge emerged as his greatest ally, and he was determined to seize every opportunity to enhance his chances of survival.

With his mind set on the mission, Thane went through his routine warm-up, followed by a quick bodyweight workout. Each movement was deliberate, a testament to his disciplined training and his commitment to maintaining his physical readiness even in the direst of circumstances.

With each stretch and exertion, Thane felt his muscles awaken, his body responding to the familiar rhythm of his routine. As he completed his exercises, a sense of renewed vigor washed over him, dispelling some of the weariness that had weighed him down. Thane's spirits lifted, a flicker of excitement igniting within him at the prospect of encountering other survivors. Despite the perils of their shared predicament, the thought of companionship buoyed his hopes, infusing him with a newfound determination to face the challenges of the day ahead.

After completing his warm-up routine, Thane wasted no time tending to his immediate needs. With determined strides, he headed back to his shelter, which still bore the scars of the previous night's ordeal. Thane began the arduous task of repairs, reinforcing the structure to ensure greater stability. Once satisfied with the improvements, he turned his attention to collecting water. Retracing his path to the stream he had stumbled upon earlier, Thane scanned the surroundings for any signs of lurking predators before cautiously immersing himself in the cool, refreshing water. The sensation of its cascading flow over his face and body washed away the grime and fatigue of the night, leaving him feeling revitalized.

Content with the rejuvenating dip, Thane filled several modified wooden bowls with the clear stream water, Thane filled several modified wooden bowls with the clear stream water, ensuring a supply for his shelter. With the bowls securely stowed, Thane retraced his steps once more, this time venturing into the uncharted depths of the jungle. It was the part of the wilderness he knew least about, making it his priority for scouting.

As Thane journeyed deeper into the uncharted wilderness, time seemed to blur into a continuous stream of exploration. Along the way, he encountered a variety of unique plants, each adding to the mystique of the jungle. Despite his extensive trek of roughly 15-20 kilometers, signs of other survivors were scarce, limited to occasional hints of the brutal struggle for survival that echoed through the dense foliage.

As he ventured towards what seemed to be a clearing in the dense jungle, Thane's advance was abruptly halted by an unseen obstacle. It was as if an invisible barrier, cold to the touch and utterly imperceptible, barred his way forward. Pushing against the barrier, it remained steadfast. 

With a calculated breath, Thane unleashed a ferocious haymaker punch, channeling all his strength and torque into the blow. The impact reverberated through the air, causing a strange ripple in the barrier where his fist connected. Not satisfied with the result, he shifted his stance, executing a lightning-fast spinning back kick. The force behind the kick was formidable, yet it yielded a similar result—a ripple of distortion shimmered across the barrier.

Feeling slight soreness in his hand and heel from the recoil, Thane moved them up and down a few times, attempting to alleviate the discomfort caused by the forceful strikes.

Realizing the futility of his attempts to breach the barrier, Thane cast his gaze far into the distance. There, in the heart of the clearing, he spotted a faint dirt track and a thin line of smoke trailing into the sky. The sight sparked hope within him, suggesting the presence of other people or perhaps a settlement not far beyond the barrier's reach. However, with his path blocked, Thane resolved to follow the barrier's edge, scouring its perimeter for any signs of openings or weaknesses.

As time passed and Thane ventured onward, despite his thorough examination, there were no openings or weaknesses in the barrier; A strange sense of foreboding began to creep over him. Earlier, while tracing along the edge of the barrier, he had noticed the jungle beyond growing denser, accompanied by a subtle but palpable instinctual warning of danger.

Now, having circled half of the enclosed area, guided by the position of the sun, he found himself at the opposite side of where he had first encountered the barrier. Here, the atmosphere was thick with unease, the jungle beyond the barrier exuding an eerie aura that set his senses on edge. Thane couldn't shake the feeling that deeper within the jungle lay perils beyond comprehension.

Clearing his head, Thane sensed an unspoken warning against lingering. Driven by an urgency he couldn't explain, he pressed forward with quickened speed, the passing of time marked only by the steady rhythm of his footsteps. Reaching his starting point, he comprehended its full extent, a chilling realization sinking in—he was entirely trapped within its unseen confines.

Returning to his camp, Thane's parched throat reminded him of his dire need for water. Swiftly, he set about lighting a small fire, its flickering flames casting dancing shadows around him. Gathering materials he had found earlier, he constructed a rudimentary contraption, intended to boil the stream water and eliminate any potential alien microorganisms lurking within it.

After quenching his thirst, Thane's next move was clear. With a refreshed vigor and guided by his mental map, Thane set out towards the center of the enclosure.

As he moved towards the center he trailed the remnants of the monsters' activities from the previous night. Amidst the aftermath of their hunt, he stumbled upon a diary with tidy, feminine handwriting in French. Nearby, faint blood markings and scraps of hair hinted at the grim fate of their victims.

Along the way, Thane encountered various sites marked by past battles and the scant remains of those who had fallen, each discovery dimming his hopes of finding another survivor. Returning his focus to the diary, amidst its panicked entries, one passage stood out: "Les monstres semblent craindre la lumière," which roughly translates to "The monsters appear afraid of the light."

Intrigued by the revelation in the diary, Thane couldn't dismiss the possibility that its contents held some truth. Recalling the flashes he had seen in the night, he began to entertain a different perspective. Perhaps these bursts of light weren't offensive tactics of the monsters, but rather a defensive measure employed by another entity against them. It was a notion worth considering, one that added another layer of mystery to the enigmatic creatures lurking in the jungle.

Turning his attention back to towards the center, Thane pressed forward until he finally reached his destination. What he found there was deeply unsettling—a pool of black liquid. Its surface shimmered with an unnatural sheen, pulsating as if imbued with a life force of its own.

Ripples danced across its surface, rippling outwards without any discernible external cause. It was a sight unlike anything Thane had ever encountered, filling him with a sense of foreboding about the mysteries lurking within this strange domain.

This mysterious substance held an allure—a tantalizing possibility of unlocking the secrets behind the barriers or the nature of the elusive creatures that prowled the forest.

Cautiously, Thane crouched down, maintaining a safe distance as he examined the enigmatic liquid. Every fiber of his being screamed caution, instincts on high alert, sensing the potential danger lurking within.

In the following moments, Thane waited, observing the black liquid with caution. Sensing no immediate threat from his survival instincts, he began to inch closer. As his hand approached the substance, poised to make contact, it suddenly recoiled, as if repelled by an invisible force akin to two magnetic poles resisting each other's touch.

Recognizing the futility of direct contact, Thane grabbed one of his wooden bowls and cautiously approached the black liquid once more. With deliberate movements, he scooped a small amount into the bowl, relieved to find that the substance remained inert in the presence of the inanimate object.

Satisfied with his collection, Thane carefully secured the bowl containing the enigmatic substance and made his way back to his camp. As the daylight waned, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease, knowing the dangers that lurked in the darkness. Resolved to conduct further tests on the substance later, he hurried back to his camp, unwilling to be caught vulnerable in the night.

Returning to his camp, Thane carefully placed the bowl containing the mysterious substance among others he had gathered earlier. These makeshift containers held various mixtures and samples he had prepared for testing their properties. 

After establishing his camp, Thane shifted his focus to nighttime safety measures. He opted to construct a dummy fire a few hundred meters from his campsite, intrigued by the potential reactions of the monsters to its presence during the night.

In addition, he ensured that he had many small basic firepits which were hidden and set up around his camp. Furthermore, he kept a tiny ember of fire alight close by, careful not to let it release any obvious flashes of light or smoke, ready to be kindled into a full blaze if danger approached.

As dusk settled over the jungle, Thane observed the fading light with a sense of urgency. Although he was eager to conduct preliminary tests on the mysterious black liquid he had collected, he deemed it wiser to postpone his experiments. Instead, he returned to his shelter and prepared himself for the night ahead, entering his repaired shelter, Thane couldn't help glancing over to where Bead had been just the night before. With a quiet sigh he settled into a state of rest.

As Thane slipped into semi-consciousness, the forest plunged into darkness with the fading light of day, a peculiar phenomenon unfolded nearby. The black substance he had collected earlier seemed to stir to life, slowly and eerily dividing into two distinct entities. One part grew darker, twisting and moving in unsettling ways, as if imbued with life, while alongside it, a faintly fluorescent green fluid emerged.

As Thane remained in this semi-conscious state, he seemed to remain unaware of the unfolding events, the black substance began to undergo a strange transformation. Gradually, it coalesced into a miniature version of the monstrous creatures he had encountered the previous night.

However, this entity appeared weaker and was missing several limbs compared to its nocturnal counterparts. Despite the eerie development, Thane remained oblivious to the phenomenon unfolding just a short distance away from him.

As the miniature creature formed from the black substance, it began to exhibit subtle movements, almost as if it was awakening from a dormant state. Seemingly at random, it started to inch its way in Thane's direction, a silent and eerie presence drawing closer.